Sam I Am (58)

1 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-07-26 22:52 ID:8chW7vkO

( ´_⊃`)OK, I'm gettin' sick of all the shit talk in here, while I sit around and say nothing. Ask me anything about America, and I'll give you an honest answer for a change. Fire away.

2 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-27 02:25 ID:DiMfwOmJ

What is America?

3 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-27 03:01 ID:sqRaN0H3

( ゚ ヮ゚) How does AMERICA feel about Mittens? Do you SUKI SUKI MITON GA SUKI them?

4 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-27 03:52 ID:GZ5AMmn7

( ^∀^)Isn't America a continent?

5 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-27 04:50 ID:ikCvmHzJ

(  `ハ´)where's that $800 billion you owe me?

6 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-27 10:16 ID:HnyBH9ff

It's your down payment to the RIAA.

7 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-27 10:31 ID:ikCvmHzJ

( #`ハ´)We can just as easily sell the bonds onto the markets through shell companies without no one so much as noticing a thing le. From there, we can bring down your currency's hegemony by declaring we hold no dollar assets, and peg the yuan to the euro le. Nida?

<丶`∀´> What nika?

( #`ハ´)Let Kim Jong Il do what he wants. He talks alot, but doesn't do a thing without my say-so. Don't discourage him from developing a payload to hit the yankees.

<丶`∀´> Kekekekeke yang-nom.

8 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-07-27 10:40 ID:itRJRhUd

( ´_⊃`)Shit, I'm way behind here.
>>2 America is TWO continents. My country is the USA. So we like to call it America too. So sue us.
>>3 I personally wear gloves. Mittens are for kids and chicks.
>>7 Do that and you will lose the biggest customer for your cheap merchandise in the world. Then your whole economy will collapse. As for the $800 million we owe you, I couldn't care less.

9 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-07-27 10:42 ID:itRJRhUd

( ´_⊃`)I meant $800 billion. Whatever, I'm late for work.

10 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-27 11:16 ID:Heaven

(`∀´) Disrespect to mittens! Uacceptable!

11 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-27 11:38 ID:ikCvmHzJ

( `ハ´)Fine. I sold the $800B in bonds through sevral corporations in the Carribean le. It was then funneled to Hong Kong where we purchased Korean and Chinese equities le. Enjoy your currency depreciation bitch.

<丶`∀´> kekeke the KOSPI is up 5% nida! KEKEKE urinara manse!

12 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-27 14:01 ID:GZ5AMmn7

( ^∀^) Why do USAians (USers? USkies? Americans-but-not-the-continents? Yankies? Yanks? Gringoes? Merikkans?) hate the French so much, more than the Canadians?

13 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-27 15:33 ID:y+BaVddA

( ´_⊃`)
>>11 That currency depreciation means we won't be able to buy any more of your cheaply produced consumer goods. Are you SURE you want to do that?

>>12 We ignore the Canadians altogether unless they've done something that specifically makes us think about them. We don't exactly hate the French either, but we find them irritating and they try our patience. They are attention whores who habitually seek out our attention by undercutting us and insulting us. You need to look no further than the past five years of Middle Eastern history, for instance. Likewise, just after World War II the French were eager proponents of NATO because they were afraid that Stalin would invade them. But just a few years later, they realized that the heaviest fighting would be east of them anyway, so they withdrew from NATO, withdrew their troops from Germany, and demanded that the US leave all military bases on French soil, presumably so that we could defend France on German soil instead. There are many other examples.

14 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-07-27 16:51 ID:ikCvmHzJ

( `ハ´)yes. You are not our only trade partner, and we have been meaning to diversify into more value-added stuff anyway le. We already are, but we need that $800B to help things take off le. Takes money to make money le.

*sells $800B in bonds*

15 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-27 18:57 ID:miZKFthn

( ´_⊃`) Ya know, Sina, you and we have always had some interests in common, like defeating Japan, containing Soviet ambitions in Asia, and now there's this Al Qaeda thing that's causing trouble for us in the Middle East and for you in Xinjiang Province.

I think it's a shame you and us don't get along better. Especially nowadays. We share a common enemy in Islamist terrorism, and I have to wonder why you're so eager to sell weapons to countries like Iran, when they're as likely as not to give them to terrorists in Xinjiang who will use them against your own citizens.

I'm just saying, man. I'm just saying. Shouldn't we try to be friends?

16 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-27 19:05 ID:pUitu/Fy

( ⌒д⌒) So, knowing that China will soon take the mantle of "world's superpower" away from you in only a few more years, how have you planned to deal with this handover of power? What are your plans once the new status quo is achieved?

...Also, what do you think of the British?

