Tom Hiddleston (1000)

256 Name: Sosorry : 2017-03-16 07:40 ID:BhrzIqQY

>>245>>254 Tom still seems to be a social drinker. Tom drank multiple cocktails at that lunch with TS in Nashville, and he drinks quite a bit at wrap parties, and he looked like he'd had quite a few drinks when he was spinning that reporter on the dance floor and DJing after that awards ceremony. In general, we don't see pics of Daniel Craig, or Hugh Laurie, or Jude Law out and about, so I don't think that fans are so wild about Tom that he can't grab a pint at a pub. Although people would notice if he were to go out partying and if he got way out of control. The pics we see of Tom in his neighborhood are prearranged pap walks. I actually think that Tom strategically lets fans take pics with him when he's in a promotional groove, as a sort of fame management tool (although he does value his fans.) And of course, Tom had to take a big step back from overexposure because of the summer antics.
>>255 Tom seems to feel better about his physique when he is lean from running. Does he just feel capable when runs as much as possible? Does looking slim make him feel younger, like when he was in Suburban Shootout? I have no idea. Catherine Deneuve famously said that as you mature, you have to choose between your fanny and your face, because being too slim for your frame makes you look drawn/older in photos.Tom looked good in CP, and post the TNM slim down for Loki. Seems a little narrow in the face, now.

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