Let's find Japanese culture and traditons from AA - Part 2 (63)

1 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-01-31 11:42 ID:qQTJ4jP0

The first thread has got a problem.
Now let's start a new thread and find Japanese culture and traditions from AA.
                ,,,,,,,,,,,、    ,,-'"゙^   `ヽ,    _,,,‐''" ̄~`''丶,,,,_
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 丶;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_,,,,,,,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l!l''''''''''''"|~~~ ∧∧『茶』 い 『茶』〃〃〃 ,,,-‐
   ,,,,,、ーー'''' """"  |  | |::  ┌┬┐|l■|. . . (=゚ω゚)丿´  ょ `l;;l´  ,,,,-‐'"    ;
      | ∧∧   |  | |::  │││|l◆|.. . (∪茶)|l;;l   ぅ   l;;l ''"  : :: :          i~ ":;、,゙",;.:
      | (*^ー)ノ  ┘ー| |::  └┴┘|l_,,-----、`∪」 l;;l    ,,-‐',,゙;: .;' ,゙;: .;' ,゙;: .;'    /~": ; 、,゙",;.:
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茶店(Cha mise) - a tea shop
Traditionally, these shops provide sweets and green tea for visitors.

2 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-01-31 11:45 ID:qQTJ4jP0

  | |  i*Tll..≡| |  \
  | |! domona !| |    ( ,'3)
  | |  ∧ ∧ | |     人
  | |.  (,,゜Д゜)| |     (  \
  | |  /つつ  | |      \  \
  | |μs ~~~   | |       \  \
  | ~ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄~ |         \  \
  (⌒!二二二!⌒)           \ _)
  |⌒ ⊂⊃  ⌒|            ~
  | О (_O_) О |
  | @  A  B..|
  | C  D  E..|
  | F  G  H..|
  | 〇  〇  〇..|

  | |  i*Tll..≡| | ノ\
  | |! docomo !| | [] []
  | | ∧_∧ | | []  []
  | | ( ・∀・)..| |∧!∧ []
  | | (つ  つ. | |(,,゚д゚)∧!∧
  | |μs ~~~   | | (⊃⊃゚ー゚*)
  | ~ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄~ |/  ノ⊂∞⊃
  (⌒!二二二!⌒),,⊃⊃ |   |〜
  |⌒ ⊂⊃  ⌒|(   U"U
  | О (_O_) О |
  | @  A  B..|
  | C  D  E..|
  | F  G  H..|
  | 〇  〇  〇..|

ストラップ−straps for mobile phones.
Japanese people decorate mobile phones with various straps.

3 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-02-01 09:35 ID:qQTJ4jP0

                                  ,    .:'
                   ,                        .

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書道(syodo) -the art of calligraphy
Syodo is one of Japanese traditional arts which came from China.
There are various ways to write.

4 Name: = _ = : 2007-02-02 02:17 ID:Heaven

.            /    \       
    |       |鬚|      .|鬚|       | 
    |       |鬚|      .|鬚|       |
    |       |鬚|      .|鬚|       |  【掛軸(Kakejiku)/掛物(Kakemono)】 Japanese Hanging scroll.
    |       |鬚|      .|鬚|       |
    |       |鬚|      .|鬚|       |
    |____|鬚|___,|鬚|____|   A kakejiku is a Japanese scroll painting, an ink-and-brush painting
    |一 一一一一一一一一一一 一:|   that hangs n a traditional Japanese house.
    |二二二二二二二二二二二二ニ:|   In a teahouse, or the room called a chashits, which is located in a
    |一|鬚鬚鬚鬚鬚鬚鬚鬚鬚鬚_|一|   secluded garden setting away from the main dwelling, the choice
    |二| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ |二|   of the kakejiku and its complementary flower arrangement help
    |一|                     |一|   set the spiritual mood of the ceremony itself, it perfect harmony
    |二|     r 、  _,.-'''‐.、   .|二|   with the time of year.
    |一|     ) ノ{`' _ ri ノ    .|一|
    |二|    ( (/ ,、`' ど、     |二|
    |一|     ) ,, ゙'   く     |一|
    |二|     し' 〉 }j ト、_,)     |二|
    |一|       `' `-'       . |一|
    |二|       _,.、        |二|
    |一|      / '‐‐、      |一|
    |二|      /  ,ィ |       |二|   http://jyuluck-do.com/AboutKakejiku.html
    |一|     i _  ) | l      .|一|   http://www.ukiyoe-gallery.com/scrolls.htm
    |二|     _! ゙'  )ノ j,.、    |二|    http://www.aisf.or.jp/~jaanus/deta/k/kakemono.htm
    |一|    ( _  ,-、 、‐y'    .|一|
    |二|     `'ノ_ノ `、_)    .|二|
    |一|                     |一|
    |二|       __r 、 ,..、 .     |二|
    |一|    r 、( () ){ (,、     |一|
    |二|    { ノ/ 〃 (,) ({ `i   |二|
    |一| ノl|  )`' '、__,、__,、 |.  .|一|
    |二| 端  ヽ‐'"    '‐''   .|二|
    |一| 康      r 、      |一|
    |二| 刈.   , ‐‐┘└''' ヽ    |二|
    |一|     し'フ ノ、⌒"    .|一|
    |二| 圖   r'  ' ノ ,..、     .|二|
    |一| 圓  ,.`= こ,,.ノ .l   .|一|
    |二|     !、_,ー一'^i,__j   .|二|
    |一|                     |一|
    |一 一一一一一一一一一一 一:|
    |  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ .|
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.     |l||                      |l||
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    川                     川

5 Name: = _ = : 2007-02-02 12:04 ID:Heaven

【二宮金次郎/二宮尊徳(Ninomiya Kinjirou/Ninoniya Sontpku)像】
A statue of Ninomiya Kinjirou(Sontoku)
                              i ヾミミ/ミミヽヾヾヾヾ ヽ》》 )
                     / ̄|ヽ      iミf⌒ヽ乍ミミj´⌒  ヽリ /
                      |  i |   / ̄ミ|( ソミ丿⌒ ,-=.__  /
         r-、f⌒ヽf^ヽ=----._/  / |__  i  i/i、_,      -、__,' /-i
         i ノt__ノi  )ー=-_/  /   |  ̄ヽヽ/、  ヽ       -'"i-'
        /ヽ○f^ヽr-ソ-=___,/   i  |彡i, -'"ヽ ヽ ヽ    / -、ノ
        { ノ´ヽソ_ノ ̄`-=i   {二二ミヽミミヽ  \ ヽ   丶-'
       / ヽ_ノi  )-=_-==Lヽ/    ヽヽミミヽ   ヽ ヽ___,,ノ´     < I'm not a Agent Smith !
       {、_ノ○⌒ヽノ__、、、、、//       i  ミトミi   、 /i|~ ヽ
      / f⌒ヽ_ノ(_)=-_-=/ /      i ノミトミi   ヽ// ≡i
      ヽソーノ( ヽ=─/  /   /   /  |三乍i   ソ/  lミli
     f´ヽ_ノ´⌒ヽソ/   ./   /   ./   |三i≡i   //  lミl i
     ヽf⌒}、__ノ /    /   ./   /  r´ ̄二二ヽ //   lミi j
     ( i、_ノヽ-、i -='⌒ヽ-^──── 、ノ´   _,---' //    リソ、_____
     ヽノ{、_ノ  i              i      ,--'─────────ヽf=/ ̄ヽ
     (´ ノ ヽィ<i              i __,.-''''''゙            //⌒ヽ/ヽヾヽ
     ヽ-=-ソ__ノi ヽ-=-'         i´  ノミミ乍三二≡=────-''///-、 f^ヽヾヽj
      (__ノ´ ヽ=-ヽ            ノ /ミミノ__三二三三三三三j彡´_j_,i
       {、ソ__,ヽ           / jヽ/    ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ_ヽ_ヽヽノ
        ̄´´  / ヽ         /  ヽ        ノ   ゙̄``゙|
           /  /ヽ        i  ノ  fii    -''  i ノ   l
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           ヽ/_,、      ヽ  ノ--'二三二)^j^)⌒i   ヽ ヽ    ノj
              ヽ             ノ//^ヽヾi    ヽ二二',,ノ
There is not the statue which has been chatching unfair handlings.
Before the World War II, this ststue was seen every elementary schools in Japan
as a symbol of study and hard work.
A considerable number was demolished after the war by instructions of GHQ.
And it is demolished now by teachers of the communist who is going to lower a
Japanese level.

6 Name: = _ = : 2007-02-04 18:29 ID:Heaven

                                           | この紋所が
                                           | 目にはいらぬかーっ!
                                              ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       , ─´`─ 、             __,、__            ,. ─´`─ 、
      / **** ヽ             /        \          / ****ヽ
     | *___ *|           <   ___    >         | *___*|
     | /‐-、 ,--\|           ヽ |/      \|/           |/、_ _,\|
     (|  エ   エ  | ヒカエオロー!     | / 二  二 ヽ | カッカッカッ !   (|  (・)  (・)  |)
       |    -    |.             、l  ⌒   ⌒  l,        _   |   ∪   |
      ヽ  -=-  / 「「「「|        ヾ| /.....::.....ヽ. |ソ      |,、-..| ヽ.  -─-  /
    __ヽ__ /_「l」   |     _   ヽ `  ̄ ´ /      (]`=''|ヘ_ヽ__ /_
   /* * *\\// ヽ   ノ     | |  _  llllllllllllll _       └‐.┘" \ \/ /:: ::\
  / * * * * / / *  | |        | |/ /.| |\/| | ヾ \     || | |:: :: :: ::/ / :: :: :: :: ヽ
  | * | * / / * * * ||  ||      .| |ヽ | | |ヽ /| |  |  |      |:::::: |:: :: ::/ /:: :: :: :| :: :: :|
  | * |* / / * * * *|:::::::::|     ||三ソ'|   | |ヽ /'| |  | /|     |::::::::|:: ::/ /:: :: :: :: ::| :: :: :|
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  | * * |/ /* * * * * *|:::::/     ノ.||||| |   | |/  | |  l  |     ヽ::::::| / /:: :: :: :: :: :: :| :: :: ::|
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 |__ |─────‐.┤      ゝ. | | ||   | |二 | |  |_ .|       |──────┤__|
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    ( Y  )  (   Y )       Ll  ( Y  )  Y )        ( Y   )  (  Y )
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【水戸 黄門(Mito Komon)】
With over 1000 episodes aired, Mito Komon is currently the longest running Japanese TV drama in history
which has been presented by Panasonic.
The content of the story is a encouraging the good and punishing the evil story without have consideration.

