Tom Hiddleston (1000)

221 Name: Anon. : 2017-03-12 18:08 ID:yJqenzwX

>>218>>220 Like everyone, he deserves cynicism if warranted. What the Tele is saying is we are cynics because

  1. TH's relationship with TS was the result of romantic feelings...not publicity
  2. his GG speech was purely about highlighting the problem in SS...not himself or his tv series
  3. he wore that shirt to protect a graze...not...who knows what?
  4. he rushed over to speak to Taffy at 6am to make sure she understood the truth...not to continue a false narrative
  5. Every instance of enthusiasm is genuine...not try-hard attention-seeking

...and a whole load of others. Are we cynics for doubting 'narratives' celebrities present to us? Yes, with good reason. The same is true for TH. I don't think everything he does is disingenuous, far from it. But I'm not so naive as to think everything is true and without ulterior motive. Mostly because I'm not 14.

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