The Adventures of the Sasuga Brothers (225)

1 Name: FRRRRAP 2005-05-19 00:35 ID:Heaven

@@@@@ @_||@
@@@@ @(Ό| It's high time we started an
@@@@@ / /@English language thread!@
@@@@@/ / @Ι@
@@@@ / /@@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@@That's cool...but what's this
@@@@/ /QΘ @@@iL<_M @j@Ϊ @about "adventures"? You
@@ @/ / L_T`j @@@/@@άi@@@@never leave the house.@@@@@
P_b@ @/PPPPP/@b
PP||@@./ @zOMG@@/@.|@|
“c|@|@_QQQjj_@@ iu@½
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

@@Stop splitting hairs.
@@It's just a figure of speech.
@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ΘQΘ@@@@@Whatever. Oh snap, your
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M @j@Ϊ@browser just crashed again.
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@LOL@@/. |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

@@@@@N...not again
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ iL<_M @j@Ϊ@Way to pick
@@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@/@@άi@@@@porn sites, dumbass!
P_@ ^i@B/PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@x_x@@@/. |@| @@@
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

2 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-05-19 03:25 ID:Heaven

@@@@@ @_||@
@@@@ @(Ό| So... should this be like
@@@@@ / /@a speech bubbles thread?
@@@@@/ / @Ι@
@@@@ / /@@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@@Let's not explain and
@@@@/ /QΘ @@@iL<_M @j@Ϊ @mock people as they stumble
@@ @/ / L_T`j @@@/@@άi@@@@around in ignorance!@@@@
P_b@ @/PPPPP/@b
PP||@@./ @KOPIPE@/@.|@|
“c|@|@_QQQjj_@@ iu@½
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

@@Isn't that kinda mean?
@@I'll do it anyway.
@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ΘQΘ@@@@@Whatever. Oh lookie, your
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M @j@Ϊ@thread just got saged.
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@DQN@@/. |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

@@@@@N...not again
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ iL<_M @j@Ϊ@Anonymous
@@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@/@@άi@@@@does not forgive!
P_@ ^i@B/PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@sage@@/. |@| @@@
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

3 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-05-19 05:40 ID:Heaven

@@Hey, this AA thing is
@@pretty good.
@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ΘQΘ@@@@Post it in the nullpo thread
@@@@@ ΘQΘ @@@iL<_M @j@Ϊ@for safe keeping.
@@@@@i@L_T`j@@@ /@@άi@@@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@LOL@@/. |@|
Ι|||@|@@@@@@ άP

4 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-05-19 21:52 ID:UKBQftXr

@ i@EΝEj@@@|@|@GA !
@‚Ɓ@@@@j@ @ |@|
@@ ‚x@/ƒm@@@ l
@@@ /@j@ @ < @>_ƒ©Ώ
@ Q/‚΅'@^^. ‚uM„DLj/
@iQƒtœc@@@@@ @@/@>>3

5 Name: FRRRRAP 2005-05-21 19:35 ID:SqHiTsbX

It's not a speech bubble thread >>2! We encourage you to
go find more AA of us and think up something witty to say!
@@@@@@@@@@@ ΘQΘ
@@@@@ΘQΘ @iL<_M @jΪDon't you think that's a bit much
Κή݁@@ i #L_T`j@/@@ άi@@to expect from the kind of people
@Κή݁@Ώ@@@_@ @@@|@|@@who hang out here?
@@@ / /ƒ~ @/PPPP/@|
@ Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@ DQN@ / .| .|QQQQ
@ @@@ _/QQQQ/@iu@½

What's the big deal? Look, I can find AA
of us all over the fucking place!
@ Ώ
@ |@| Κ§§§§§@@@ΘQΘ
@Ώ _@ΘQΘ@iL<_M GjΪUmmm, I think you've@@@
@__@(@L_T`)@ /@@ άi@@missed the point.
@ (__Ƃ@@@@_@ @@@|@|
@@(__Ζ‚Β @@/PPPP/@|
@@Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@ SOB@ / .| .|QQQQ
@@@@@ _/QQQQ/@iu@½

hey look at me, I'm Vishnu.
@ @ @/)
@ Ώ //@@@@ @ @ Ώ
@ |„ |„ @@@ @ Ώ/ /@ΘQΘ
@Ώ _ ΘQΘ .|b/ @iL<_M GjΪWow...all that fapping to online porn@
@__ .(@L_T`) |Ό__) /@@ άi@@has given you amazing dexterity.
@ (__Ƃ‚@@@Ό__j / @@ |@|
@@(__Ƃ‚ @/PPPP/@|@|
@@Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@ FAP@ /Q |@|QQQQ
@@@@@ _/QQQQ/@@iu@½