17 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-07-27 22:39 ID:MViMbpRS

( ´_⊃`)How dare you imitate me, >>15. Still, I agree with what you say. As for you Sina, quit your fucking strong arm tactics already. You need us a helluva lot worse than we need you. There's plenty of other countries that would like to do more trade with Vietnam, for instance. And trying to sink our economy would be financial suicide for the whole world.

>>16 There will be no "handover". This is a natural cycle as far as countries are concerned. Frankly, I'll be glad when the US finally takes a back seat to some other country. Then the world's attention will be focused on someone else. So all I can say to the Chinese is, be careful of what you wish just might get it. And I love the British, BTW.

18 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-28 01:00 ID:GZ5AMmn7

( ^∀^) Why do you allow your current president to wipe his ass with your beloved Constitution? Is it because of the meager tax cut he gave you?

19 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-07-28 01:45 ID:kshNxWnC

>>18( ´_⊃`)Hey, I didn't vote for the son of a bitch. And I'm fucking angry that my rights are being eroded by "the war on terrorism", which is just an excuse for our country to tap our phone lines and spy on us for whatever lame excuse they have. I see what's going on in this country, and it makes me ill...but I'm only one person. I can't stop these assholes by myself. And by the time all these retards finally realize how they've been buttraped by Bush, this country will be all but ruined. The only thing I can hope is for the shit to hit the fan, and all these religious right-wingers will get what they deserve.

20 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-07-28 01:55 ID:kshNxWnC

( ´_⊃`) Sorry, this thread is getting to be too fucking serious.
I'll lighten things up a bit by showing some gratuitous sex now.

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21 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-28 02:01 ID:sqRaN0H3

( *゚ ヮ゚) Wow Sam! You're the coolest!

22 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-02 14:50 ID:mp72EDik

What is Terrorist?

23 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-03 00:55 ID:+Nnq2iRo

( ´_⊃`) ..A miserable pile of homemade explosives!

24 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-08-03 02:14 ID:gKrbckP8

>>23 ( ´_⊃`)Feh.
It's anyone who uses terror to manipulate how people think, not just a mad bomber. The Bush administration is just as full of terrorists as Al Qaida.

25 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-03 11:18 ID:Heaven

( ・∀・)hi, Sam.
Do really many Americans hate Mr. Bush?
I feel he is hard off a little, likes joking and normal man.
Is it because of his military acction or are there other reasons?

26 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-08-04 03:11 ID:fWoCsTy4

>>25 ( ´_⊃`)Oh, absolutely a lot of people in this country hate Bush. And it's for a lot of reasons. His smarmy attitude, his lies, his "anything for a barrel of oil" logic, and the way he has tricked the religious right into believing he is the president chosen by God. The man hasn't done one damn good thing for this country...gasoline prices have skyrocked as has the national debt, the whole world now despises us because of his shitty behavior, and he has caused a deep divide between many Americans. And worst of all, a lot of good soldiers are dying for no good reason. I dare someone to show me what he's done for this country that's been good.

27 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-04 12:04 ID:Heaven

( ・∀・)thank you for your reply.
is there any way to make American president resign?
in Japan, if the prime minister is too bad, he will be sacked as people declare not supporting or the opponents show their oninion against him and it was accepted.

28 Name: Spicay : 2006-08-04 17:07 ID:n5GcC/R9

(*´_⊃`) <female> The only good thing that Bush has done for us is give us someone to tease the hell out of. And even then, its not all that much fun anymore. So yeah, he hasn't done shit for us. Please pardon the lang.

29 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-04 21:51 ID:2rFiE4TM

( ´_⊃`) Now, don't mind me but-
( ゜_ゝ゜) This guy's attempting to be me, eh?!
( ゜_ゝ゜) Spill the beans, buddy!

30 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-08-05 01:53 ID:fWoCsTy4

>>27( ´_⊃`)Unfortunatly, there is no way to make a president resign in this country. When a president is voted into a four-year term, he has the right to serve that whole term. We need to scrap the antiquated electoral system for federal elections in this country, and replace it with one that allows for a no-confidence vote.

31 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-05 02:07 ID:2rFiE4TM

( ゚ ヮ゚) Dude, this guy's just like Al Franken!

32 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-05 06:34 ID:2rFiE4TM


>>27( ´_⊃`)Unfortunately, there is no way to make a president resign in this country. When a president is voted into a four-year term, he has the right to serve that whole term. We need to scrap the antiquated electoral system for federal elections in this country, and replace it with one that allows for a no-confidence vote.

33 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-05 17:08 ID:Heaven

( ・∀・)why 2 of you gave me the same reply?
anyway thank you a lot.
so you just must stand, even if the president is too bad?
what are his opponents and the media doing?
i think if American people loose their trust for the president so much, some surious problems happen to run your country.
i wonder Mr. Bush did something to soothe American people.

