@i @MƒnLj a study of Sina (432)

1 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-04-06 10:02 ID:jKSLsUv/

@i @MƒnLj< I am the great Sina. Ask me anything, and I shall answer.

183 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-10 19:37 ID:uyHXWKOP

Sina are you mad right now?

184 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-10 19:39 ID:uyHXWKOP

Sina who would win in a fight you or Nida?

185 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-10 20:06 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLjI would le. And >>182 should stop hitting >>180 le.

186 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-10 20:25 ID:57aV2N8Y

( ά„tά) Agh! My glasses! You broke my glasses! You brute!

187 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-10 20:46 ID:uyHXWKOP

Nida what do you do for fun when all the days work is done?

188 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-10 21:16 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLjwrong topic, but I'll ask him le.

<˜€MΝL> who said anything about work nika?

i @MƒnLjyou were supposed to clean my house le.

<˜€M„tL> aigoh...

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That night...

i @MƒnLjspecial tonight!
('beef' with snow peas)
5 yuan (US$0,62) per plate

189 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-10 21:20 ID:57aV2N8Y

( ά„tά) Sina, must you be so heavy-handed in your punishments? Then again, "spare the rod, spoil the child" or something like that.

Also Sina, do you have any sets of glasses lying about that you can loan to me?

190 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-11 03:55 ID:uyHXWKOP

Nida seems to suck at everything. How did you ever find a use for Nida?

191 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-11 10:08 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLjNida is useless, I just keep him around since his stupidity entertains me. As for punishment, he stole 1000 yuan from me earlier, so I said 'if you screw up one more time, you're going to get it!'...and he got it.

192 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-11 12:13 ID:Scp/NIyL

i @MƒnLj I send him relief supplies and the little snot is keeping my trains! NO FOOD FOR HIM!

193 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-11 13:27 ID:57aV2N8Y

( ά„tά) I didn't know you collected trains, Sina. What's it like?

194 Name: !KhhfR9rWiw : 2006-07-11 15:10 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLjIt's like being able to mess with a giant model railroad set from a helicopter le.

195 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-11 15:12 ID:U6c1rSsl

>>194,i # MƒnLjstop posting as me le. You figured out my tripcode le. AI YAAA!

196 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-11 16:29 ID:U6c1rSsl

i # MƒnLjbad call. you didn't get the tripcode, but still...I AM SINA, you are the kimchi-muncher.

197 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-11 19:51 ID:57aV2N8Y

( ά„tά) But both of you (All three of you?) Have the same I.D number! What's going on, Sina? Why would people want to impersonate you?

198 Name: asd : 2006-07-11 20:59 ID:0wHSOhmr


199 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-12 01:34 ID:8y87a3QI

i @MƒnLj I agree le.

200 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-12 05:46 ID:uyHXWKOP

Sina which of you is the real one?

201 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-12 08:41 ID:uyHXWKOP

Oh I forgot 200 GET...

202 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-12 11:59 ID:U6c1rSsl


@@ ΘΘ@@<- hat
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Yeah. I'm the real Sina. Yeah, I'm the real Sina. All those other fake Sinas are asking for a beating. So won't the real Sina please stand up? Please stand up?

203 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-12 14:48 ID:57aV2N8Y

( ά„tά) But I thought Sina hated rap? Something isn't right here...

204 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-12 17:05 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLjall music comes down to a poem, that song was meant to be ironic.

205 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-12 19:42 ID:wSnLzxv5

( ί ƒŽί) Siina, why does Nida have a more awesome thread than you in a quarter of responses?

206 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-12 21:54 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLjbecause Nida is a jackass, and people like jackasses le.

207 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-13 01:48 ID:uyHXWKOP

<˜€MΝL> Sina's thread sucks balls nida. Even though I am a colony of China, my threads are superior nida! KEKEKEKE urinara manse nida!!!

Nida said that. I think you should beat Nida to near death. My question is, how will you make Nida pay?

208 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-13 02:55 ID:wSnLzxv5

( ί ƒŽί)

( ί oί) Whooah. Siina, you summed that up pretty quick.

209 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-13 13:55 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLjYes, I am very concise. As for Nida, I have something planned for him le. Ai yaaaa...it shall be horrible le.

210 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-13 16:19 ID:uyHXWKOP

What Sina please tell us?

211 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-13 17:03 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @^ƒn^jI'm going to drown him in a large vat of kimchi le. Ironic?

