Tom Hiddleston (1000)

502 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-04-29 20:14 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>500 Re: Cannes - unless there's a surprise announcement about an upcoming project, about which they may be waiting until closer to June, I agree with Anon that it's networking.

And it doesn't look as obvious at something more serious like a talk, compared to showing up at a bunch of movie openings that he's not involved in (which he did in 2010/11), or at a bunch events. Whoopi Goldberg once said she went through a particularly thirsty period between The Color Purple and Ghost where she would "show up at the opening of an envelope" to keep her name out there.

>>501 I saw the tweet from someone saying he was in Durham but there was no photo evidence. How do we know for sure? I'm not saying I don't want to see him in the movie, just wondering if it was verified. Since they're filming in multiple cities, the tweet may be a decoy and he may secretly be at the Atlanta location instead.

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