7 Name: = _ = : 2007-02-04 18:49 ID:Heaven

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_/\__        /⌒ヽ /´⌒ソ´.:.:.:.:.`W´.:.:.:.:.`ヽ、                  ___r==ァ、
\   /          | .:::::i| ○//⌒ヽ `Y⌒ヽ.:.:.:.:.::Y⌒` ヽ、           /   | .:::| \
 |/\|  ̄ ̄Z_   ヽ.:::_ノ ノノ::/ . :. :.:.:.:.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::ヽ ○○.::.:.:.:.ヽ        ,/    | .:::|   \
                | i| .:/::::/|.:.:.:.:l:.:.|l |:::.i:.l:.:.::.:.:..:::.ヽi.:::.:.:.:.:.::.::.: \   r‐-、_,    | .:::|__,-ー―ァ
                | i|‐、 ::.lノト:: /リルレ'| |l ハノヽレへヽヽヽ:.:.:.:.. ヽ、 i      ̄ ̄ ´ ̄         |
             /`ヽi| | l:::|ノ _ノ´" リレ' ´`ヽ、 ル川ヽヽヽヽヽヽ、::l |   <⌒v´{       <⌒v´{  |
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          /      |  lノリリ  `_ア    下ソレ"   lノリソノレレリ |'⌒o。`ー' フ: : : : : : :.\  シ ツ|
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          |       _ノ     ソ ヽ---'ーr-r(ヲ-ヒ)f´      | ,;;::i |   i!::::::ミ:::::::::::::ヾ: : ::,ノ:::::ヽ_o。:::|
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                   ノ | i  .:::i.::::|(二二 `     | : :i |            | .:::|
                  ハ ヽ、__ノ (二二   i    |,;,;:::i |            | .:::|
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 | il | |         /         /  (_{:::.}_,)     ヽ_,ヽ :::i |     | il | |    | .:::|     | il |
 | il | |      /            |     ̄          )i ト,|:::::i |     | il | |   {三三}   | il |
 | il | |     /           |          Y    !i  {ヽ_ _,ノ     | il | |  / /| \ \ | il |
 | il | |    /          ノ  |          |     |i'いー}       | il | | / / | .:::| \ | il |
 | il | |   /          /   |          |     | ソ-(_      | il | | ,/   | .:::lヽ   | il |
 | il | |  /        _ノト、__|           /____,人_,ノ|      | il | l,/   | .:::l;; ヽ  | il |\
 | il | | /         / 二二二 |       /二二二}二二二 |      | il | |     | .:::|ヽ;;;ヽ | il |\
 | il | /          /|  | |  |       /    |  |  |  |       ,| il | |     | .:::| ヽ;;;::| il |
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 | il /        / |  |  | |  |      /     |  |  |  |    /_ | il | |     | .:::|    | il |;;ヽ
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 | /   _/     |  |  | |  |     /      |  |  |  |  / ,/  | il | |     | .:::|    | il | `-
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/        lー、   |  l  |`´i| /        )-、      |  |  |  l `-'   | il | |     `ー´     | il |
i ̄ ̄`Y´⌒ヽ'/    |  |  ` /Y´ ̄ ̄ヽr´//       |  l  |`´i|      | il | l             | il |
し(_(_,(_,l(_ノ/    |  |   (_(_,(_,(_,(_,ノ_//        |  |  `ー'       | il | l             l、__|
`f=======シ       |  |    `========'シ         |  |            | il | |
 `==='        |i` ´i|                      |  |            | il | |
              `ー'                  |i` ´i|         | il | |
                                   `ー'             | il | |
【かき氷(Kaki gouri)】
Kakigouri is a Japanese dessert that consists of shaved ice and syrup on top.
Poetic event of summer of Japan and season word of summer in Haiku.

8 Name: = _ = : 2007-02-04 18:56 ID:Heaven

                        ,f′  _,,..-‐''''''''''¨¨'''‐‐-.,_      _     _,,r、_,r‐-.,_____
                       ! _,r''´        ::...`ヽ、`;、,r'l`ヾ`ヽ,r'´/::::;':::::::::::::`ヽ、`ヽ/レヽ
                       >ー-.,__,    ヽ    ::ヽ::`:ヽ>、!:.:.:.:.:.;y'´:::::::::lヽ'l:ヽ::::::::::::`:/:.:.!::::`、
                      // .:: / !i  i   ヽ    ::::!::ヽ:ヽ;!、:.:.:./::::/:::/::::!  !:::ヽ::::::::::i:.:.:.:.:!::::::;!
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Yukata is Japanese summer cotton kimono.

9 Name: = _ = : 2007-02-04 19:24 ID:Heaven

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【炬燵で蜜柑(Kotatsu de Mikan)】 eat Mikan in a Kotatsu
It is the best in winter to watch TV while eating a mandarin orange in a kotatsu.

10 Name: = _ = : 2007-02-04 19:58 ID:Heaven

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【ゴスロリ(GothLoli=Gothic Lolita)】
Gothic Lolita or "GothLoli" (ゴスロリ, gosurori; sometimes alternatively "Loli-Goth") is
a youth fashion among Japanese teenagers and young women

11 Name: = _ = : 2007-02-04 20:27 ID:Heaven

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【猫耳(Neko Mimi)】cat ears
It is one of the attributes of the Moe charactor.
Otaku (Heavy fans of Japanese cartoons) slang for a cat girl.
Literally meaning "Cat-ear" in Japanese. Usually a girl in cosplay (costume) wearing homemade
cat ears and tail of their favorate character from an anime series (Japanese cartoon).
*Nekomimi Shinkansen(FASTECH360S) is now under developing in Japan. lol

12 Name: = _ = : 2007-02-04 20:46 ID:Heaven

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/,! | | ,r  し' rゝ、 > |::.. iヽ    /       ...:|レ'/ ! ::,     ゙、;;;;;;;ヾ;.、! L!;;;;゙、 |i::. //ヘ-1,イ!}   L,.| !
` ヾ !J     Lハ ト;|::.. | ,>、_,,.イ         ::、|iヾ| | ;  .:    ゙、;;;;;;;;ヾ;.、!|;;;;;;゙! i;:.: |i'`i !// ド! _,..ゝソ|
        ユ , ヘソ!..:. ! ヾ|1i´!;. .:.,.       .::.ヾ 、ソ! .:::.      ゙、;;;;;;;;;;゙y';;;;;;;;;|! ;!: !| /イ!' ;., |^ソ7バ / |
        ゙}゙:.i Y |.. i   レ' ::.. ..:.:ヽ;..     :.:::::ヾ!_i|..:::.:     .. ゙!;;;;;;;/;;;;;;;;;;;;/ | |レ i |! ' ;: ヒゝ¬! / |
        L- r':.,!  |   i::.:. ゙;.,.:::..      、-1 /7/::.. .... ..:.::::::::::::::゙!/;;;;;;;;;;;;/.. .:;':.;ル'/!' i:.:. ゙!Y、 ,!'' !
         _ゝャ`i  ,!   ::..   ::.   __ ,、 ヾ゙|i///::::::::::::;;::::::::::::::::::;:;イ;;;;;;;;;;;;;ム::::;!'/ム//  |:::. 「ゝノ゙i  |
         }゙t! ,!  !   .:      \ヽ! ヽ 7レ'/ _;,.. '-――──┴- 、:::;;;_ソ::::ヾ!ノ,イ、  ';.. |i!-、ヽ| /
         了ソ/ ∧   r -、,-、   ,.>_` Lノヾr´ ̄       __ ,.__、_   ̄ヾソイ! !`,:.  |!| ! / /
         iヾ' /ヽ,゙、  ヽ,_ヽ !'ヽ   ̄L,.イ  .:.|_,,.. - ニ二 ̄ブ'/´`ヾi|ヽ-、-<;:... ヾ  ,、 !レヘ!' /|
         i}' ∧, | !  'ー_'ニイ ,イ!   ..:.::::|.. :.;'::{-‐  ̄ ,.イ´ / ∠:;. | ' /゙ヽ ヾ!  .:: ,」 L// V !
         ゙! ∧ ヽ_」 |   ヾ二Y iト、  :.::::::!::./:.::゙!_,:.. - ヒ,../ ..    /ー'゙ヾ;、 ! ゙、 :::. !ヽレ'ア|    ノ
         N' | 厂ヽ,ヽ   ゝ- / ム  .:.::::|:.'. ::::L. - ''" ヾ, .:::: .::::.: /;..  :.| ;. ゙;! ヽ;:.: ヾYユ ヾヽ, |!
         ゙! /イ   ヾL__r、ゝ-、イ∠、 .::::::|..::: ::;} _,,... . -ト、__,. -ァ--r-、-゙!   |! :. ゙、::.ヽY,.!|_,. ヾ;||
          |/'     、-ヾ、ヲヽr-イ- <>,_:|::::::...{´ ̄    ,..!|-''",,..- 〉、 ヽ|!    |:. i|ニミY,.-!くテー{;|
          !     _,r'-ィ|_トソァ√ヾ'ヽノミ !'::::. ./   _,. イ゙i    ,. -' | ヽ, i :.   ノヾソヘ!イ-! ̄|i
          |    ゝ-イ!rア`ヽ ノ ̄ト< |:..r‐ム‐‐ ''"     _,. - "   !  ヾ| ::.  |!'´ヽ!L ,ノーヘ |
          ゙!   r'tイヽ イヾ ソ-'1 | i |:..ゝ-‐ ''   ,,.. イ|!;       |   | :::  ! イ |´ ,!  !゙i
【振袖(Furisode)】long flowing sleeves kimono
It is the most formal style of kimono worn by unmarried women in Japan

13 Name: = _ = : 2007-02-04 21:44 ID:Heaven

        , -- 、     | , -、      i   , - 、  ,rー-、__  i  ,...、       _rー、__
   , - 、 /    ヽ, --十ーl  ト、L_ -‐十ー(   ,!'"    ヽ,.十(  )、__/  ,r'"    ヽ
|--(  ノ/   も  |  / | \'" |   | / | ヽゝ-ノ え お 見  } |、 `ー '  /`ヽノ  バ  | |
| ヽ`ー' |    |   | /   |   _,, .. 、 | /  |  ヽ,/  っ 兄 な  !.| ヽ   /   ,〈   カ  .〉十
.|  ヽ |  ちょ  !,、-ーニ二三 - ヘ、i`ヽ_    ̄.)  ち ち い |=ー‐-- 、__  イ   バ   {/ |
     |  .い  ノ〃 /, ィ 7/,イi!l|i!,-、-` 、  /!  | ゃ で l_,,... '"´ ,ィ`Yノ    カ  (_
     ヽ  右  // ,ィ / //,/^`''ー-^| l ト、i`ヽ| |  | ん よ !'´,/ // ,イ 〈,   あ /、ヽ`
      ゝ、_ノ/ /イ// ///       | i! l i l 、!〈  | の   |〃 ///,イ/  ト、  っ,/ヽヽ`
       〃/ //l // | ,イ /      ! .l | l i!l l i! ト、_.    _// / ハ // /  ,イ ハ ̄i! l  l!ヽ
        /ハ/l i!_二_リ i i! ー'''ニ二`'l ,イ ! | 川 |l  `! ,-t-イ,イ //,,.レ/i!.ハ  /| /i!.|  i l   | i!
     び i ,イリ l,'´   l,,l  Tiヒエフ|.ノ! l/ハヽ! ハ   ゝ/ノ, イ !/'",=、 |l ! ,' ,レ 、i!l  | i  |
      ち. i ! レト、_,ノ. ヽ、_  _,ノ/ ///`''ヽ/ i   〃//.ハ,イ /:::::i`l  l ,' ,-=ー、| /il l  / l
  び  、 ゃ.   リ| く 、      ̄   /ノ ソ/  _,,...、_ノイ//.ヽl l;::::ノ   i! ./::::::::!ヽリノ /, | i
  ちゃ 。 ゜、ィヾ、 ',  ___        /イ/ /  ll  ヽ//l! ト。O'''´////// .l,:::::::ノ i!ノ/ / !l
 _ ゜ r"!;、 。 `ヘハ ,.ヽ `ー‐ '´      ノ/,ノ { i  ll! l| )' .リレヽl ̄` '''' ー--、`''O。 彡// i! |
  、 i!_,,じ-ー^- 、) ! 。 ヽ  ̄     /  / ∧/|_ vll ///   ,、.-\     _.l,,.. -〃/ ,  ハ !
   ,ィ   ` ゜  `!   ヽ、_ ,、 ' /  l__V `   ゙ ゙´レV ,ィ'´|   `ー,‐ ' " ,r'" ̄`ヽヽ/、 i
 / .|        |   ,-┤    /  ,、┴'ト、.       ヘ__. l /   ! -ー / ,    l.  ヽ
 | ー'.|         |ニ7´ i'"   ,イー'"    /ヽ、      ∠, |/   // l //  ノ _.l
 ! -,|          |,イ⌒i!   /ヽ       / /ヽ`ヽ、     `ヘ/ ///ヽ /  ,イ, "  l!
. |," _,.! _ .... _ |  ! i' ` ┌'´ ,ィ!    ,/ '"    \`ヽ、     ^,Z_ ー-、/ |`' ー '" |  i |
イ!ノ  >ーt---ー '"、 ´ヽl   /_,/  ヽ,/        ヽ__ヽ     <   ヽ |     l! _,, ヾ
ヽ    ノ`|.┤    ヽ  i!_,ノ |__,、../         ,、-'"ヽ  ヽ     > i!/ !      l-、 /
 ヽ, イヽ,|┤      `ーO- '" /          /    _,,..|!.      >' L_     |_, ,'
    ̄` T!-!            /    i  ヽ  /   ,、-'"  i |     _/   lヽ  ̄`ヽ  | /
ヽ    /、|ノ                 !   ヽ/   /     ' !、V\|.ヘ.  |      ` '.」
  `i  〉,/          ,      i!   /  /,       l! | ヽヘ、ヽ、  ヽ      /l
'i   ! ./ |,;'    .:    , i      ;.,l  i! / ノ /      | i!ヽ、ゝ-、_二__    ノ-'ヽ,
. l  l /_..,|'    .;;::,   / !;::.  、   ::;.ヽ l!/  ,/      /  ハ//`ー‐--- -ー ニ ̄   ,/ヽ
   ト、  |    ,;;::,:   /  i..;:,  ヽ  ;:::,. ヽ|"  '      /  ,イ |l`ーt 、_ ̄ ─ __,,,..、'" ヽ  `
【肩たたき(Katatataki)】the practice of tapping on the shoulder
Original meanings of Katatataki was tapping on others shoulder for massaging a stiff schoulder..
However, "Katatataki" is used in another meaning in Japan, after the lifetime employment was collapsed.
In Japan, for example, older workers are expected to accept retirement beginning at 50 years of age.
This system, known as katatataki, literally meaning the "tap on the shoulder", is an established practice
where management applies subtle pressure for voluntary early retirement. 
Indirectly, the system of katatataki reduces unemployment among younger citizens, allowing them
to advance through the ranks by stepping into positions previously held by older workers.
The old employee who is not so important for a company becomes an object of a katatataki .
A person who understand a hint from the boss, and to resign as early is given. some benefit from the
company .  
Those who fail to take a hint are sometimes referred to as "window gazers" (madogiwazoku)
and "marginal employees(genkai shain)"