212 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-13 17:41 ID:wSnLzxv5

( ^ƒŽ^) Oh Siina! *studio audience laughs*

213 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-13 21:23 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @^ƒn^jand I shall feed his body to a dog le! It's funny since he eats dogs le! Tehehehehehe

214 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-14 07:38 ID:B2Cg0774

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215 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-14 08:01 ID:uyHXWKOP

Sina though that sounds nice why can't you and Nida get along and be friends. Perhaps sing a few camp fire songs together or something...

216 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-14 10:53 ID:1tevhSw7

Charlie don't surf!

217 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-14 13:12 ID:U6c1rSsl


i @^ƒn^jlet's sing this one le.

218 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-14 16:16 ID:uyHXWKOP

Well Sina that is a nice song but the only words I know from that song is fuck Japan. Sina do you have a simpler song we could all sing?

219 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-14 20:27 ID:U6c1rSsl

A lonely swan from the sea flies,
To alight on puddles it does not deign.
Nesting in the poplar of pearls
It spies and questions green birds twain:
"Don't you fear the threat of slings,
Perched on top of branches so high?
Nice clothes invite pointing fingers,
High climbers god's good will defy.
Bird-hunters will crave me in vain,
For I roam the limitless sky."

220 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-15 10:32 ID:uyHXWKOP

That is a nice song Sina. Who wrote it?

221 Name: !Es.79kwMVE : 2006-07-16 00:32 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLj It's not known; it's one of the 300 Tang poems

222 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-16 04:41 ID:Heaven

(`A' )/ chink!!!!

223 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-16 09:14 ID:NHaPStyu

Whay U killed about millions of Tibetan and persecuting them as Nazi did to jewish .

224 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-16 10:00 ID:uyHXWKOP

Sina what do you think of the post above me?

225 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-16 12:24 ID:Heaven

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226 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-16 16:19 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLjThe Tibetans had a civil war le. It was not Chinese who did it, it was the Tibetans themselves le. By the way, the troops I sent up there acquired Tibetan nationality when they crossed into the border le...

>>225 left out the dog-meat bait.

227 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-16 16:27 ID:U6c1rSsl

>>222 => ( xAx )

<˜€MΝL> what is that body doing there nika?

@@^ Žx_ @@ @@@@@
@ i# MƒnLjHelp me drag it to the harbor le.



228 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-17 04:41 ID:8y87a3QI

( ί ƒnί) Sina, are you my grandpa?

229 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-17 18:45 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLjPerhaps, pay for a DNA test and you can find out.

230 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-18 22:15 ID:uyHXWKOP

Sina why do people die?

231 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-19 00:06 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLjusually because I kill them.

232 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-19 00:32 ID:uyHXWKOP

Why do you kill people?

233 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-19 02:39 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLjusually because they give me lip.

234 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-19 06:13 ID:Q+p/rSwg


235 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-19 13:03 ID:U6c1rSsl

@@ ΘΘ@@@ΘΘ@@@
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Indeed, bitches. We here in the PRC are coooooold hearted killers.

236 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-19 13:27 ID:U6c1rSsl

i MƒnLjSick Sina: called sick 'cos he be illin all the damn time.
<˜€MΝL> Killa Kimchi: his aim be deadly and so is his motherfuggin' breath!

237 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-19 14:46 ID:57aV2N8Y

>>235 ( ۞ _۞)Indeed, your heart is as cold and unfeeling as something else quite important, if you know what I mean, hahahaha.

238 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-19 16:21 ID:85EyCX1T

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@@i@ K„DKjƒ@Sina,I executed 37 Tibetanians as a lesson for every one today.
@@ih@@Fh)@@_QQQQGive me medal and money or face the consequences
@@ |./___.F._|@@:;@@@:;i|::::::::::::
@@ iQ_j__j

239 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-19 16:34 ID:uyHXWKOP

Sina I'd hate to say it but aren't you a little harsh...

240 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-19 18:50 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLjwill 5000 yuan do?

241 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-20 19:23 ID:uyHXWKOP


242 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-20 19:59 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLj1 tael gold?

243 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-20 20:00 ID:uyHXWKOP


244 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-20 20:32 ID:U6c1rSsl

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245 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-20 20:49 ID:uyHXWKOP

Holy shit man. If you're going to panic like that forget it. Keep the gold.

246 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-21 03:16 ID:U6c1rSsl

i #MƒnLjI was only expressing shock about the high price of gold le. As Great China has very large forex reserves, we're good for 1 tael le. Take it le.

