Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

987 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-28 22:13 ID:d3jPrF6S

>>983 Very reserved. Yours Truly will still take credit for something...the color blue, suits in general, pants.

>>983>>986 He's going to have a slightly desperate look while on the RC for a bit longer. It must be like entering Taytodome: he doesn't know if someone's going to throw him a Tayto question.

>>966 As to BL's mountains...I used to think that she was that most hated of creatures: a thin woman with naturally big and well-shaped breasts. But this RC carpet dress has exposed a square boobie. Square boobie = fake boobie. But that's okay, it means I can hate her less!

989 Name: Anon : 2017-02-28 22:56 ID:1IVzbkeo

This was not his best red carpet. He looks ok but only ok.

Square boob indeed....

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