14 Name: = 。= : 2007-02-06 17:56 ID:mZE6AQfL

             ∠三三ミr三三 、
        刋三三     彡      \三 ミ
        坏三三   _   ー─-‐  ̄ ヽ三_
        {彡三三     ゝ二二二>= jl三非
          {彡三彡 ,イ三三>  { <三三 !三ミ
         _三7 彡 '   `ヽ  /    .ヽl三ノ
        r‐-ミ川  {  <.◯> }  ! <◯>} lノ、
        l、 ヽ}彡   ゝ 二__,ノ   l 、二_ノ  |}/ It never revive if murdered once.
         !{ /i彡,  ゝ-‐'´/厶   ヽ    ,|}l 
_       ヽヽi彡ゞ、 _, --、 `ー‐' ´ !   ミlj  However, I can post the AA again. .
  `ヽ、/{ ̄ヽシ´ ̄ ̄ /    }i l!j i }iミヾ  ミ}  which data are left in my PC
  ___>‐ 、/  ヽ   / ー‐/エエェュヘ川 ミ}  I found destroyed AA data in my PC .
/ , -‐'´`/ ヽ  \    / }こ二二ノ川ミ } j  and post it again to the following thread
 /   / ヽ  \  \  , -‐ 、} } i } i ミ   http://4-ch.net/ascii/kareha.pl/1122749682/6-
./     {   \  \   /    } } i } i i,ノ` -、
l      `ヽ   \  ヽ /⌒ヽ/i } i彡 ヽ    \   I decided to post it to above thread again
l        \__ ノ`ー‐' ゝ__,ノソゝゝミ'/|  \    \  if I discovered a new thing in future.
.\     /   |    \      / |    ヽ
  ー─‐ '     |      >、    /   |    ヽ      ALLAH HU AKBAR. !
      \    |    /  ヽ /    |      ',  
        ヽ   |   /   /´ ̄\  |      !

15 Name: = 。= : 2007-02-07 10:15 ID:Heaven

┃l ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄:|┃When sadness comes
┃|                        _          `` ー-、 j   ヽ、 } .ニ −|┃I just open the front binding
┃|                      (/             `ヽ、彡 `ー  ニ-.|┃That person in my graduation photo
┃|       ノ                       /´\ /`ヽ     \ ノノ  ーニ.|┃Giving me a tender look
┃|      (/       , '´ ̄  ̄`丶、     , '⌒ ´ ̄`丶、 〉     ヽーニ ーニ.|┃
┃|           /´ ,  ,、 、   ヽ    /, / ハ 、 \、バ⌒>  ノ)   }ー二ーニ.|┃When I walked around in the city
┃|             /〃/__/ハヽ__ヽヽハ  /〃/,⊥| |,⊥」 l l彡∨  ̄   「二ー ニ.|┃No words I could say
┃|             l l l,kl { }k、l | l l l  !l | l ,k、  ぇ‐、l`川 |        {ー二ー二.|┃That is how it was
┃|             i i小J!  lJハ リ_)丿  i i l1tリ  trリ〉ノ _)|\      / 二 - .ー |┃About the trace of my graduation photo
┃|   ((          火'   _ ` ''イy')    八  、┐ ゙ イ l |  \   {ぅ‐-−.二|┃
┃|     `      _   〈y')>┐ f-〈y')     /〃> ┐ lー 、l |、こン     Y- .二 ー |┃In the miling mass
┃|           (   Y「h《  ト ‐/ 〈y')、  / /《  ト -/「l 》ヽ|  /⌒;   {ー ノ).ー|┃To the passing me
┃|         \(F--1\| _ノ ィ〈y')ハー‐く   \ |_ノf'ニ Y、 ∨  /   ト '´- ニ-.|┃Sometimes
┃|    ヽ、      |。   l\ †    只 |丶  l    † 〈々 ノノ\/⌒/   {-二 .ニ |┃Please shout at a distance
┃|     U    |   l   \  l((リ) l-┬‐' l   ノ)  ` くイ。  \∧   jニーニ.ー |┃
┃|             |  |\  \/   /  i l | | '´      \     }   }- 二 .ー |┃The place under the waving willow tree
┃|          /⌒ `´ '⌒ヽ、 /   /   /⌒,Y> '⌒` ー-、/\   ノ    l-ニ−-.ニ|┃As if saying hello
┃|        /  , , , , iヘヽヽ、 Y   /」 /〃,</ /, / l ヽ Y>⌒ヽ   「二 -.二 |┃Also the road we used to pass
┃|       ,' 〃//_」 | rH、lハlミ、/ { 川〃l| 〃廾トノノ⊥ヽハ>、  |   「.-二−二|┃Now I can only see from the train
┃|  ノ)   l l l l'´kt、  ,=、!川,ィノ | ハ(( ( (l lv=、´ __ l`| l 川l   ノ).-ニ ーニ|┃
┃| '´      、(_l l'ヘJj     ''l、i__」_」_l ) ))⊥リ{゙    ⌒Yノ')_ノ リ   '´ l-.ニ 二ー|┃Please don't forget
┃|       Coヽ'''  ‐' ノヽヽ、  | _( ((  | ヽ、 「_フ ゙ノ | (( (     ト−.二 ー|┃Our way of life that time
┃|       /ノノゝヽ!  F ヽ \)) /( ) )) |, -ー l  F‐- 、|  )) )   {ー ニー─.ニ|┃(Because) You are
┃|     /〃/´ 《 `)) ´|  》、((/( /   /《  ト -/  》 ヽ(((     仁ー. 二 ニ|┃My youth
┃|     ノ ノ l  >((\_l/ }/ r「h  f´ ̄ ̄i´ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∩     l- ニ 二  .|┃
┃|   ノ'´  |/  l   †   l  ∠ ニニj ‘ーァ─‐/⌒ Y ⌒ ヽ ──′   「ー- ー .ニ |┃In the miling mass
┃|       〈    |  ノ)  /⌒ヽ⌒ ;  / 、/,  |   、l ,  ハ    }‐ 二  ノ).|┃To the passing me
┃|         l  \| '´ _/ ,   }   ! {   ヘ i´ ̄ |´ ̄ i /    j n  l-ニー '´'ー|┃Sometimes
┃|   ノ)    j    〉‐く/  / ⌒`/⌒`:l ハ   l:::::::::‖::::::::l   、/ ノノ  !ー .ニ - ー|┃Please shout from afar
┃|  ̄   /   /r/   /.::::::::/ {::::::::i   ヽ、 l:::::::::|l:::::::::l   〉 '´   ノ二 ニ  ニ .|┃
┃| ゙゙"゙゛゙"゙/。  /__」    /.:::::::/  l::::::::l ゛""ノ \l::::::::hl::::::::l 。 /゛゙゛"゙"ツー-  ニ 二.|┃(Because) You are
┃|゛"_ ノ-ミヽ/__」    /.::::::/  / l:::::::l ゛/ノ{  l:::::::lぅ|::::::トン} \   `"゛゙゛゛"゛゙"゛゙"゛;|┃My youth
┃| ‘ー⊂、__ノソ、人   /.:::::/  ノ〉 l:::::::l゛ `〈 人 /l::::::lとl:::::l、 人〉´ ゛ ゙ "゛ ゙ ゛"   ゛.|┃
┃| ゛ ゙ ゙       ̄` f \:〈、 ̄  f l::::::l、"゙   ̄{ `= ∨ =´ } ̄ ゛゙ "゛ ″゙ " ゛ ".|┃
┃|二`;二二二`;二二 ヽ  `=へ二ヘ` =ヘ二二`; \__人___ノ二二`;二二二`;二二二`;:|┃
┃|           rっ                         ノ)          '|┃
┃l________________ ________________.|┃
【卒業写真(Sotsugyou_Shashin)】graduation photo
They put the diploma gotten in the graduation ceremony in a special cylinder
and take it to their house.
In a Japanese school, a graduation ceremony is generally held in the middle of March.

