Tom Hiddleston (1000)

885 Name: Anon. : 2017-08-18 15:58 ID:xwVE9HAY

>>883 She wasn't being rude, with that I'll agree. Nor overly intrusive. But I think she, as most would, given the chance, seemed reluctant for the conversation to end. Her story/language is very telling. She says 'we both stood at the back of the carriage.' How did you both end up there? She's sparse with details here, having been liberal with them before and after. Was the carriage packed so they naturally ended up there because it was the only space? Did he follow her to that location? Did she follow him?

From my time in London and interactions with Foreign Office types, I know that there's not a snowball's he would have ignored her or taken steps to end the conversation. Her or our insistence that he could have just walked away or just stopped talking (by pretending to be mute??!!), does not take into account that for a certain segment of British society chewing off a limb is preferable to the appearance of rudeness - not being rude, just appearing rude. I am of the opinion TH falls into this group.

Maybe TH's 'No' minder could accompany him on train journeys: 'I'm sorry, Mr. Hiddleston is not having conversations today. Thank you and fuck off.'

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