AA Meets Architecture (6)

1 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 05/01/24(Mon)21:54 ID:Heaven



2 Name: Forbidden 05/01/24(Mon)23:33 ID:Heaven

You don't have permission to access /c/src/1106257394081.jpg on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

3 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 05/01/24(Mon)23:45 ID:Sfb6HeEw

Additionally, a DQN Found error was encountered while trying to use >>1's Post to handle the request.

4 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 05/01/25(Tue)00:21 ID:Heaven

                _ ,, ....   ... _
             ,. - ' ´         ``ヽ 、
          , ‐'´                 \
        ,r'´                    ... \
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.     /,.       i/ヾ/''ヽ     :.、   :.:..  :.:.:.:.:.゙、
    ,r'r'/      /| |    |  |\  :.|、   :.:.:.. .. :.:.:.:.:.',
    /'゙ / .:.;イ .:  / | |      l | ヽ :| ヽ_ i!:.:.:. :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:i Christ, go look for the pic
  /  ,'.:.:/ | .:.:  l   !|     | |   ヽi|-' 、 :| l:.:.:.:l:l.._:.:.:.:.:l on the Cityscapes board then.
    i.:./ | :ハ.:H- 、_ |l      |! ,. -'´ヾ  ヾj l:.:/,|!- ヽ:.:.:l
     |i!  |il |! |!  `ヽ-ヾ 、..-|!´    _,.r  |/〈   }:.:.:.l I need to escape this shitty world.
.    |!   |! !il i 、.._ __,.r     ー--‐''"      )  /:.:.:.: l
        ! { !| 〉   ̄                  /:.:.:.:.:. l
         ヽ ヾ                  /- '´:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ヽ
          |ヽi       ヽ  _,... 、     .イ:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.. \
          | ヽ.      ヽ''"´   |  / |、_:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..\
          !   `ヽ 、_   ヽ、_  ノ ,.ィ´   〉 ⌒::ー' ´ ̄`ヽ、:.:.:.:.:\
         / ,,... --─``=ー-、-´' ´    /  ..::       ヽ:.:.:.:.:.:)
       /.:.:/        .:./  }     /            ゙,:.:.:./
     / .:.:/          { ヾ r‐'ニ '´    ...          }:./
     { .:.:./   ..、        ` ー '´    .:.:.:.:/              l(
.     ヽ、/  ..:.:.:.:.〉            .:.:.:.:.:.:/            リ:.\
       /  .:.:.:/            .:.:.:.:.:.:/            /:.:.:.:.ヽ

5 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 05/01/29(Sat)15:48 ID:Heaven

6 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-07 19:15 ID:6sOepgFE

( ゚ ヮ゚)
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