16 Name: = 。= : 2007-02-07 12:32 ID:Heaven

                      __-_、、  ,
                   /‐ァx==く彡'ノノハミミ}   「きみの線香花火を 持つ手が震える
                  ///.//l ! ヘヽニ彳 ハトヽ     揺らしちゃ駄目だよ いってるそばから
                〃/イ ///!lil|ト iハ Y// リiハ}        火玉がぽとりと落ちて ジュッ」
                i|イi|'!/|iイ!川|!l l !U!i/ 〃l|ヽi!
                  !ハl_`ヽ !川lハl川i !|il|//ノl
                 }|l!i'心    _`ヽ!| l!lレイ/i! !
                 |li|{  ,  ヾぅ'川 l|lソ」 !|
                 li |li\ 、__    リ!| liト、 `ヽl
                     ll |l|! ヽ.__ ィ/,l !iリ!:. `ー 、
                   |! |!i     ハ/|リ/'/:. `ヽ\        「せんこう花火がほしいんです
                       /:. ':./イ:.:.:::::.:. : : :.:.:ヽ        海へ行こうと思います
                       i' i:.:.:.l:.:l::j:..:::::.:. : : :、}ハ         誰かせんこう花火をください
                      ノ. l:.::.:.i.:t':..:..:..::::. : :..:.i:.:.ヘ._,.ク´\     ひとりぼっちの私に」
                    /:.ヽヽ::.:.ヽ}:..:.:.:.:..:: : :..:.l :.:..V¬:、 / 
             _  .._    _/_;レ'´ ̄ヽ:_ノ:::.:..:..:..:i : :.. :l:_,ノ.ヘ:j:冫
        ,.-‐'´   , `ー /   { ..:.:.:::::::::::.:.:.\::::::.:.::ノ: . : :..l/ ハイ{ \
      ,.イiフ_,.ィ_ノ^ヽ、/ /" ̄` ーt-、_\::.ヽ:::.{:.:..:..:/:.:.l  ,′Vヘ. ヘ
        ー'l|ヘニ'っ   r' /,′       l:..:. `ー-、ーヽ:_.:. ヽ::l /. : ::{_.:::ノ _}
       l!  `´    }、リ {       |、:..:.. : :.:.:..:`ー':. : :.:.:l _;,.-ァ|`下ヽ
      ,   |        /!|: :ヽ    `ヽ !:ヽ:..:. : :::::.、:ー'/:.:.::.:.!:./:/ :! ::i:. ヘ
     , `、 |ッh     /.::!!: : |:.\      i:.::::\:.:..:::::ノ:/:::.:._;ノ:'::/::.::.t_ ::l::. 〉
  , 、ッ;、_ィミ炎ゞ';ィ * ,'.:.::!l: : :l::.:.::.\   l:.:::::.:i:::ヽ_;.イ_;.-‐'´::.:/::::::::.: 「`ー'′
  _ルnE泌n ,  i.:.::i:!: : :.!::.:::.:.:.:i\ l:.:::::|:.!::l:..:.. ̄::.::.::.::/::::::::::.:. : j
     lネ゙ ,ゞ癶  l.:.::|:!: : : !::.:::::.:.:|:.:.:.l:.:.:::!:.:!::|:..:..::.::.::.:/:::::::::.::.:.:.: :/
    * ”j!` ″   l.:.::l.l: : : :i::.::.::::.::l::.:,|:.:.::.!::.:|::l:..:..:..::.:/、::__:::.::.:. :_/
               !:.::l:l: :..:..:.!:.::/-‐´L:.__,r‐'!:l:..:._;.-' \ ヽ. ̄
            `ヽ!l:..:..:.:.:.:/           ` ̄ ,}   、 ヽ.}
              `ー‐-'           〃    '   }ュ
                             ,f'乙/ノ_'.ニ ri'_´l__!
                          ヾニ二´ --‐┘
【線香花火(Senkou Hanabi)】 toy fireworks ( Japanese sparkler )
Fireworks that match to Japanese mind that loves Wabi and Sabi most.
As the spark is only a single color, there is not pizazza, but it shows a beautiful change.
The feature of this fireworks is not only simple elegance but also player's capability will be demanded.
It is not possible to enjoy it until the fire goes out naturally in the beginner.
A lot of songs that sing "Senkou Hanabi " exist in Japan.

17 Name: = 。= : 2007-02-07 13:17 ID:Heaven

         /゙ヽ    __     ,...
         !;:..ヽ\ |● |   ,/'.,:|
         ';:,:..ミシ"''|r;;;;;┘;;''ぐ/.:. .;|
         [ ̄   ●  ´~"'''‐ ::;;`ミ
         };;;;:三;;: ̄ ̄~''';;;;- ..,,__ ノ
         } ゙てじハ:   ;'ハゾ >;;;;:;;:ゝ
       ____ミ  ゙`"¨〉  '^"''":::::;;;;;;:ミ_
      _... -‐_.ニ‐: :丶_ノ: : :ニ二.::千‐- 、
         '´ ,.o:''-.,,`ー'ー-- _,. ‐''"::(`丶
     , -‐''"::::@:l:::l´゙゙'''''''~´ /::::::/:::`ヽ、__
      !:ヽ:::::::::::::::::l:::!       |:::::::i:::::::::/:::::::::`ヽ
     ノヽ:::::::::::::@:|::|      |:::::::|::::::::::::::::::::::_}
   /:::::::::`;:::::::::::::::l/ /`'ー-、 |::::::!:::::::::/´ ● |
   /::::::::::::::|::::::::@::V/__鼎__/__|:::::|::::::::::!"´ ̄ ̄`!
  ;'´ ̄`ヽ:/|::ノ::::@!:|ー‐rー┰―l::::|:::::::::}' ̄ ̄`ヽ;;」
 ;'    ,' |':::::::::ノ:::|--仄---|:::|:::::::::}      }
【なめ猫(Nameneko)】「Don't Pelorian !」
'Pelorian' means that something normal or regular occurs in something that is usually abnormal
(so if you were a punk and you went to work in a pinstripe suit, that would be an example of pelorian style).

18 Name: = 。= : 2007-02-08 09:48 ID:Heaven

              (ニ=zr=、、,,___     ↓  獄門首/さらし首(Gokumon kubi/Sarashi kubi)
             ,/川川川川川川ミミミミミ、                                   ┏━┓ 捨札(Sutefuda)
            ィシ"〃゙゙''"""""""((ヾミミ川川                               ┃  ┃ ↓
           ,〃_,,. ‖ .r;;;;;i /  )) ヽン巛川、.         ┏━━━━━━━━━━━┻━┻━━━━━━━━━━━┓ 
         〃、(ツ ノ   _二-、、  〃  7川川川;、.      ┃    者 の 極 恐 棄 滅 族 忍 馬 国 以 日 右  中   元 . ┃
         /  `ヽ ;' ヽ, ' ;;;;;;;;;、、ヽ(  彡川川川ル.     ┃    也 上 に れ 致 の 三 .び 出 人 て 留. の  国  .専 . ┃
        ,r'""゙`フ ,ヽ、 ̄ ̄`゙゙' :. ) '彡川川川川i.      ┃ ..A.A  .獄 つ .ざ .し 為 人 込 松 仲 恣 学 者      . 門 ┃
        i' ─-/  ヽ、   ""'  /..  川川川巛ミソ     ┃  痴   門 き .る 候 遺 を. み 本 間 に 落 去  河   .学 ┃
       .|   、rュ rュ ')        | ::.. 巛川川川川ィ    ┃  呆   三 市 の 段 体 惨 同 真 二 強 伍..ん  南 .   校 ┃
       |   ノ,=≡┣=、  \ /  ::. ,'川川川巛川!.     ┃  奉   日 中 仕 真 .を 殺 人 二 名 盗 者 ぬ  省.  .生 ┃
       .|   ,イ /TTTヽ、ヾ、 メ    〃r''''‐、、川川ゝ'    ┃  行   間 引 方 に..海 .し .を .郎 と. を の .る  出     ┃
       |   リ| |r' ̄`゙'ーヾト、  \ 〃' /´ヽ .i川ノノ'       ┃  所   晒 き .不 公 中 証 始 氏 福 企 分 六  身.  .魏 ┃
      .|  ノ |.|  r‐-,-‐┤ヾ、      ):: //川巛       ┃ A_A. . 置 回 届 儀 に 拠 め. 宅 岡 て 際..月         ┃
       |   |.| /  /  ,シ'ヾ       ヾ,//川川ゞ       ┃( ´D`) く. ..し .至..を 遺 隠 家 .に 市 中 を .廿 25歳  巍 ┃
       .|  ヾエエエエエ/ ┃     /ヽ_ノ川巛川.       ┗━━━━━━━━━━━┳━┳━━━━━━━━━━━┛
       |    ̄ ̄┃  ┃ ,/ / /彡彡'川川ilト                             ┃  ┃
        ',   i||i ┃   //   |彡川川巛川                               ┃  ┃
        |iヽ、_   ┃  //    |川巛川川川                               ┃  ┃
  | ̄ ̄ ̄川川 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄彡川川巛川川ミ' ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   ┃  ┃
  |___川川ヾ_________川_川川〃_)______________   ┃  ┃
      川 川川    │   │  ノ|i  巛川彳 (                  |   │    ┃  ┃
      川 川ノ.     │   │  ノ |  川 ヽ                      |   :l|..    ┃  ┃
     川 |l 川i     |    .l|  '                               |    :l|..    ┃  ┃
                 |    .l|                             |   :l|..    ┃  ┃
                 |    .l|                             |   :l|..    ┃  ┃
                 |    .l|            ↑               |   :l|..    ┃  ┃ 
                 |    .l|              獄門台(Gokumondai) h≒120cm
                 |    .l|              
【獄門(Gokumon)】 A head on a spike /literally the gate of a gaol
Gokumon is the punishment for the common people, that is severe to the fourth in six kinds of death penalty
at Edo priod(1600-1867) in Japan.
1.斬首(Zanshu)Light=下手人(Geshunin)  Execution by neck switching off. The funeral is permitted.
  ・Theft in ten Ryou(両) or more ・Romantic intrigue with others' wife ・Homicide by fight quarrel 
  ・The murderer escape criminal's help
2.斬首(Zanshu)Middle=死罪(Shizai) Execution by neck switching off.The funeral is not permitted.
  The corpse is used for the trial cutting of the sword. The property (estate and household goods) is seized.
  ・It is a department penalty in the homicide related to greed for gain.
3.火炙(Hiaburi)=火刑・焚刑(Kakei・Hunkei)  Public execution by roasting.
  The burnt corpse is left unattended for a few day and becomes a bait for stray dog and a bird.
4.斬首(Zansh)Heavy=獄門(Gokumon)/晒首(Sarashikubi) After decapitates it ,the neck is exhibited in the
   execution ground along the main way at two 3rd night.  After that, the neck is thrown away as garbage.
  ・Plot to government ・Master killing ・Parricidal ・Robbery and murder ・Production of false scales and measure
  ・The passage of the Goverment'chek point without permission
5.磔(Haritsuke)=十字架刑(jyujika kei)  Crucifixion..  Execution of Jesus Christ type
   The corpse is just left unattended at two 3rd night.. After passing 3days, throw the corpse into a hole of soil.
  ・more sinful with a criminal of above 4.
6.鋸挽(Nokobiki)=鋸挽刑(Nokobikikei)  cut a neck by a saw
  Bury a criminal in soil with take out only a head and let an applicant saw a neck by a saw.
  When an applicant does not appear after 2day has passed, it changes to crucifixion.
  ・more sinful with a criminal of above 5 (A crime of anti-Confucianism)
  *In more than above 2, there is an option. 市中引き回し(Shichu hikimawashi)
 Ride a prisoner before execution on a barebacked horse accompanied with the big flag and a bulletin board
 that a criminal name, hometown, the guilt and a panishment were written, and pull the whole city around
 and let the public visit it.
Japanese death penalty becomes only hanging after 1907.  It is said that people more than 60% agree to the
continuation of a capital punishment in current Japan.

19 Name: = 。= : 2007-02-09 06:16 ID:Heaven

                                                 , ´ ̄ ̄¨¨  ‐-  ..__
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【卒業証書(Sotsugyo Shousho)】Diploma
When it is past the middle of March in Japan, it is a season of a graduation ceremony.
If you meet the student who had a pipe ( diploma case ) in a town, it can think on one's way back
from a graduation ceremony.

20 Name: = 。= : 2007-02-09 07:08 ID:Heaven

    ナイチンゲール誓詞 (Nightingale vows)
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【戴帽式(Taiboushiki)】 Capping ceremony
The nurse cap is a direction of abolition in a recent Japanese hospital.
Moreover, the nurses' school to which the capping ceremony is abolished breaks out, too.
The nurse cap might be an indispensable item for thetarget of nurses Moe.

