Tom Hiddleston (1000)

506 Name: Sosorry : 2017-05-01 00:40 ID:tW8pBDat

>>501 Tom was spotted north of London on the A1in Grantham/UK on twitter sophie_allen13 on twitter. Perhaps on his way to Durham for IW, but no one knows.
>>504>>505 I have no idea what happened b/twn EO and TH on the set of ISTL (I wasn't under the bed and they're both young and attractive people) but those G&W pics and date night were all staged for PR. Tom only goes to G&W when he wants to be papped. Period. He's always "found" there. And EO has always been media mindful with her PR Au Bon Pain, farmers market, and staged gym pics. EO just hasn't done social media till recently b/c despite being in the Godzilla and Avengers franchises, EO doesn't get consistent big dramatic roles like JLaw, Rooney Mara, or Emily Blunt. Brie L somehow broke out through her indie work. TH was never spotted with a woman the whole 5 months he filmed TNM abroad, at any time. And we know that EO was vacationing with girlfriends in Hawaii b/c her gal pals posted to Instagram. I think that TH assumed that people would automatically believe the TS stunt b/c the only thing his PR team did to build the Loki/Scarlett Witch narrative previously was post two days of pics with EO, and leak rumours to the paps for months till ISTL underperformed at the film festivals.

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