Tom Hiddleston (1000)

920 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-08-19 10:37 ID:Heaven

>>917 Oh come on, I was nasty with this guy in every possible way last summer, but a simple play at RADA doesn't have the power to affect Hollywood producers. Are you saying they'll decide to invest millions on the basis that a small school theatre went sold out?

Before you said that the ballot was used to make sure no critic was present, now you are sure KenB will have seats for friendly critics - odd since even RADA's teachers had to enter the ballot - but let's say that were the case, wouldn't it simply piss off other critics hence ensuring negative comments and nullify this great master plan?

The world isn't just the US, nobody knows that better than Hollywood. Who paid for the last Mission Impossible and Kong film? The Chinese. Does it look like they think TH's is radioactive? No. Does it look like in the EU (the 27) people care about TS? No.

The studios care about getting a return in money, EU, China, Russia, South America, and all the South-East Asia don't care about TS enough for that to condition their opinion of TH - you should have read the Japanese journalists gushing about him during the Kong promo - and all these countries make a difference at the box office.

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