21 Name: = 。= : 2007-02-09 07:41 ID:Heaven

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【同窓会(Dousoukai)】Alumni association/ Alumni Reunion
The person who wants to keep having an old dream in the mind might not attend the alumni association.

22 Name: = 。= : 2007-02-10 07:15 ID:Heaven

┃ヽ、 ̄ヽ、メ ̄ __zェ≠―          メ、 /'             ┃
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┃___/   `‐‐-、__ヽ_i、    ,. ! |---‐‐、___________.┃
┃:::::::::::/    \     ヾ、   ,ネ申'メヽ,   \::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:: ┃
┃::::::::/       \    `ヾ、___r‐'゛-‐' r==.,  \:::::::::::::::::::::::::::┃
┃‐‐/         \            |  ||  / \-------..┃
┃‐/           \          |  || /   \::.    ┃
┃/             \         |  || /__     \.   ┃
┃               \       |  ||/  `―-- 、_\::::┃
┃                \     __| ||/        ,  `\┃
┃                  `‐-、 i .i /                ┃
┃                  _z=‐-、〉〉`、_              ┃
┃                 //  `彡'_>=ニz、           ┃
┃                // `‐---‐'=゛   ` =z、       ┃
┃             ,zェ '`ニニiハクシニキ、__    `ヽ`ェ、   ┃
┃          ,,、‐''",,、/   `、 ̄ヽスケ ント、`‐、    `ヽ、`',、_!┃
┃     ,,、-‐'",,,、-‐',、'   /、_`、:::::::`宀、シ’ ///` 、   `ヽ,,.┃
┃,,,、-‐''",,,、-‐'",,,、-‐'”   /ヽヽ==\::::::\:::::\=== `‐、_,,...! . ┃
┃,,、-‐''" ,,,、-‐''     /ヽヽ'  ____,,,、\::::::\:::::\ ̄|``彳' `ヽ┃
┃          菅原 道真(Sugawara Michizane) 845〜903 ’┃
【学問の神様(Gakumon no Kamisama)】     God of study
Sugawara Michizane (菅原 道真)Japanese scholar of Chinese literature during the Heian period,
later deified as Tenjin, patron of scholarship and literature.
He was given important government posts by the emperor Uda, who saw him as a counterbalance
to the powerful Fujiwara family. When Uda's son took the throne, Michizane's fortunes were reversed,
and he was sent into exile when the new emperor was persuaded that Michizane was plotting against him.
Following his death in exile, calamities in the capital were attributed to his vengeful spirit, and he was
posthumously reinstated.  At shrines dedicated to Tenjin, schoolchildren often buy amulets for good
luck on school entrance exams.
There is a great deal of God in Japan from old days. It will be national traits to like mass-producing God.
There were people who had tried to make the Shinto shrine where the Mattscarsar field marshal of a total
commander of Japanese occupation forces was enshrined as a god after the WWU.
There is a possibility that you can become a God in Japan, too.

23 Name: = 。= : 2007-02-10 10:19 ID:Heaven

┃                  |┬ __              l三三l   ┃
┃  丶 夂    |       ┼ l |   ┼ 、\    ─┬─  . ┃是やこの
┃  フ 主   L.ノ   人 |__|   ノ 、ノ     人_匚__.  ┃行くも帰るも
┃  '^ー┴‐    jヽ      フ      /\      十-┐  ┃別れては
┃ _|_┌─    つ     o_)        \    /| (__.   ┃知るも知らぬも
┃  レ| ―;   v┼ 、   .土     フ      ┼┴、  ┃逢坂の関
┃ '´ ノ 乂    (乂 〆    L..ノ     o_).        | ‐'′ ┃         蝉丸
┃  , ┬ 、   土           .土 ..     ー‐┐   ┃
┃  (_ノ ノ    L..ノ          L..ノ     、___,   ┃koreyakono
┃ l三l l三l                          , ┬ 、  ┃yuku mo kaheru mo
┃ | 幺幺 |              囗 | |     (_ノ .ノ   ┃wakaretewa
┃ | 卯 」               |┐ |             ┃shiru mo shiranu mo
┃         ,. -―-、        ノ 」 .」      ノ  --   ┃afusaka no seki
┃.        /; ': ' ; .'. l       十-┐    イ ‐┬. ..┃    
┃        {'.': ; ': '_ワ 、        /| (__    |  .」.  ┃
┃        _ノ' : .'  _r′       ー―      /'    ┃=Literal translation=
┃      _rE三二ニ=〔         (__      \.     ┃Loosely: those coming and going to the capital
┃    /´ ||/     ̄"''ヽ      |  ┼     土.     ┃those who know each other, and those who
┃    /   ||         |       レ d-       L..ノ   . ┃ don't; they meet, and then they part
┃.   |  ,'||   ヽ.     |                   ┃such is nature of the Afusaka Gate
┃   ,|′ ,||  \_|      |                   ┃        (*Afusaka=modern Osaka)
┃   (┴‐''7[jヽ ヽニ,|      l                  ┃   
┃   〉 ̄/./|\\ =|、    ヽ                    ┃=Free translation=
┃   ,ト、/_/、ト、 `‐三|       \‐-、              ┃ The stranger who has travelled far,
┃   | ./‐/へ! ヽ  ̄ ̄ヽ      ヽ、 ヽ、_.           ┃ The friend with welcome smile,
┃   l/ / 、 |   \   \     __..-'''/"`ヽ         ┃All sorts of men who come and go
┃  ∠ -∩└:ト、___.. -'",>--=ニ..._ノ   .ノ-〜┐.     ┃Meet at this mountain stile, --
┃ '〜┬’ `ー|`ー---―''"__∠ニ=ニニニ三''ご=ニ二.フ!    ┃They meet and rest awhile.
┃    ` ̄ ̄`""´ ̄ ̄ ̄ `^'⌒`ー'⌒-へ、__r―┘  #10 ┃          
【小倉百人一首(Ogura hyakunin isshu) 蝉丸(Semimaru)】
Semimaru was a Japanese poet and musician of the early Heian period(794〜1192).
His name is recorded in the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu, but there are no historical accounts of his pedigree.
Some accounts say he was a son of Tennou, .a blind blind lute player or merely a beggar.
In play of a Hyakunin Isshu certain game(坊主 めくりbouzu mekuri = open the monk), his pictured card
can have a special meaning.

24 Name: = 。= : 2007-02-10 11:13 ID:Heaven

                  ,.. -‐ '' ""~ ̄ ̄ ̄~~゙゙゙゙¨'''ー‐- 、_
              _,.-''"                    `丶、
            ,:r'"        ____,,.............,,,_         `ヽ、
          ,ィ"     ,,. -‐'''"~_;;::::_:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;`¨'ー-.、_      `ヽ、
         ,r"      ,:r'":;:;:;;::-‐'"_,..  _):;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;`ヽ、      \
       /     ,ィ'":;:;:;_二二--' └┐:r――-------、:;:;:;:;:;:;`:、      ヽ,
       ィ"     ,r":;:;:;:;〈,,...-―'',フ ,、 `'く:;:;| j~~~~"""!  !;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;\     ヽ
     /     ,;'":;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;:ィ''" ,,:-'":;l |`''':;:;l `ー----'" ,:!:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;`、       ゝ
    ,/   : /:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:`ー'":;:;:;:;:/__|:;:;:;:;:;`ー'^''ー-‐'':;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:l!     `i.
    ,i     /__:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:r'",.二二ニニニニニミ:、:;;;:::-―-----::、;;;_:;ヾ     l
    |    ,、_ ̄~):;:;:;;ィl:;:;:;:;:;:;:;i''ヾ'"           | || r---―一--、 |:;:!.     |
   .!    |:;:;:;:;l |~:;/ └一'''l:;l l               | || |:;;::--―--、:;:| |:;:|       |
   |    ,`二´ `" ,ノゝ r‐'´:;| :|             | || |;:;ゝ-=='く;:;:;l |;:;|      |
   |    |;:;:;`! 1´~:;/l | |/`、:;| :|             | || |:;!┌‐ー┐ ;l:;:l |:;:}      l
   .!    |;;r┘ ゝ、:;ヾj | |ヾJ;:l |              | || l:;| `ー‐'" |:;:| |:;:l      |
    i     、--―-':;:;:;:`ー:;:;:;:;:;:l, j ________,,,,,......,,,,j,ノし';:;`''"~ ̄`":;:;:i、ノ ,i     ,i
    i!    i;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;`ゝ===キ-,:==='、:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:/     ,'
     i!    ヽ:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;i" く二コ ;|;:;:| r'""1 :|:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::;::'     :/
     ヾ     ヽ:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:l 、ィ二コ l;:;:ゝニゝ:;:l l:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::;:;:;:;:;:;:;ィ"     ,r'
      ヾ    \:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;| r'てニ, ,~二 `つ:;:;| |:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;/     ,:'"
       \    `:.、;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:| |:;:;:r'"└‐┘`;:、;:;| |:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;:ィ"    ,:,-'~
         ヽ、    `丶、;:;:;;:;:;:| |:;:;:~`l_,! ̄i,_|~;:;:;:;| 1:;:;:;:;;:-'"      ,::'"
          `-,      `'ー- 、~;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:_,) `;''"      ,:-'
            `ー-、        ̄`""'''''''''''''""´        ,.-''
                `ー : 、                 _,,.-‐'"
【和銅開珎(Wadou Kaihou/Wadou Kaichin)】 The coin which was cast first in Japan
"和銅開珎" is a money that the casting issue was done for the first time publicly in Japan in AD.708..
A silver type and a bronze type were cast, but it is assumed that it was not used in real market economy
very much.
Anyway, present value might be higher than value at that time.  
bronze type @\400,000_/with expert evidence