34 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-05 17:47 ID:2rFiE4TM

( ゚ ヮ゚) lol what

35 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-08-05 22:43 ID:mMM7JVtI

>>31 ( ´_⊃`)Thank you. I consider that to be a big compliment.

>>32 Uhhhh...WTF?

>>33 He's being bashed pretty badly by his opponents right now, as well as by a lot of people in the press. Even a lot of people in congress who once supported him are now backing away, since it's a federal election year, and they're worried his low approval ratings might affect their re-election. As far as soothing the American people, he really hasn't. I feel most people in this country have been so disenchanted with politcs in general, that they just don't want to get involved anymore, which is exactly why the US is in the mess it is right now.

36 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-06 03:17 ID:2rFiE4TM

( ´_⊃`) is a funny face.

37 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-08-06 04:01 ID:mMM7JVtI

>>36( ´_⊃`)It's not as funny as this one.

           /    ヲ___
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38 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-06 16:51 ID:Heaven

( ・∀・)hi, Sam.
you said the US is in the mess it is right now.
could you tell me some example of them?
i thought American people were happy to fight against terrorism and
went to Iraq war.
was it wrong or did American people changed their ideas?

39 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-08-07 03:24 ID:GIGg1xe3

>>38( ´_⊃`)Wow, you have lots of questions, don't you? It's good to know someone does.

The biggest problem is that the two-party system isn't working. The Republicans have a stranglehold on the country because their loyal members are so much more politcally active than Democrats are. And most Democratic politicians don't want to upset voters, so their platform has become more conservative over the years...this is why a lot of voters have become disenchanted. Most Americans believe that Washington is more interested in big corporations than the general public, which for the most part, is right.

As for the war on terrorism, it's this damn war in Iraq that has made most Americans start forgetting what it was all about. There were no terrorist in Iraq before the place is swarming with them. It was supposed to be about getting rid of Osama bin Laden, but when the Bush administration realised there was no money to be made in Afghanistan, they turned their attention to Iraq instead...since there's plenty of oil there. And that's when the lies started about Saddam having weapons of mass destruction started. The only way to make people in this country realise we're in danger is if another big terrorist attack happens, and if that happens, it's gonna be mass chaos next time.

40 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-08 18:35 ID:2rFiE4TM

 ( __ )    
 ( ・∀・)
 ( __ )    

 ( ・∀・)
a litte fat
  (・∀・) Grandpa, what was life like before the internet?

( ゚ ヮ゚) Am I right?

41 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-08-08 20:01 ID:n97CFhIo

>>40( ´_⊃`)I could'nt agree more, and I could'nt care less.

42 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-09 15:35 ID:Heaven

( ゚ ヮ゚)hi, Sam.
how are you?
how did you know 4ch?

43 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-08-09 23:19 ID:L0oe0L6g

>>42( ´_⊃`)Hello. Me fine. A little persocom named Sumomo told me.

44 Name: !jdnQRCO6nQ : 2006-08-10 01:37 ID:ikCvmHzJ

       / 中\  
   ζ  ( ;`ハ´)  ♪can you get the English♪
   ┗─⊂ U )    ♪to sell me more opium ma?♪

45 Name: Deathman.Elf : 2006-08-10 04:56 ID:iD39tYGZ

Heeh there is Pesocons in US as well ( ゚ ヮ゚)

46 Name:   : 2006-08-10 07:27 ID:Heaven

Worst. Sam. Ever.

47 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-08-10 12:30 ID:UxtmDBwq

>>44( ´_⊃`)Oh shit, he's at it again.

48 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-08-10 13:14 ID:UxtmDBwq

     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
     | So these two gaijin walk into a bar...
日M[]0.∨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ./ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
==−−       ∧ ∧ < Shhhh, tencho-san, he's a gaijin.
   ∧ ∧  / ̄\ (゚Д゚ ;) \________________________
  (,, ゚Д゚). /    ∇⊂  l ∧ ∧  /
  (つ∽ )_    ┴ \「 (´⊂_` ) < That I am. Another bourbon on-the-rocks, please.
  | ~~/.       日\ |⊂ |,  \_____________________
      /           \   )〜

49 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-11 02:17 ID:jCF98pFP

               /⌒丶        /⌒\
              /´   ヽ      /、   ヽ
              | /    .\ │ / /    |  
          .    |     .| / ̄\  | .    |  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
              |     ─( ゚ ∀ ゚ )─ノ    ,|< CAN SAITAMA JOIN USA?
          .    |     | \_/      丿  \______
              ノヽ`   ノ/ │ \ `   /
             / ξ,/ソ          \ /
            (       ,/    `´   |ミ
             \   イ  ´         |
              \  ヽ \    八  ノ
                ヽ    ` ー ´人` /
                 \     / ´,、ヽノ
                ノ⌒    /      |
               /            ノ_
               | ノ     ヽ.     \
            /⌒l |.               \
            /  l,丿 ,       ∩       \
           |  /  ´       ω         \
          丿 /   ,     ./   ヽ   ヽ    |
         /  |,   |    /      )\      ヽ
         ヽ ノ    ヽ__,/      . (  _\_     |
         (_)__)|___,/          (__)_)_)ヽ、__/

50 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-11 02:50 ID:nt6m+gcR

( ゚_⊃゚) OH! MY GOD!