247 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-21 13:30 ID:9vxQ4ckt

Y'know Sina, for a guy who claims to be such a big shot, you seem to spend way too much time in here. Get a life already.

248 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-21 13:57 ID:uyHXWKOP

Wow Sina is so kind and generous he should rule the world.

249 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-22 00:29 ID:U6c1rSsl

i #MƒnLj...I only play Sina on 4-ch. There is no such thing as 'Sina' in real life, so stop taking it so damn seriously.

250 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-22 01:15 ID:uyHXWKOP

You break my heart.

251 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-22 03:57 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLjLook...this is almost all I have. I'm almost legally blind, my GF left me for someone who can *drive*, and I keep getting nearly run over every time I try to cross a goddamn intersection le. So fuck off ma?

252 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-22 05:07 ID:Heaven

Yeah, how could you see with those little squinty fucking eyes you big chink.

253 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-22 05:20 ID:kxk+RyvY

<˜€MΝL> Please don't feed the trolls nida.

254 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-22 07:18 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLj screw this le. Zai jian.

255 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-22 08:20 ID:CeEKKLtk

Why you chinese have an inferior feeling towards japan?

256 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-22 15:22 ID:uyHXWKOP

Sina I believe in you don't give up! Lets take this thread to 999 get and beyond.

257 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-22 21:10 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLj China never had any inferior feelings toward Japan. Much of Japanese culture is a rip-off of Chinese culture, all the way down to the hanzi / kanji.

258 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-23 17:19 ID:uyHXWKOP

Why does China seem to hate Japan so much?

259 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-24 01:52 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLj because the Japanese killed so many Chinese in WW2. Something like 20 million of us, 300 thousand during the Nanjing massacre alone...

260 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-24 15:03 ID:q7a+XTBT

Sina,what would you like to do with BONIC.
I heared,if all Chinese computers are connected and work.
Even,world most difficult cipher might be broken in just few minutets.

261 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-24 16:10 ID:Heaven

Can you really blame them? You can burn a house down in China and kill three million people.

262 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-24 23:53 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLj I cannot conform or deny the existence of this technology le. As for Tiny Japan making a mess in my country, they were the ones who started this mess le...

263 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-25 21:09 ID:uyHXWKOP

Who would win in a fight you or Maddox?

264 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-26 01:12 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLjwho the hell is Maddox?

265 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-26 01:51 ID:uyHXWKOP

Maddox runs this website (http://maddox.xmission.com/) and he claims he can kick anyones ass.

266 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-26 02:31 ID:U6c1rSsl


267 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-26 02:37 ID:uyHXWKOP

Why does his audacity make you angry?

268 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-26 03:39 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLjI dunno le...it just does le.

269 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-26 21:34 ID:VY7Pjdo4

<˜€MΝL> But you gotta admit, this is funnay nida.

270 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-26 21:35 ID:VY7Pjdo4

<˜€MΝL> Oops, forgot the URL nida.

271 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-27 02:23 ID:uyHXWKOP

See Sina he makes people laugh and that is good.

272 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-27 04:52 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLjok...I try to make you laugh. What is short, has a small penis, and paid Great China tribute for many centuries? Hint: iLΝMj

273 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-28 18:05 ID:uyHXWKOP


274 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-29 06:48 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLjCorrect le! Tiny Japan le!

275 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-29 13:21 ID:yCyG/DL3

Why chinese life is cheap?

276 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-30 08:44 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLjbecause when you play with fire, you get burned no matter how much your life is worth le.

277 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-30 10:52 ID:U6c1rSsl

@@@VΏ ΘQΘ
@@@Όά<,, MΝL>@ƒ Sina, you like pr0n nika?
@@@@ MR_‚Αά/ά‚ƒ
@@@@@@@ ά ά

278 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-30 12:46 ID:U6c1rSsl

i @MƒnLjfuck yeah le.

279 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-31 00:07 ID:BvquB/km

>-[...MΝL...]-< R O B O N I D A H A S I N V A D E D V I A P O R T 6 6 6 N I D A !

280 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-31 00:58 ID:Heaven


281 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-31 08:12 ID:U6c1rSsl

>=( @MƒnL)=< R O B O S I N A B L O C K S I N T R U S I O N B Y A N N O Y I N G C O L O N Y L E.

i #MƒnLjThank you Robosina...as for the swords, I myself prefer AK47s le.

282 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-31 20:23 ID:uyHXWKOP

Sina have you ever played chess by mail?
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