Tom Hiddleston (1000)

49 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-03-04 09:27 ID:Heaven

>>46 About SI reviews, it must be embarrassing to have to older actors who are not the leads, stealing the spotlight in terms of performance.

I read some foreign reviews (not UK or US), they seem to go along with that first review that was posted here as far as the film on the whole is concerned.

There's a first introductory part that it's ok, then a central part, from when they "land" on the island to the final part, that is very silly and mediocre. One journalist wrote that it's like they gave a huge budget to a cinema fan and a cinephile, the result is that the central segment is full of silly dialogues and famous film quotes. The final part is the one with all the action, where the monsters beat the shit out of each other and that's the best part of the movie.

I would say that reviews are as usual indicative, sometimes the audience agree with the critics, sometimes they don't. Sometimes the critics/audience are right, sometimes they are not. We'll see how it does at the box office, they need more than the US to call this film a success.

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