Tom Hiddleston (1000)

745 Name: Unknown : 2017-08-02 16:25 ID:pnSeafij

>>743 No I don't mean this thread. Actually this thread is quite refreshing compared to the sychophants in other forums. In other forums, even one I've been a long time member in without naming it, the thread is inundated with Nannies currently which are the worst that I'm considering of abandoning it together.

I don't consider myself a fan of TH but his constant fail of climbing up the Hollywood ladder of success and recognition is not only much more interesting then any movie he's done but funny as well.

I've always thought he was a fame whore once the first Avengers became a big hit and every time I brought that up his fans would attack me denying he wasn't one until...well the Swift era. But their are still a lot of vocal stans of his that insist he isn't a famewhore.

TBH I don't even think him dating Swift herself was that bad, you like who you like, but its how he blamed everyone else but himself on the stunts he allowed to join in and then when the jig was up he wanted the adoration he had at the height of his popularity during the Avengers era like if nothing happened.

Concerning Swift, I think more fans were angry at him dating her instead of the stunts and constant blaming of others then himself. He threw his fans under the bus and there was this misogynistic undertone from his fans of Swift holding him hostage when he's a 35 year old man at the time. This is a constant theme with his fans when he dates a woman; hate her and proclaim he can do better even tho he hasn't been in a LTR in the longest, so he might not be a catch as his fans proclaim.

I just feel his fanbase is only loyal to him because he tells them what they want to hear and that he panders to them, thats why you get constant reviews from them saying he's great in this or that when his performances haven't been riveting or that great imo. And his stans monopolize every review site out there so objectivity is low.

There's a huge double-edge sword with his fandom. They love him as long as he's single and panders to them but yet they don't actually spend money on the movies he's in with the exception of Loki.

CP being a movie which was practically aimed at the Tumblr demographic but failed at the Box Office. An movie actor's Box Office revenue is extremely important for his career, money talks and studios see that which means he gets more quality work, but his fans don't support him that far. Its either play Loki, do cutesy online vids with fans or do stage theater in which the stan treats the theater as a fan convention or pop star concert.

And when they do see his movies they just talk about how hot he is or the gratuitous semi-nude scenes he's in. Yes he's times he can look kinda odd looking, but these amateur film connoisseurs don't call him out when his acting is lackluster and when he's miscast coughskullislandcough

Sorry for the long post just had to rant there.

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