1 Name: b : 2006-11-13 18:16 ID:aFljLnPI

             ╱   │@@`F@`rbhhSD.v@@@@@@D
       │         │ ╲@gC@@@@@@@@@@@@@D
   ╱ │/ │∖│@s@b@d@@G@@@@D
│/│ ∖│    │@v@@@@D
│    │     │    │@o@D.

2 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-11-13 18:22 ID:xe6s90S9

The Cylons are within our own ranks. There is nothing we can do.

3 Name: b : 2006-11-15 03:07 ID:aFljLnPI

             ╱   │@@>>2F x@@@@@D
       │         │ ╲@s@b@d@@@@@@@@`@@e@rD
   ╱ │/ │∖│@`@@@@@b@@@@@@D
│/│ ∖│    │@`@b@@@@@@@@D@
│    │     │    │@s@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@sD

4 Name: Commander Cain : 2006-11-17 01:01 ID:aFljLnPI

@ ȁQȁ@@
@i  L_TMj @ The Cylon Empire is about to fall!
@i@@@@j @
@b b@|@@...well, that or I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.

5 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2021-03-03 20:08 ID:8DBgfMvG

@ _____@@
@i @=0=j @ The Cylon Empire is vast and infinite.
@i@@@@j @
@b b@|@@
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