Tom Hiddleston (1000)

202 Name: Heynon : 2017-03-11 15:51 ID:ZlA/bjVC

>>193, >>196, >>199 About his Spanish, at the M. City premiere, he was asking the presenters for words when he had to make his little speech. And I've seen interviews for Spanish outlets where he can understand something said to him in Spanish and answer with a few phrases, but doesn't try to conduct the interview in it. So it probably is "tourist level." And I saw a video with him about his French (I think) where he says that he understands it much better than he speaks it. And another he which he sings a little bit in Italian and says that that's all he knows. So I think he and/or the press exaggerate the number of languages he "speaks," if they mean "speaks fluently."

I have seen a vid of an interview with him in modern Greek, though; I'll try to dig that out. Might be why he thinks of Latin as "dead" - but way to sell youngsters on studying classics!

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