[TEST] Another TEST Thread [OBLIGATORY] (704, permasaged)

1 Name: Anonymous!!jHlguvSq (Admin) 2005-04-16 01:14 ID:Heaven

@@ ΘQΘ@@@^PPPPPPPP
@@i@EΝEj@ƒ@Post shit in here!
@@i@@@@j @@_QQQQQQQQ@
@@b b@|

692 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2021-11-27 14:20 ID:0zBWlwbN

Hello AA Bar, today we will be having an AA editing session with CTRL+C & CTRL+V!
Let's pick an AA to start with, I chose our good buddy DQN-kun:

@@/iœjiœj @@@@
@@| /MΖƁL
@ //@| |
@‚t@ .‚t

I liked using ‚Σ as a nose on BIPO, so I thought I'd slap one on here too. It's good for giving a tired, old look.
I also wanted him to look sufficiently deranged, and  as eyes is great for that.

@@@@ 
@@/ @ ‚Σ
@@| /MΖƁL
@ //@| |
@‚t@ .‚t

Cheeks? Low hanging eye-bags? Probably the later. It adds to the look.

@@@ @ 
@@/ ° ‚Σ ° |
@@| /MΖƁL
@ //@| |
@‚t@ .‚t

Δ€/@@<- Do enough AA editing and you find lots of single lines with nothing but some characters slapped down to test angles and spacing

The face is starting to take shape a little...

@@() @ ()
@@/ ° ‚Σ °€|
@@| /MΖƁL
@ //@| |
@‚t@ .‚t

@@() @ ()
@@/ ° ‚Σ °€|
@@| /MΖƁL€|

And now we have a neck!

@@@() @ ()
@@@/ ° ‚Σ °€!
@ @ ˜€MΖƁL /

693 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2021-11-27 14:21 ID:0zBWlwbN

For the next step, I like this AA, so I'll be stealing its neck.

@@@@ @@ ^PPR
@@@@@ @/(œ) ..(œ
@@@@@ @|Q'°=]'@_i
@@@@@@@@l @YŒ
@@@@@@@ i@ RΙ
@@@@@@@l @YŒ
@@@@@@ i@ RΙ
@@@@@@l @YŒ
@@@@@ i@ RΙ
@@@@@l @YŒ
@@@Qi@ RΙ_
@@ R€_^~R€__j@ _

@@@@@@@() @ ()
@@@@@@@/ ° ‚Σ °€!
@@@@@ @ ˜€MΖƁL /
@@@@@@@@l @YŒ
@@@@@@@ i@ RΙ
@@@@@@@l @YŒ
@@@@@@ i@ RΙ
@@@@@@l @YŒ
@@@@@ i@ RΙ
@@@@@l @YŒ
@@@Qi@ RΙ_

This squatting body is good too, I already used it in one edit, but it's far too small for this guy. I'll be using it as reference instead.

@@@@@/~R G i@)
@ @@@(ά'‚iΌΙά)

It begins.

@@@@@@ @ ^άR
@@@@@ @ () @ ()
@@@@@@@| ° ‚Σ °€!
@@@@@ @ ˜€MΖƁL /
@@@@@@@ l @YŒ
@@@@@@@i@ RΙ
@@@@@@ l @YŒ
@@@@@@i@ RΙ
@@@@@@l @YŒ
@@@@@ i@ RΙ
@@@@@ l @YŒ
@@@@@i@ RΙ
@@@ , 'ά@@ ά˜€
@@@/@i@@@@ i@ l
@@ q@ T€@@@.)@.|
@@ ƒΑάT `§
@ @ (@@@_

Most of the next edits were done directly on a copy of the previous step without saving intermediates.
My S_JIS editing files always end up full of partial duplicates and bits and pieces, since I copy partially finished chunks when I'm satisfied with them before continuing work.
That way I avoid losing too much when I fuck up.
But here, I was mostly laying down what forms I want the body to have, and there wasn't any intermediate steps worth saving.