51 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-08-11 03:23 ID:uyhzdE/W

>>49(;´_⊃`)Ummmm....that's a pretty damn small package you have there, muscleboy.

52 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-11 03:28 ID:jCF98pFP

               /⌒丶        /⌒\
              /´   ヽ      /、   ヽ
              | /    .\ │ / /    |  
          .    |     .| / ̄\  | .    |  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
              |     ─( ゚ ∀ ゚ )─ノ    ,|< YOU LIKE SMALL PACKAGE?
          .    |     | \_/      丿  \______
              ノヽ`   ノ/ │ \ `   /
             / ξ,/ソ          \ /
            (       ,/    `´   |ミ
             \   イ  ´         |
              \  ヽ \    八  ノ
                ヽ    ` ー ´人` /
                 \     / ´,、ヽノ
                ノ⌒    /      |
               /            ノ_
               | ノ     ヽ.     \
            /⌒l |.               \
            /  l,丿 ,       ∩       \
           |  /  ´       ω         \
          丿 /   ,     ./   ヽ   ヽ    |
         /  |,   |    /      )\      ヽ
         ヽ ノ    ヽ__,/      . (  _\_     |
         (_)__)|___,/          (__)_)_)ヽ、__/

53 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-12 01:03 ID:ikCvmHzJ

 (  `ハ´)tiny Japanese penis le. Chinese have huuuuuuge penises le. that is why Japanese women love Chinese men le.

54 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-12 01:38 ID:jCF98pFP

               /⌒丶        /⌒\
              /´   ヽ      /、   ヽ
              | /    .\ │ / /    |  
          .    |     .| / ̄\  | .    |  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
              |     ─( ゚ ∀ ゚ )─ノ    ,|< ...DOES CHINA LIKE SAITAMA?
          .    |     | \_/      丿  \______
              ノヽ`   ノ/ │ \ `   /
             / ξ,/ソ          \ /
            (       ,/    `´   |ミ
             \   イ  ´         |
              \  ヽ \    八  ノ
                ヽ    ` ー ´人` /
                 \     / ´,、ヽノ
                ノ⌒    /      |
               /            ノ_
               | ノ     ヽ.     \
            /⌒l |.               \
            /  l,丿 ,       ∩       \
           |  /  ´       ω         \
          丿 /   ,     ./   ヽ   ヽ    |
         /  |,   |    /      )\      ヽ
         ヽ ノ    ヽ__,/      . (  _\_     |
         (_)__)|___,/          (__)_)_)ヽ、__/

55 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-08-12 05:17 ID:2cJPDGB9

( ´_⊃`)Feh, enough of these gay muscleboys with steroid shrunken penises.
      Here's more gratuitous sex action for you.

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56 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-06 05:57 ID:Heaven

(,, ゚Д゚)hello Sam. how are you doing?
Japan is celebrating for Princess Kiko and Japanese Imperial family.
She gave a birth for a boy and we are very happy to see the Japanese Imperial family can continue
their line.
    ∧_∧   ∧_∧     ∧,,∧.       /■\
    ( ´∀`)  (・∀・ )    ミ,,゚Д゚彡     ( ´∀`)
    (    ..つォ、   ..つォ、 (ミ   ミつォ、   (つ   つォ、
    人  Y  ((祝))  Y ((祝)) ミ   ミ ((祝)).  ( ヽノ ((祝))
    し(__)   し(__)     し""∪      し(_)
some of Tokyo and Kyoto residents are going to Join Lantern march.

By the way , what is the most famous BBS for American people?
I would like to check out what American people are thinking

57 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-09-07 22:00 ID:Heaven

( ´_⊃`)That would be 4chan. But judging Americans by what's happening on 4chan is like judging Japanese people by what's happening on 2chan. You might want to try a blog like LiveJournal instead.

58 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-08 15:29 ID:Heaven

(,, ゚Д゚)thank you was no useful.
2ch is very big.
There are loads of threads to study something in 2ch and their conversations make me feel like I am in a college and listening a lecture.
But Vippers seem they always think to make tricks and joking.
I am happy to see you are still checking this thread.
have a nice day.
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