The Adventures of the Sasuga Brothers (227)

123 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-08-20 03:46 ID:Heaven

>>122 Blame it all on that !6uEugrVNa6
@@@@asshole. He won't stop stinking up
@@@@the board with his nida bullshit.
@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ÈQÈ@@@@@Be different if he was funnay.
@@@@@ ÈQÈ @@@iL<_M @j@Ú@But the fag is just plain obnoxious.
@@@@@i#L_T`j@@@ /@@Üi@@@@
P_@ ^@@ /PPPPP/.@|@@@@@
PP| /@@@./ @@DQN@@/. |@|
É|||@|@@@@@@ ÜP
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