@@@@@@ @ @ ^άR
@@@@@ @ @ () @ ()
@@@@@@@@ | ° ‚Σ °€!
@@@@@@@@ Δ€Δͺͺͺ²/|
@@@@@ @ @ ˜€MΖƁL /
@@@@@@@ @ l @YŒ
@@@@@@@@ i@ RΙ
@@@@@@ @ l @YŒ
@@@@@@@ i@ RΙ
@@@@@@@ l @YŒ
@@@@@ @ i@ RΙ
@@@@@ @ l @YŒ
@@@@@ @i@ RΙ
@@@ @, 'άR@/ά˜€
@@@@/@i@@Y @ i@ l
@@ @q@ T€@@@ )@.|
@@ƒΑάT@ ).@ _/@/άR
@@ (@@@_-@‚Ɓ@'@@ @)
@.@ Y @ i.@@@@@ q@@ l
@@@|@@| €@@@_^/@ /
@ ^@@ )@PP@. (@@_
@(Q_^ @@.@@@@@_Q)

694 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2021-11-27 14:22 ID:0zBWlwbN

I wasn't happy with the slope of his back so I gave him more of a slouch.

@@@@@@ @ @ ^άR
@@@@@ @ @ () @ ()
@@@@@@@@ | ° ‚Σ °€!
@@@@@@@@ Δ€Δͺͺͺ²/|
@@@@@ @ @ ˜€MΖƁL /
@@@@@@@ @ l @YŒ
@@@@@@@@ i@ RΙ
@@@@@@ @ l @YŒ
@@@@@@@ i@ RΙ
@@@@@@@ l @YŒ
@@@@@ @ i@ RΙ
@@@@@ @ l @YŒ
@@@@@ @i@ RΙ
@@@ @@, 'άR@/ά˜€€
@@@@^@,@@ Y @ i@@l
@@ @q@ T€@@@@ )@ /
@@ƒΑάT@ )@ @_/@, 'άR
@@ (@@@_- @ ‚Ɓ@'@ @@)
@.@ Y @ i.@@@@@@q@@./
@@@|@@| €@@@_^./@ /
@ ^@@ )@PP@. (@@_
@(Q_^ @@.@@@@@_Q)

I was close to done and all the following edits were small details. I made plenty of copies in case I went down a wrong path and ruined what I'd already made.

@@@@@@ @ @ ^άR
@@@@@ @ @ () @ ()
@@@@@@@@ | ° ‚Σ °€!
@@@@@@@@ Δ€Δͺͺͺ²/|
@@@@@ @ @ ˜€MΖƁL /
@@@@@@@ @ l @YŒ
@@@@@@@@ i@ RΙ
@@@@@@ @ l @YŒ
@@@@@@@ i@ RΙ
@@@@@@@ l @YŒ
@@@@@ @ i@ RΙ
@@@@@ @ l @YŒ
@@@@@ @i@ RΙ
@@@ @@, 'άR@/ά˜€
@@ @q@ T€@@@@@r@ r
@@ƒΑάT@ )@ @_^ , 'άR
@@ (@@@_- @ ‚Ɓ@'@ @@)
@.@ Y @ i.@@@@@@q@@./
@@@|@@| €@@@_^./@ /
@ ^@@ )@PP@. (@@_
@(Q_^ @@.@@@@@_Q)

@@@@@@ @ @ ^άR
@@@@@ @ @ () @ ()
@@@@@@@@ | ° ‚Σ °€!
@@@@@@@@ Δ€Δͺͺͺ²/|
@@@@@ @ @ ˜€MΖƁL /
@@@@@@@ @ l @YŒ
@@@@@@@@ i@ RΙ
@@@@@@ @ l @YŒ
@@@@@@@ i@ RΙ
@@@@@@@ l @YŒ
@@@@@ @ i@ RΙ
@@@@@ @ l @YŒ
@@@@@ @i@ RΙ
@@@ @@, 'άR@/ά˜€
@@ @q@ T€@@@@@r@ r
@@ƒΑάT@Ν.@ @_^ , 'άR
@@ (@@@_Ι @ ‚Ɓ@'@ @@ )
@.@ Y @ i.@ `@@@@q@@ /
@@@|@@| €@@@_^./@ /
@ ^@@ )@PP@. (@@_
@(Q_^ @@.@@@@@_Q)