25 Name: = 。= : 2007-02-12 04:11 ID:Heaven

                                          _ .r、,、,、
                                       ,、_r'ヽ,/V ` '´ '.ヾ´レヘ-,..、
                                  _-'ヾ          .レ ´ヾ !ヽ!,__
                                __! l  、  ,.ム-‐-、r=ト-,-_イ      ! 7..,
                               l''` ` ヽ,.ゝ''´_,<ヽ'、 ノyニヘ_r'ヾヽ,r ,  /'7、
                             ヾ`ヽ  .r'´ ,r ヽ= _ク´ヽィ ,_ヽ ゝ` _.ヲ<,.-'´ ___ス_
                             ヾ´ ̄、,_r' .  r、_(..人、r'''ヾ  )...ソ`'、_  'ゝ-  _,.-/、_
                            <´ヽ、,._/ .y'' r ヽ- >-‐'''ヽ< `,´ノ、,,,ノ-' '´lゝ'  / <
                           ァ<、.._ {- ンヽ-'´ノ-/:::::::::::::::::ヽ-'`、,.、,.- .ノ‐ ''ヽ.......... - ケ
                            >--、 { !、- )=、 -_!:::::::::::::::::::}‐'ヽ  ly´ ヽ,-ソ!  ‐<_>
                           ゝ   > ヽ_ノ _,.イ _>、::::::::_,ノ、_ ‐= , 二 __ l` ー ‐ 7
                           ノ'´ ̄ `l_ ノ ´ l  l - `、´、- ノ _ ' 、 ノ , .ス    .-ヽ
                           Z、, -' _,,!  、_, ` 'i'   =ヽ-'  '´  l、_- r' 、/ヽ、   ス`
                             i   /!   jヲ ´ 丶  、_,ノ .丶  _r  ‐' -  .)ゝ __/ゝ、  .ヽ...ゞ
           i、nλ,、       、ノ'、ノ !__, 7 _   >-、 - ' {  ` ..   - '   jヽ、  `ヽ-'
          ヾ'、ヽ' ' K!ァ_         、  . (  ̄/    ヽァ、  ,   !  ヾ  , -,イ`ヽ   `'T'´
          `ヾ!"'`jヾ '.レ´l,>、 . _,.ゝ.ゝ、._ __  `7 _,  ,.   ヽr-.、,r、.....、r---ヘ ヽ-    ,-ゝ
       nl'Y'´レ'l,.ノ、、ゝ`!'てヽr'Zレ''´  ヽ>''"´<_   ̄/,_'       /    ! ヽ '、 ト、 l'ヽ'
     ゞヽヽ.!...l/.ノ<、!lヽァ'、 `-,j´>      、.___<'、    '‐レ1,rl .ノ ! ./、 .!  、ト.、'ュト/`'
      、ゝ >',r-、 ゝ''`!'二ヾュ々| .Vヽ1ァ      !ヽト!      ´ .'-' .V'レ'_/.V'V |l'´!‐
     >‐l ヽノ K-'、'-.' .K ,r' 二ヽ‐Z_    /._ノ            l f    | ||l j.!
     '-7ノ>ィ...,ノ、7 !フ‐l.',ァ`i ( __) .l 、> ,ノ .ノ      =(ニニ!ニニニニニニニニiニニiコ
       '´レl ll ト、>`ァ-ゝ'´Zィヽ、.....ノ 、ュヽ Y'´-- 、      |.  |   ,、,、_,...-、  ,.r !  |
         '´.`´ . フニ >!7ヾイ./l,.,ト、!コヽ、ヽ!´_,. - ‐ゝ . . |   !   z=')!l´//  ゝ |   !
             レノV'、,!ヽ!>-l´: :ノ`ゝ⌒ヾr-、      |   !   ∠ィゝ7ll' i .U !   !
                  /: :l : ,ィ:::i : : : : : !  }     l   |.    l」 / ヾ='   I |   !
                  /:ノ´Vl l:::':、_ : : j ム´ヽ_  l   |.    ,r=j iニヽ  ; .|   !
                  '´   | ヽ::::::フ` .Afレィ_: : :ヽ. ! . |.    !|'ニ-テ´|  j. !   !
                       |  `‐'/`‐': :ヽ!ll ヽ´ ̄ !.  !   l」 アT´ !!   ; |  |
                        |    l_: : : ィ !!l ! !   .|   !     ,,_  /    !  !
                         |     ヽ/l ll ll .l l、 . !  .|    、-=テニ、   |  |
                       t‐‐----‐‐'´! !j ll f ス |   !    / |i' ̄     !  !
                       l'  !    ./r'´ヾ''´´;;;ゝ !  .!   / ヾ'フ!      |  |!
                     ,L_ l   / ゝヘ;;ルィ'  |  !       ̄     |  |.l
                       └、二'''''''7二ニ! イ     |__ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   | .!
                         / ./ ̄´.!  !         l .l ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄.|`| ̄`.! .l
                        / ./    |  !    .     l .l           ! .!   l .l
                       / . /    l  |         l. l            !. ! .   l. l
                      / /      ! .l      ! l            ! .! .  ! .!
                      / . /       !. |       l .l               l !  . l !
                  ,.イ__./      l  l  .    '-'             `´    ! .!
                    〈,、  (´>、  . /ー1'‐ュ、                     `┘
                    `ヾ、∠-)   ヽ==、,,,┴.)
【花輪(Hanawa)】 garland / wreath
Hanawa is made by arranging the artificial flower or real flower in the circle.
Hanawa is used as a present that expresses a social mind at opening the shop, the inauguration ceremony of
the company, and the funeral.

26 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-02-18 11:17 ID:qQTJ4jP0

                   . 、、、
            , ,,,,,,. ヘ,, \/|∨━┛'
         ..゛;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; _;/  / |   .._」へ_
         \-ヽ_-━━>~~;;;;;\ ━ヽ;;;;;'''山;-、.
        ,,,,ノ;;;;;、;∴""""""・;;;;;┌─’ ” \%、
       Σ;;;;;//^ヽ+-⌒--- ;;;;;;;;;し、・、、个,.,,,
       "ヽ/~    {;;;;};;;;;;;;; );;;;;; )∨;;;;;;;;;\_
        ,,,_--、  ,┌┘;;;;;;;;;;;;━;;;;/"\、;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\__
    . . -;~;;;;;;/;;;;;;;;;;;)ヽ==っ;;;/|、;;;;;;;;);;;/
   .J;;;;;,,,;;;;;━ ̄"・-ヾ::::/..--”∨∨( ̄丶,,,,,,
   (___;ハノ     く::::〈/:_ーー、、{;;;;;;;;;。;;;;;;}
     "       (  :::: /     \__:{;;;;;;;;;}
             \ ::::\       ^〜-、>>
             ヾ  :::::”丶       
          / ̄ ̄Δ〜〜〜、__)  ̄:::\
         / :::::::::::: :::::::::: ::::  :::: :::::::: :::::::::: \
         \ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/

盆栽 - Bonsai
It is a kind of arts to grow up trees in a small pot.
It will takes long times and you must be very careful to make the plants beautiful style.

27 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-02-20 13:52 ID:qQTJ4jP0

                    |                       |
─┬─┬─┬─┬─────|─────┬─┬─┬─┬─┐ |
  │  │  │  │爻ミ,      |      ヾミミ│  │  │  │  │ |
─┼─┼─┼─┤爻爻   <・)こ>≡   ミ爻,├─┼─┼─┼─┤ |
  │  │  │  │爻;ミミ     |       ミ爻│  │  │  │  │ |
─┼─┼─┼─┤:ト,,┬┬┬┬|┬┬┬┬,,|::├─┼─┼─┼─┤ |
  │  │  │  │:| ''''',,''''' ,,',,,'''|,,,'',''' '''',,,,,, ,|::│  │  │  │  │ |
─┼─┼─┼─┤‐`⊂⊃ (,, ,,,,|,,,,,,), ,⊂⊃,,-├─┼─┼─┼─┤ |
  │∧ ∧ │  │'''''',,,,,'',,,⊂⊃|,,,⊂⊃''''',,,,,,''│  │O ∧,,∧|  │ |
─┴(,,゚д゚)‐┴─┴─────|─────┴―┴O(゚д゚*,)‐―┘ |
 ̄ ̄( つ‐OOO ̄ ̄ζO ̄〔 ̄ ̄ ̄〕ζ O  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄と旦⊂ヽ ̄ ̄ ̄\   |
  〜と⌒))  ζ   __OO_(____)O_O_      (,,,(⌒,ノ〜      \  |
  <⌒⌒⌒>旦 /::::Ol:::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::O:::l::::::::\    <⌒⌒⌒>       \|
    ̄ ̄ ̄     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄       ̄ ̄ ̄
囲炉裏 - Irori
Irori is a hearth on a Japanese room.
Giko and Shiee are frying and eating mochi (rice cake) and boiling something in a pan.

28 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-03-03 14:24 ID:qQTJ4jP0

        (´∀` )
    l二l_⊂    O
   / 福 ハ |  l  |   I ve bought a Fukubukuro.
   | 袋 .| | (__(__)
     ̄ ̄
     (。  。 ) What is inside.........
   __l二l__ と )
   | 福 :| |l  |
   | 袋 .| K_)
    ̄ ̄ ̄
   __l二l_            (;;;;;;;;;;;;)
   〉 福 :》  □        /:::::::::二) I expect for the next time.....
   { 袋 .{ } 囗困 ロ     l;;;;;;;;;;;;ィ;;;)
     ̄ ̄
福袋 - Fukubukuro
Mainly in the first week in January,
Japanese shops make bags which has various goods and sell them.
The consumers will buy them and check how about their luck for the new year.

29 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-03-08 08:00 ID:K/aztz5w

Wow, that was very helpful (really!) And the AA are gureito. Keep it coming!!

30 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-03-10 16:24 ID:qQTJ4jP0

ヾ;;;ヾ;;;;; ;/_/ヽ;;;;ゝ;;;;; ヾ;;;;''"   ゝ ;;;;ヽ;;;;;;ヾ;;;;;;;;ゝ;;ゞ ;ヽ、、、ヾ
ヾヾ;;ヾ /_/ヽ;;;;ゝゞ ;ヽヾ;;;;''"   ゝゞ;;;;;;ヽ;;;;ヾ;;;;;;;;ゝゞ ;ヽ、、、ヾ
ヽ;;;ヾヽ/ /;;; ;;;;ヽヾ;;;;;ヽヾ;;;;       "''ヽ;;:::ヽ;;ヾ;;;;;;;;ゝゞ ;ヽヾ;;;;
;;;;ヽ|ll/_,/ヾ:::ヽヽ ;;;ヽヾ''"        ヽ丶;;;;ヽ;ヽヾ;;;; : ゝゞ;|_,|、_,|
;;|_|;;;/ ./,i :::ヽiヾ; ヽ;; ;|,|‖       "''ヽ;;;;; ヽ ;ヽヾ:;;;|_|_‖|_,|、_,|
:;|_|/.,,/,|_,| ||iil;;;;ヽヾヾ,|,|‖           ''"\\:::|_|_‖|_,|、_,|
::|/ /、,|_,|l|||_|;;;; ヾヽ;;|_|‖              ;;;ヽ_>|_|_‖|_,|、_,|
,,'___/;;;::|_,|;|||_| ゞゝ;;;;;||_|               ". ||;;ヽ_> l_ |_,|、_,|
  /||;; l|_.|;|||_|||;; l|_|;|||_|,;             ヾ,,|| |-|ヽ_> |_,|、_,|
__/;;||;; l|_,|;|||_|||;; l|_|;|||_|              ,,; ;||;;|-|;;|ヽ_> ,|、_,|
,/ : ||;; l|_,|;|||_|||;; l|_|;|;;''"                '"',| ,|;;|-|ヽ_>、_|
|: ||;; l|_,l;;''"        ∧_∧ /'"~ヽ      "'''=,,...ヽ_> 
;;''"'''"""          (´∀` )// ~ヽ |   
    ∧ ,、        (    〇   i/
   /"ヽ/ヽ         y  / 
 '"'''"'"'''"' '"'''"      (,,___),,ノ   ' '"'''"' "'''"
Takenoko(竹の子) - bamboo shoots
On spring, Japanese people and try to find bamboo shoots.
People peel and boil them using water in which rice has been washed to remove harshness.
I recommend takenoko miso soups and rice.

31 Name: ・・・ : 2007-03-15 15:18 ID:VBxCAulS


32 Name: ・・・ : 2007-03-15 15:20 ID:VBxCAulS


33 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-03-17 09:31 ID:qQTJ4jP0

English for 4ch, if you please.
Anyway good days.

   .   _____ ____ _____
   |  | ___||*||****||++++||    |
   |  |(___||*||****||++++|| .__.|
   |  |(___||O ||*** O||+++ O|| |\ \ .||
   |  |ー┬┬||*||****||++++|| |\| ̄| ||  |
   |  |iニi.├||*||****||++++|| |\|  | ||  |
   |_||ニ|.├||_||____||____||_|\|  | ゛\|  .||
   /    ̄ ̄ ̄                     .\|        
Oshiire - 押入れ
Ohisire is a Japanese closet and usually has sliding doors and two shelves on a wall.
      ∧_∧ ( ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄)   
     (´・ω・)(_____) Every night Japanese people pull out a set of futons from an oshiire
     (   つつ and lay out them for sleeping.
 ⌒Y⌒  ,)ノ `J
         ( ・ω・)       ))
         /つ( ̄`ヽO_ノ⌒ヽ
        ノ   )        \ ))
       (__丿\ヽ ::    ノ:::: )
           丿        ,:'  ))
        (( (___,,.;:-−''"´``'‐'

          __,,,,,,___ good night~~  
      <´・\  ::::::::::::::::::ヽ  
       l 3 ハ::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ, 
   ∫  .<、・_ (         )
   旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)  
       ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

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   |      ||   |                            ⊂⊃
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   |      ||   |    ̄ ' ー─-f  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ r^_       ll
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   |      ||   |        | &       | | |       ||
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄    |        ∧∧ |         l | l       ||
                  |      ( *゚ー)h_____ノノノ      ||
_________(O)     |   ノ                 ||
             ソヘ     〜   |                   ||
                     し'J                 ||
On a sunny day, Japanese people dry futons to sterilize them.

