Tom Hiddleston (1000)

833 Name: Anon. : 2017-08-13 21:21 ID:kOIhz14M

>>831 I think all screenplays have to have an author. In this case he would be more like an editor, unless they 'treated' the original text.

>>832 Despite my use of TH's go to 'Insert Lie Here' fill in, this really wouldn't get a second look in Hollywood or at the US box office - DL, TH, Ivory, etc. I've always found RII one of the more difficult texts - it's not an easy read like TotS, MAaN or JC - and one of the more boring history plays (sorry, Will S).

I think DL is kinda in the same boat as TH. Fans of him and his shows think he's A list but B/B- is probably more accurate in Hollywood's eyes.

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