@@@@@@@ @ @ ^άR
@@@@@@ @ @ () @ ()
@@@@@@@@@ | ° ‚Σ °€!
@@@@@@@@@ Δ€Δͺͺͺ²/|
@@@@@@ @ @ ˜€MΖƁL /
@@@@@@@@ @ l @YŒ
@@@@@@@@@ i@ RΙ
@@@@@@@ @ l @YŒ
@@@@@@@@ i@ RΙ
@@@@@@@@ l @YŒ
@@@@@@ @ i@ RΙ
@@@@@@ @ l @YŒ
@@@@@@ @i@ RΙ
@@@ @@, 'άR@/ά˜€
@@ @q@ T€@@@@@r@ r
@@ƒΑάT@Ν.@ @_^ , 'άR
@@ (@@@_Ι @ ‚Ɓ@'@ @@ )
@.@ Y @ i.@ `@@@@q@@ /
@@@|@@| €@@@_^./@ /
@ ^@@ )@PP@. (@@_
@(Q_^ @@.@@@@@_Q)

And after some final cleanup and last minute decisions, the finished AA!

@@@@@@@ @ @ ^άR
@@@@@@ @ @ () @ ()
@@@@@@@@@ / ° ‚Σ °€!
@@@@@@@@@ Δ€Δͺͺͺ²/|
@@@@@@ @ @ ˜€MΖƁL /
@@@@@@@@ @ l @ƒΑŒ
@@@@@@@@@ i@ RΙ
@@@@@@@ @ l @YŒ
@@@@@@@@ i@ RΙ
@@@@@@@@ l @Y
@@@@@@ @ i@ RΙ
@@@@@@ @ l @Y
@@@@@@ @i@ RΙ
@@@ @@, 'άR@/ά˜€
@@ @q@ T€@@@@@r@ r
@@ƒΑάT@Ν.@ @_^ , 'άR
@@ (@@@_J @ ‚Ɓ@'@ @@.)
@.@ Y @ i.@@@)@.@ q@@ /
@@@|-@.| €@@@_^./@-/
@ ^@@ )@PP.@ (@@ _
@(Q_^ @@@@@ @ ~_Q)

695 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2021-11-27 14:24 ID:0zBWlwbN

And of course, on DQN itself:

Making AA edits is easy! Even a retard like you can do it!
Of course, maybe this message would reach more people if I wasn't posting in a permasaged thread...

696 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2021-11-27 14:51 ID:Heaven


697 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2022-03-11 23:00 ID:0zBWlwbN

Here I've used OrinrinEditor to paste a tanasinn AA into a larger scene.
Orinrineditor is a rather modern AA editor (last update 2015) and is rather interesting in that, when pasting AA together,
it will use unicode spaces to preserve AA appearance when using full-width and half-width spaces is not possible.
This AA has a number of unicode spaces due to OrinrinEditor. I am not sure what the Japanese conventions around their
use are, seeing as I almost never see them used in any finished AA.
@@@@@@@@@@@@_||Q_@@ @ @ ||P|
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698 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2022-03-11 23:05 ID:0zBWlwbN

The same as before, but using only full-width and half-width spaces, all unicode spaces removed manually (hopefully).
This is more or less how iL„tMjEdit would have pasted it. Maybe a bit better in that I made manual adjustments.
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699 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2022-03-11 23:07 ID:0zBWlwbN

The original scene and tanasinn, for reference:

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Chosen arbitrarily for testing the template pasting feature.

700 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2022-03-12 00:01 ID:0zBWlwbN

OrinrinEditor apparently has a mirroring feature. iL„tMjEdit might have it too, but I've never noticed it up til now.
These quick mirroring demos have had no cleanup applied.
Not everything is mirrored cleanly (as not all characters have straightforward reflections) but this would be a massive timesaver
if I was interested in reflecting an AA. It really cuts out all the boring work.

As before, since there's been no cleanup, unicode spaces are used in parts.

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701 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2022-03-12 00:09 ID:0zBWlwbN

I like the mirror tanasinn, I think I'll give it a unicode cleanup and post it to the tanasinn thread.

702 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2023-03-06 16:33 ID:uQLIhoSI

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@@( L[M)@@ @ƒ@Ahhh, here I am! VIPsaurus ask me anything.
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703 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2023-04-01 13:04 ID:z7VoppUl

don't mind me, just testing something

704 Name: Fyodor : 2023-06-06 18:21 ID:SkiMqM1w

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