34 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-03-18 05:00 ID:qQTJ4jP0

.、 .\\                             ~`" ゙''´ `''-,//,/'/  /  ,/
 \, \\_,__,__,__,__,__,__,_ro。                        .'i,` -、_/,,;../.:::: /
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京都 二条坂 - Nijouzaka (Nijou slope) in Kyoto
Here is a way to go to Kiyomizudera in Kyoto city.
Here is famous for chinas and Green tea shop.
Best place to feel Japanese culture.

35 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-03-19 13:38 ID:hdbhNxAV

┼┼┼┼┼┨ °  .          Ο┠┼┼┼┼┼
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┼。 ┼┼┼┨ (::::::::::::::::)。( /つ ).0 .┠┼┼┼┼ο

火鉢 - Hibachi
Hibachi is a Japanese traditional heating appliance and aharcoal is used as fuel for winter.

36 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-03-21 08:52 ID:lRxb0dqI

     _,,,,,,,,,,,,_         (iiiii)          _,,,,,,,,,,,,_         (iiiii)          _,,,,,,,,,,,,_         (iiiii)
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能 - Noh
Noh is one of the most famous Japanese traditional arts and musical drama and started from 14 century
and they perform various stories mainly happened in middle age.
In this AA, the actor is dansing and singing about dawn in March.


37 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-03-22 14:11 ID:Heaven

This thread delivers!

38 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-03-24 19:55 ID:Heaven

>>37 it won't anymore. 4-ch is dying.

39 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-03-25 03:40 ID:KPJLYMlQ

                    y'y Iツ⊂I⊃ヽ,tヌ ヽヽ、
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原爆ドーム (Genbaku dome - a dome after the Atomic bomb in Hiroshima, 6th of Auguest, 1945)
is known as Hiroshima Peace Memorial.
It was built as a industrial dome and art for Hiroshima residents
and in the end of the WW2, it was used for the Japanese Interior Office.
The Atomic bomb called little boy exploded near the dome and the workers were dead in the few seconds
and just iron pillars, bars and bricks were remained.

It became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.


40 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-03-25 15:08 ID:KPJLYMlQ

  /:',:',:',:',;',;',:',:',:',:',:',:',:',:',:',;',;',:',:',:',:',:',: ',:',:':',:',:',:',;',;',:',:'',:',:',:',:',:',:',:',:':',:',:',:',:',i',:',i',:',i',:',i',:',i',:',
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                   ┃       ━━┛             ,―-、,-―、,―-、,-―、,―-、,-―、
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落語 - Rakugo
Rakugo is one of Japanese traditional art to tell various comical stories mainly happend in Edo period(1604-1868).
Actors use just a fan, towel and limited techniques to make the audience understand the antor's performance.


*In this AA the actor has just greeted and anounced to start his Rakugo story.
The audience is laughing.

41 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-04-01 05:01 ID:KPJLYMlQ

 | Congraturations!|
 \          /
   ̄|/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ( ・ ∀ ・ ) (○)
 ( O□O ) ヾ||〃
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 |_∧ ∧__|_|___|_
 (   )
 (|  |)
  |  |
 ̄| ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄ ̄
 | ̄ ̄ ̄|
 | ̄ ̄ ̄| 

  ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧ .∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧
 (    )(    )(    )(    )(    )(    )
     ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧ .∧_∧ ∧_∧
    (    )(    )(    )(    )(    )(    )

卒業式 - a graduation ceremony
Each Japanese students and their principal bow for each other on the stage
and they are given their diplomas.
They also sing their school song and many guests speach.


42 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-04-01 05:01 ID:KPJLYMlQ

|( レ )|__
□ □ □ |
□ □ □ |
_∩_‖ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
     ∧ ∧ *☆
  bye ('ω'。`/\*
   匚∪コ  と/
     |  //

       ∧_∧   __
     ∞ (*゚ー゚)  .//
     彡 /ヽy/\/゚○
      | ヽノヽつ/‖
      |    ‖| |
      /     |
      .| | | |.| | | |
      | | | | | | .| |
     .| | | .|.| .| .| |
     | | .| .|.| .| ..| |
University students can put on kimono, hakama and boots for the ceremony.

43 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-04-09 14:19 ID:Wi3NthNY

        i´  `i
        〉   〈
.         |(::) (::)|
       ヽ.   /
         〕 ..::〔
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        i.  o 。 .:::i
        | 。゚ ゚ ...:.::|
        | ゚  .:.::.::|
        |.一 ./..ヽ .|
        |.フ.ム 不 |

ラムネ - Ramune
Ramune is one of the most famous Japanese soft drink and mainly provided in a festical.


44 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-04-15 14:09 ID:IWLOwjGd

                     、                         ノしイ            _      _
      r―- 、          ヾ                            て   ォ ォ  '===    ̄  ォ ォ  ̄
      t::::::::::.:...\        、ミ                        _ <⌒>    ヽニニニ' /へ  /へ ヽニニニ'
       ):::::::::::::.:.)      ミ                          " ̄r´ /〃    ヽ('0')ハ('0')ノ
       (X.ミ)ニニ┘      ±f                          l  ('0')   _  / ヨ  / ヨ  /へ  /へ
     ,.〜'ノノ;';';':'C`{-‐ニ=〜¬'ア}                        _ |  ノyヘ   \三三二二二ヽ('0')ハ('0')ノ
    //~ ( (‐- 、 _ン彳    !;;ノー'          /}, ィ          \三二二二フ         _  / ヨ  / ヨ
   _ -ニ, -‐' ̄ミ ヽハ  _,,/  キキ       ,-''”'  { ミヘ         .. .         _ _      \三三二二二二フ
 ∠,,-'"   ,ゝ''"、__ハ/     彡     /   ゞー:ニヾ \    _ _                 _ __
/__f´    / ,ノ     ij|      メ,   /   {.} {ぐ、  1`            ‐ ‐‐                  …
  L_,,/ 7       ij|       =,  /     ヾヽ    |                           ‐─ ‐
      ゞ-、,__   ノノ、        ,ノ       バi.  {      _ ___ _       ‐ ─‐ ‐
     ,<_ `ー-`ニニァ」べ,_   / ̄          イ ,止  |                            - ‐―‐‐‐
―-- ,<_  ‐ 、,_/ r=―ッヮ='´            ,レタ`ー-'’           - - ─‐‐‐ -
   く   ‐ 、,_/  /   , /{(         ,/イ
   /`ヽ、._ /  」  //  \ 、_    __,/ '′ j                         - - -─ ‐‐─…‐
  に_{   `   ノ__j |     `‐-ニニ-‐''′   ノ_
   〈      /―‐-┘              {
--〜_,ゝ  _,,/ ー 〜…=ミ ..,.,__   _⊥‐ '~ ̄ ノ  )
  ‐ = --┴      ... _ __    ̄  ̄ _ -     ´

Nasu no Yoishi (- 那須与一) shot a fan

At the end of 12th century, the term for the nobilities has passed away and samurais term came.
In this AA a samurai Nasu no Yoichi succeeded to shoot his enemies's fan with a bow in Genpei war.
He was a legendal sniper and could keep pride for his master.

45 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-06-01 02:42 ID:vUe/zbf0

/| \ / |\
/ | \ / | \
| \ | (O) (O) | / |
\ )/ ______|___________________|_____ \( /
\ / \ /
\ | __________ | /
\| /*******\ |/ |
| |******** | | |\O
\_______________________________/ | |\
((( ))) /\

巨大な敵のカニ Giant Enemy Crab

Flip it on its back and attack its weak point for MASSIVE DAMAGE
Participated in an actual battle from Japanese history

46 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-06-02 20:30 ID:Heaven

>>45 why don't guy just die off.

47 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-08-07 10:08 ID:9ndsMSP/

        ♪      ∧,, ∧            ♪
♪          ∧,, ∧ ・ω・)
         ∧,, ∧ ・ω・)   )
    ♪∧,, ∧ ・ω・)   )っ__フ   ♪    ∧,, ∧
  ∧,, ∧ ・ω・)   )っ__フ(_/ 彡    .∧,, ∧    )
 ( ・ω・)   )っ__フ(_/彡    ∧,, ∧    )   )
 (っ  )っ__フ(_/彡    .∧,, ∧    )   ) Οノ
  ( __フ(_/彡   ∧,, ∧    )   ) Οノ ヽ_)
   (_/彡      (    )   ) Οノ 'ヽ_)
            (    )  Οノ 'ヽ_)
           (ゝ. Οノ 'ヽ_)      ♪
     ♪    ミ  ヽ_)

花一匁 - hana ichi monme
Japanese kids play hana ichi monme for fun.
Two groups of kids sing a song and play a game.

48 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-08-10 19:21 ID:dt6ScmMb

                    ..:。      ..:。 +
         |...:.::.....|     泣かないで ありがとう・・・ 
         | ○: |  
         | の..:|       ..:。 +:。   ..:。
         | 墓:.:|                  
      ,,,.   |  ..::.| ,'"';,
    、''゙゙;、).  |...::::.:::.| 、''゙゙;、),、             
     ゙''!リ'' i二二二二!゙''l!リ'''゙   
     ‖  `i二二二!´ ‖ 
     昌 |: ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄:| 昌 
    | ̄:|_|;;;l"二二゙゙l;;|_| ̄:|               
    |  :|::::::| |;;;;;;;;;;| |::::|  :|            
    |  :|::::::|┌─┐|::::|  :|             
 ./゙゙└‐┴ ┴l,,,,,,,,,,l┴┴‐┘゙゙゙゙\             
 | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|      。゜.        。゜.
  ̄|三|三三|三三三三|三三|三| ̄    。゜∴゜ ((( )))  ∴  ∴
   |  |:::  |: :    : : |::   |  |    。゜    ( ´Д` ) ゜     ゜゜。
   |  |:::  |: :    : : |::   |  |        ⊂(|||◆⊂)
  /_|:::  |: :     : :.|::  :|_ヽ          |||i||||||
 _|___|;;;;;;;;;;|,;,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,;,|;;;;;;;;;;|___|_  ,,,, _ _   (|||(|||||)   ,,,,, _, _,,
 l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;    '''''''''             '''''''''

仏壇 - Butsudan is a Buddhist shrine usually found in temples and homes. The Butsudan is a Japanese word that means Buddha's (butsu) House (dan).

49 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-09-12 17:43 ID:s/kBV1gK

                     /     >
                     /  ,-、/
               <    l.o.l
           ∧_∧/>、/L_」  人工衛星みえるかな〜♪
          ( ´∀</    ||
         ( つ つ      示
         ム_)_)   /.|| \

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,,. - '  ̄ ̄ `ー 、:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,. ''          `ヽ、::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;, "               ゙、;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/    \       /    'i,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i'                   ',:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::{                   }:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::',        厂 ̄l       ,!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'i,        ̄ ̄       /:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ.                ,/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::O::::ヽ、          , ‐'':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
   (;´∀`) 何コレ??

