delayclose.jpg (14)

1 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-13 21:29 ID:Zd47Z5bR

is there any delayclose.jpg ascii art?

2 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-18 20:05 ID:Heaven

make it, we work hard you know.

3 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-01-07 06:27 ID:91WigX5A


4 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-01-07 15:20 ID:q2q/Ni7e

Cogito, ergo sum.

5 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-01-07 15:20 ID:q2q/Ni7e

Cogito, ergo sum.

6 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-01-08 16:37 ID:Heaven

sage sage five dolla

7 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-01-18 20:36 ID:Heaven

I've noticed on 4chan's /b/ that people can flood a thread with delayclose.jpg, often uploading just a few seconds apart. Yet I can't even upload two different pictures to two different threads without setting off flood detection. What kind of evil magic are they using?

They usually do this to sage a thread, but it must be keeping the sage from working, because those threads are usually on the front page. Probably because sage doesn't actually lower a thread, it just doesn't bump it. So what they're really doing is "LOL THIS THREAD IS POPULAR WHICH MEANS I'M INCONVENIENCING LOTS OF PEOPLE! THE ULTIMATE GOAL OF EVERY 4CHANNER."

8 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-01-18 23:45 ID:Heaven


> people can flood a thread with delayclose.jpg, often uploading just a few seconds apart.

It's called a hive mind.

9 Name: digg : 2008-01-19 00:15 ID:FcAK79XF

does that also mean delayclose.jpg has special dispensation against the check for duplicate files?

10 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-01-19 09:00 ID:Heaven

@@ ΘQΘ@@^PPPPPPPP
@@i@LΝMjƒIdiots, it is called a flood script. Do you honestly think people flood those one by one.
@@i@@@@j@ _ Also here is sum links to shit up the already shitty 4ailchan.
@@b b@|@@@@_QQQQQQQQ

@ @((@EƒΦ)
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@ @ (ƒΦE@))
.@ ƒm/@ /

@ @ (EƒΦE)
.@ ƒm/@ /U@
@ @ (EƒΦE)˜¦
.@ ƒm/@ /@@Here are your links fags of ye new variety.

11 Name: funny : 2008-01-20 06:39 ID:R/QefDMI

the funniest part of this is that now whenever delayclose.jpg shows up in a thread, it's followed by a bunch of furry porn in retaliation. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

12 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-01-27 17:47 ID:Heaven

@@@@@| _
@@@@@|„DM)@@@No one is here.
@@@@@|Ό@@@@@I can dance now !

@@@τ@@@^ _@@@ RANTA TAN
@@@@@@R(L„DM;)Ι @@RANTA TAN
@@ @ @@@ (@ ‚Φ) @@@RANTA RANTA
@ @ @ @ @@‚­ @@@@@@TAN

@@@@@τ@^ _@@@RANTA RANTA
@@@@@@Ri;L„DMjɁ@@RANTA TAN
@@ @ @@@ (‚ց@ ) @@@RANTA TANTA
@ @ @ @ @@@@ >@@@@TAN

13 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-01-30 15:32 ID:Heaven

@@ ΘQΘ@@^PPPPPPPP
@@i@LΝMjƒI see you, >>12.
@@b b@|@@@@

14 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-02-01 19:23 ID:Heaven

@ @((@EƒΦ)
.@ ƒm/@ /

@ @ (ƒΦE@))
.@ ƒm/@ /

@ @ (EƒΦE) Monar's distracted. I can fap now.
.@ ƒm/@ /U@
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