6 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-05-21 20:12 ID:Heaven

_@Frrrrap sure spends a lot of time talking to himself.
@ PPPPΙPPPPPP^PPPPPPPPP
@ @@@@ΘQΘ@@@@@@@ |@Dude seriously needs to get laid.
@ @ @@i@L_T`j @ ΘQΘ@_
@ @@@iά .QQQ_iL<_M @j @ „TPPPPPPPP
@ @ @ |@/.c c^|/@@@@_
.@ @ @| /@c ^ @|@ @ @ @ |
.@QQ|qsάt @ @ |Q_Ό“ρ__)
@ @Ό@ ˜€Γ........,.ƒCQ^
@ @@@@@ƒΔ

7 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-05-21 20:23 ID:qTk02jXB

@@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@ ΘQΘ@ ΘQΘ@@ ΘQΘ
@@@@@@i@L_T`j@@ iL<_ M@j ( L_ΘM)_ΘiL<_MΘ)_Θ
@@@@@@/@@@@R Θ_/Θ@@Θ_Θi@L_T`j@@i@L_T`j
@@@@@ (@ |@ @@|i@L_T`j/i@L_T`j@@@_ΘQΘ@_
@ ΘQΘR½@@ .|@ΘQΘ ‚t@@@ΘQΘ ..iL<_M @j@|@|@In our heads and on the internet
@iL<_M @j@|@@@@iL<_M@j.|@‚x@i@L_T`j ./@@άi . ΘQΘ@we are never alone.
@/ΘQΘR|@.Θ_/Θ@@@@ .|@.|@^@@@_| @@@ | |iL<_M@ j
@i@L_T`j @ i@L_T`j@ΘQΘ@/@@@/PPPP/| |/@@@@_
@/@@@@R@ /@@@@Ri@L_T`j(__Ζ‚Β/@DELL @/..| |QQQQb
@PPPPPPPPPPPP @@_/QQQQ/ iu@½

8 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-05-22 15:49 ID:IY66mQ1A

Je me sens le plus heureux avec cela. Joindre dans, le copain.
@@@@@@@@@@@ ΘQΘ
@@@@@Θ,,,;;,Θ @iL<_M @j cLe fre`re ?
@@@@ i,,:::''';;:;;,,:j@/@@ άi@
@@@@^:::...::::::_@ @@@|@|
@@@ /::.'.:..::...:/:P'::'P:':':.::@|
@ Q_,;;,;;;;;‚Β/::tanasinn,,, /.| .|QQQQ
@ @@@ _/:::,,;;_,,,,_;;;;,,,,;;;/ iu@½

9 Post deleted by moderator.

10 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-05-24 11:53 ID:Heaven

@@@ ΘQΘ @iL<_M @j@ @Dude, why do you always sage everything?
@@@i@L_T`j@/@@ άi @@
@@ ^@@@_@ @@@|@| @@@@@@
@@/@@ @/PPPP/@| @@@@@@@@@
Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@ FMV@ / .| .|QQQQ
@@@ _/QQQQ/@iu@½

Why, is that a bad thing?
@@@ ΘQΘ @i<_M @@j @On I learned that you only sage something
@@@i@@L_Tj@/@@ άi @@which you don't like so that it gets pruned faster!@
@@ ^@@@_@ @@@|@| @@@@@
@@/@@ @/PPPP/@|
Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@ FMV@ / .| .|QQQQ
@@@ _/QQQQ/@iu@½


@@@ ΘQΘ @iL<_M@ j @And I trust moot's words above all!
@@@i@L_T`j@/@@ άi
@@ ^@@@_@ @@@|@|
@@/@@ @/PPPP/@|
Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@ FMV@ / .| .|QQQQ
@@@ _/QQQQ/@iu@½

Say you don't sound like Otoutosha...

@@@ ΘQΘ ƒ°iL<_M@ j
@@@i@L_T`j@/@@ άi@
@@ ^@@@_@@@@ |@|
@@/@@@ /PPPP/@|
Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@ ‚e‚l‚u@/ .| .|Q_
@@@ _/QQQQ/@iu

You're an American! Our evil cousin,
Wapanese-kun! GTFO!

