Tom Hiddleston (1000)

463 Name: Anon. : 2017-04-17 16:46 ID:Nqx/PiLe

>>460 Far less impressive. Baby was in the hotel room with my MIL - the only person I could get to come as babysitter on short notice. It was me and my supervisor facing questions we couldnt answer, which was on me since it was a shitty paper. My whole argument was he did it once, he will likely do it again, and he values power more than human life - those people are happy to use chemical weapons. The kicker was we were slapped on the wrist for not Erin Brockovitching it enough by pressing the paper further up in govt channels. Not the best few days of my professional life. Probably karma for me criticizing TH so much!

TL; DR I really needed a dirty beer, as we say in humitarian circles.

>>461 Am I alone in fearing another case of accent overload? Scottish instead of Southern, which is better, but trotted out for every interview. It will be good as it really is a return to his wheelhouse.

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