Tom Hiddleston (1000)

934 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-08-21 07:16 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>931 "For example, BC found Imitation Game from the Blacklist script list and told his agent to go after it." - Heynon, how is the Blacklist TV series related to the Imitation Game in this instance?

>>932 Sosorry, you hit it right on the head here: "and now his systematically cultivated Cambridge/RADA/hard working mysterious thespian halo has been knocked off." He cannot afford to be picky anymore if that's what's going on.

I would imagine he wants a career as hot as Tom Hardy's right now, but somehow do it being less busy than Hardy. But he can't have it that way. Like Heynon said in >>931 about thinking scripts would be handed to him from now on the way it was with ISTL, or being asked by A list directors to join in prestige ensemble spots like War Horse or the Woody Allen movie, without having to audition. My guess, or really, what I believe without really knowing the business at all - Hollywood wants to see if he's growing beyond a comicbook character and fauxBond - how far outside his comfort zone has he gone, is he willing to go? ISTL was only the start, and he has to continue finding roles that pull him out of himself. Maybe throwing himself into the theatre and/or a TV series for a few years will be the way he shows he's matured. Tom Hardy has 15 titles somewhere in development - optioned, script, announced, planned, exec prodcer, in a variety of titles and genres....Tom Hiddy has 1 listed, Hard Boiled. Maybe he was auditioning his ass off and getting turned down left and right before Ken solidified the Hamlet run.

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