@@@ ΘQΘ @i@Ž_‹j zOOMJ, I fail it!
@@@i@L_T`j@/@@ άi@
@@ ^@@@_@@@@ |@|
@@/@@@ /PPPP/@|
Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@ ‚e‚l‚u@/ .| .|Q_
@@@ _/QQQQ/@iu

11 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-05-30 22:51 ID:GgUYNGgj

@@@@@@@ @ @ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ
@@@@@@ @ @| @Christ, can't I even take a shit without you beeing around?
„ @@@@@@@@@PP|/PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
b@@@ |@@ |@.iQQQQl|@@.b@ @ @ @ @ @ @ bb;;;;;;;;..QQQQQQQQQ
b@@@ |@@ |^QQQQ_|@@ .|@@@ @ @ @ @ @ bb;;;;;^
b@@@ |.@@ P@@@r\- €@@ .il:@ „‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„’„ b;;;;|@Can't you even take a
b@ @ b @ @ @ @ .LIάl l@@@|@ @ ΘQ Θ @„ bbƒ shit without carrying that@
b@ @ bEEE . ._,,-] ;ii; ] l l=-„’|@@ q G . ::::::::j]„£bb@| stupid laptop with you?
b@@@.:!@@@ [Θ“ρΘP _!_ -| .!@@@M7 ..:::::::q@@ bb...._
b@@@ |@@@iG*L_T`j@ .i Ϋ | .|@@@/@@:::::::::R@ bb::::::::.PPPPPPPPPP
b@@^άR@i A@ @ _@|.Ϊ.i@i@@@|@ i@ .:::::::::h. bb;;;;;;;;
b .́PR^! „‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„’R!@.|.b@@ !@.|@...::::::::::li..bb;;;;;;;;
b.i Z jl@i,,-|@DQN@ .iL@)..ii|.b@@ |@.|@@:::::::::i..|bb;;;;;;;;
b.M''°''L Ϊ (@L_.Q_Q__|°''<''''@.!@@ /@ƒ©@@::::::::||bb;;;;;;;;;
b@@@ l@@ƒt@@ —¬@@˜¦Ι! @ .|@@/@/Ɂ@@:::::::::| .!Rb;;;;;;;;;
b@ @ b.^ @.^Ξ@@!^Ɂ@@.|@ / .//@@ @::::::::! .‚hɁb;;;;;;;;;;;
b:@ @ .!/@@^'''''''|@@ |^| @ . i@[Qr@@@ ƒm ::::Ι bb;;;;;;;;;
b@@@ ‚Œ@@qiPP|@@/@ I ,,,,...,,|@@ /@@/ .i@:::::::|..bb;;;;;;;;;;
b @ @ l.|@@| rP .|@@!@/ @'''''.|@ ./ @ ./ @! . :::::i. bb;;;;;;;;;;;
b@@@@i@@| °-- i@@|.ƒm @ @:b@l@@.i @@|@.:::bbb;;;;;;;;;,,,
b@@^_Ɂ@ .j)@@ .j@_.| r @ @. |‚Œ:@.|@ ..l@@ | . :::::! bb;;;;;;;;;,,,
b..^^@R^@@/P .™q' @ @ b @| @ |@@ i .::::::l. bb;;;;;;;;,,,,
b@ iQ,,^@@@(Q,,,ƒm@ @ @ .b@ i@@! @ . | . ::::! bb;;;;;;;;,,,,,,
„€[]\\\\@\\\\\\ '''° !@ l _ @ l@:::::| bb;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .ƒm @.q@ ''°i@::::!.bb::::::::::::::::::

12 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-06-09 02:09 ID:Heaven

Ϊ''" r'ށ@£ );§'"@@'°''"'"±έ'Ό¨,:Ψ ƒn ؁@@@@ ,€-''LPPPMN`RA
Ϊ,@ | (r' ,Ϊ'@@@@]-A@@@@ ²@ΙΪ'@@@@/@@ ,¨@@@@@@@@`RA
² ,@j€_` ށ@;'@@@‚Δi``@@ ___@fށL@@@@ €.£@ _Γ'@,¨ Ɂ@@@@@@@@R,
f/²;'ή /!@ ;'@@@@@@ @,r;<`,έށ@@@@@@ 7;¨ /`°'_,¨Ψ_ƒm_@@@@@@@ ή!
(( l@/ l@@@@@@@@@ iM r'ށ@@@@@@@@V' /_@@@@''7ή¨ƒm¨ ,¨' @@@ ,|
`€@;'@:!@@@@Q@ ':€__;' Ɂ@@@@@@@@@,i Ψ __ή;;Π­@@Q_@'L (@@@@Κ
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13 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-07-28 10:30 ID:KItnVts9

@@( LƒΦ`) /PPPP/
Q_(__Ζ‚Β/@ DELL@ / (EΝE ) Hay Grandpa, what are you doing?
@@@ _/QQQQ/PPPP@

14 Name: = B= 2005-07-28 13:12 ID:Heaven

@@ Ό@nj@/PPP_P./_
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@@@@Something wrong AnijaI

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