Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

938 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-22 22:37 ID:vHSFHHHc

>>936, >>937 Forgot to mention - TH does a major retcon on the casting for Thor 1, when asked how much he's ever pursued a director: "“I was not shy about letting Kenneth Branagh know how much I wanted to play the part of Loki for the first time.” Uh huh...

939 Name: Anon : 2017-02-22 22:41 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>938 I read this! Not shy in the sense that he told Branagh he wanted Thor!!

941 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-22 23:46 ID:Cfkm26Nl

>>937 Your links are working, Heynon. You're linking the 'fancee way' and they are linked to your name (in blue, as opposed to green). But you can also just cut and paste the url into the body of your comment - both work.

>>936 So if he's reading to alleviate anxiety and is 'reading a lot' then those anxiety levels must be through the roof. Is he also tweeting at 2am to relieve anxiety?

>>938>>939 Yeah, remember when he hired a make-up artist to come to his house so he could do a tape for The Crow remake? And if reddit is to be believed, he asked Mendes to help him shoot a tape for Bond. Always hustling this kid. He was probably an annoying mosquito in KB's ear until KB snapped and agreed to a Thor screen-test.

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