Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

918 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-21 08:10 ID:bbgAObmX

>>917 It's probably just a temporary pic to help promote the film. In the video below from the Kong promo where he talks about his character, Tom says that he signed onto the project before there was a script written! Interessante. I have thus made peace with the Monkey Movie. Tom wants to be an action hero in an internationally seen film, and now he is one. Would have preferred him in a Star Wars movie, but that's how it crumbles, cookie wise. But if a disciplined and Oscar-winning director like Peter Jackson couldn't create a memorable Kong film update, I don't think that Vogt-Roberts did either. Even though the 2014 Godzilla had phenomenal actors (Juliette Binoche, Bryan Cranston, Ken Watanabe, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, etc.) I remember NONE of it. Kong will come and go, make some bank along the way. And then Tom can return home and strategize.
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