                    0'(^ヽ  >  ウェハッハ♪
            !?    /   `>  )     
                  <    l.o.l しし'
          Σ( ;´∀</    ||
          ( つ つ      示
          ム_)_)   /.|| \

50 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-11-30 13:41 ID:Dz/HwUQe

        、,,                           ,
:;;::、;;:。; |□|田田田田田||.(;;;)(;;;)(;;;)(;;;)(;;;)(;;;) ||田田田田田|□|;:。;:;;::。;:;;::、
`;`;;i`.:;:i..''|| :田田田田癶||ロロ|    .§. .   .. . |ロロ||癶田田田田 .||'`,:'':'`:Y:'';;::,:'':';:
`;i`.;` ;;i`´.||〒〒〒〒(:::::)ロロ|   .,--§--.、   .|ロロ(:::::)〒〒〒〒';.,,;;`;;i':';:;..,,:'':';:;"
`;;ii|!:;. ,,;...;)}{{.|llll|llll|llll|llll|┃||ロロ|____.| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||___|ロロ||┃llll|llll|llll|llll|.}}ヾ':';:;..,"i|!i|!,:'':';:;..
─-==-_─三─≡-=─-==-.::::; ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ、:::..─-==-_─三─≡-=─-==-_
,,,,_,,ー,,,- ,,,- ,,,, _,:,, ,,-  ,,,::::r'' : : : : : : : : : : : : : :゙''、::::..ー,,,, ,,,,,,ー ,,,,- ,,,,,, -,,,,,,,- ,,,,ー ,,,, ,,
            .       /^)
              .      | |  /)
           (\,,,/)   | |//
           /〃ノソ)))  ./〃リレ))
           ルリ,, ^ー)  ノル,,‘ー)
           ノ. .ヽV/つ  (;;〔つと)
          ヽ,,ノ. / /l l   / . / l l |
           く._/_/_|_|.  く.__/_/_|_|
              `´`´    `´`´

51 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-12-07 04:48 ID:Jr2QvYkg


52 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-03-20 12:46 ID:bOzfDK/m

hosyu age

53 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-03-21 08:23 ID:l2sbOT8N

   あ     オ                  マジオヌヌメ!      アッー!
あ     ッ オ            弐喪グロメン         気持ち良過ぎて何回も種付けしちまった。
ぁ     ス ッ    おら!種付けだ!!       ヴォースゲー!               ラーメン
マム    ! ス     今夜はトロトロにしてやんよ   ____   ヘブン状態!!       ツケメン
ジだ      !                         / 弐喪厨 \  おらおら節で火がつくぜぇ! 弐喪グロメン
弐ワ  こ        どんな体位で交尾したい?   /        \合体したい!!  
喪   れ ガバガバじゃねえか!           /  <J>  <J>  \   し〜はぁ〜 気持ちいい!  
シ   弐        オラ!胎めやッ!       | ∴∴ (__人__)∴∴|     種付けしたい
ン   喪                          \ ∴  `⌒J´ ∴/    きもっちええかぁ?!きもっちええかぁ?!   
ド   が       弐喪をボテ腹にしたい・・・   /アウアウアァ・・・   \         あー弐喪を犯したくてうずうずしてるぅ!!
ロ   一         ファイティング・弐喪        アゥー・・
│   人で保守してんの?    マジハンパねえ!    キモカワの愛され系 それが弐喪!!       否!イケメン!
アンチ弐喪必死すぎワロタwwwww 疲れた喪達は皆、弐喪っちに回帰するのさ・・・・・ おええぇぇええ!弐喪厨ってこんな事ばっかいってるの?

弐喪は喪男の希望 弐喪は喪板の礎石だと思うんです

54 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-05-25 15:38 ID:TnLNAABl

   ./:/{:.l.:.:.{.:.:.|.:.:|.:.{.:.:.:.:.:/:/.:.:.:.//:.:./.:./.:.:/.:.:.:./.:.:./.:.:/∧:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:|.:.:l.:. |.:.:.:.:.} ヽ
─‐//-{:.|.:.:.|.:.:.|.:.:|.:.|.:.:.:.://.:.:/{.:.:./:.:./.:.:/.:.:.:./.:.:.//:./  ∨:.:.:.:.:.:.:. }::/:.:.:} :.:.:.:.|─ヽ─────
  〃  |:.|.:.:.|.:.:.|.:.:|.:.|.:.:.:/汀ミ__.j.:/{.:.:/.:./.:.:.:./.:.:.://.:/  _∨.:.:.:.:../:/.:.:/ :.:.:.:.:.|   \
. /    |::|.:.:.|.:.::|.:.:|.:.|.:∨//=x〃寸x/.:/.:.:.:./.:.://.:/-''"厶戈ヘ.:.:./:.:.:.:/.:.:.:.:./:/    ヽ
     |.:ト、:{.:.:.V.:{.:∧:{ {/灯ふx/ ハ.:.ハ:.:./:///:,'_,ィチ刃リヽ}Y/:.:.:.:/.:.:/:.:/:/
     {:.| ∨.:.:Vヽ.:∧!\弋zソ\レ'/:: ////、弋:Y:ソ//:..:.:.:∧.:/:./∨
     ヽ   ヾ:.:.Vヽ.:∧  ̄ ̄ ̄ / l/ イ/    ` ̄ ̄  /:.:.:/ /:/{/       散々使い倒して
         \八.:ぃ.:\.     / 〃  :|          /:./ /:./ {l           ボロ雑巾のように捨ててやる………!
          ノ Vヽ`ミ \  / 〃  :|            /イ-イ.:.:./{ 八
              ∨.:∧、        :| ,        / /.:.:.:.} :.:从
                ノ }:∧:.:.\  、_______ァ   ∠_.:.:./{:./              //
               }/ У厂{ヽ、``ー=ニニ='"  /{´\:/ .l/                 //::::
                  __,「「{  `ヽ\        ∠ _少ノ ,八                 //::::::::::
               f{ { \\. ヽ、\    /=彡イ / 八ヽ、            //:::::::::::::::
\           厂"{  \  \, /\`  ̄ ´ ,ァ个廴_ノノ./ } 小,        //:::::::::::::::::::::
\\         ∨ } ヽ  ヘ、/ / 〉──‐〈  } \" ./ }  j/      //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::::\\       \ ヽ \/ /  八    ノ ノ /厶/  ノ /       //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

55 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-10-08 15:26 ID:OldEPdSw


56 Name: = 。= : 2008-10-17 14:33 ID:J9rEqyXc

     VOCALOID 2    Character vocal series 01
     _           _
     _L j__ ___  __L j___
     |_   )|__  | |__   ._  _) l⌒l
     / //li´゙i |  |─┘ └┘└─,│.└───‐ 、  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ l
    / /-(__ノ| | |  |─===‐─‐'゙└─────' / / ̄ ̄|  |
  / / l.   \ | | |  |  | ニニニ.ヽ`ヽ ┌────‐、 | /   / /
  |/  |  |ヽ.| | | |  |  | ┌─‐' ノ ! └────‐'     / /
       l  |.   | | |  |  |  ̄ ̄ _.ノ | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄l  / /
       ̄     ̄  ̄   ̄ ̄ ̄     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  |/ /
     H A T S U N E   M I K U       |/ /
                  _,,..-‐v―‐--、 , クヘ
               , =、/:::::::::;:':::::_:::::::::<<:「`ヽ、
               l〔冫:ヾ‐:::::::::::ヘ:::::-、:::ヾヽ :::::\
             /::/:::::::ト、 ::::::|\_::::::::::::V、__!!、::::::::::ヽ
               /::/!:::::::;L_\::::l ´>=、:::::::lr'rニ1!::::::::::::::ヽ
            {::/::|::::::::レ,=、\! ヒ'_ト、:::川jレ,ハ:::::::::::::::::ヽ
           ∧!:∧::::::ハ,ヒ〕      lVベラ´ ';:::::::::::::::::ヽ
           /:::冫::;ヘ::: ∧  ' _ _,   ルく    !::::::::::::::::::ヽ
           /::::::::: /::;!ヽ{_ > 、_  イノL`ヽ   !:::::::::::::::::::ヽ
           ,' ::::::::::;:::::!       ,r┘‐‐ ' >、_   l::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
           / ::::::::::;::::::!  ,.-‐ <,ム、  /´   ヽ  l:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
           ,′::::::::::::::::! ,′,//´「:::`{!  、    }   l:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
          ,!:::::::::::::::::::::{ / /.:/ /::.  .:[! ハ 01 l   !::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
          ,!:::::::::;:::::::::::::l// .:::/  ,!rー┐:[! |   !   !::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
         ,!::::::::::::::::::::::r'、{:::::/  /::.  ̄ .::ヘ、」_ _」、  l::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
       ,!::::::::::::::::::::::/`..〉/  /::.::.:.   ..::::/{. ̄ 田|   !::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
      ,!:::::::::;'::::::::::/ .::::/   ,'::::.ヽ/ .::::/ l:..    {   l::::::::::::::::::::::::::..
      ,!:::::::::,::::::::::/ .:::/   ,′ ::::..:::::::::/  |::::.   |   l:::::::::::::::::::::::..
      /::::::::/::::::::/ .:〃   / ;  .:::::::::::/  l::::::::..  |   l::::::::::::::::::::::::.
      /::::::::;'::::::::///    /:::..!   ;r'〈    !ヽ:::::::., |   l::::::::::::::::::::::.
    〃::::::/:::::/ ;r'_‐┐ /::::::::〉 / :::ヽ. |:::  ,r l    !:::::::::::::::::::::.
    /:::::::_/  ;r'ー-┘ / ⌒)::::::::   ::ヽ.| _/  l    l:::::::::::::::::::::::..
  /::::: 「   .:::/     /ヘ、':::::.  :. 、  :::ヘl ::.::..  .:l   !::::::::::::::::..
 /::::::: /|   .:::〈     / :::...`ヽ.  ::.  ヽ:::::.| :┌- ┐!   l:::::::::::::::::::..
,/:::::: / ∧.  /∧  /ヘ   ::::::::..ヽ、   _」 :::! 「 」l|  l:::::::::::::....
::::::: / <´ヽ<:/ ` :/ .:| \     _,. ‐'´ヾ! :::! 「! 」! !   !::::::::::....
:::: /   `Y´\::::::/ :::;! .::l\  /:ヽ _/ | .:::| 「l 」l. l   l::::::::::....
: 〈    .::::{\ .:Y  .:::,! .::::| .::ヽヘ ::_,ノヘ、,イ :::i 「 「|l !  l:::::::....
:::: ヽ、 .:::::!  ` く_ ̄ 7ー-- '!ー ヘ:ヽ、_, ‐'! ,! ::::l 「! 」 !ハ  !:::..
   | ハヽ,!      ̄ゝ,――'rー‐‐' ヽヽ、 /   ::| 「l. 」|  〉
   ` ` ト=、_ _    /    ,!_  _  _ヾニ ヽ、_ └--‐'_rヘ
      |::::::::::::::::`::7     !::: ̄:::::::::::::::::!  「√「「ヘ j
                                 /〈 ⌒丶、
                                  | |     \、
                                    _,⊥⊥_      \、
                  __,.-==二==、、      r、 |.几__〕凵n   \、
.             x‐x/// ̄  ̄¨ =ミx>ュ_     |l>X!爿=≠=.!lヽ,、    \、
          /C>∠//       、   \.  |Kx.!爿厂ミヾ_〕l'くツ\    \
        ////三j) ///   〃  ト、、\ \.!/.|.レ   |    \ \
         ////‐≪ // / / / /,l | ||V \\ V .才'     |      \ \
        rヽ/./⌒ヽ//7/ //-∠//l | | l  V.l lヽ ヽ〃|_===_|       \ \
      〈ハ. ∨三三_v´/ ////_L._l `l l/l/ ,⊥! ! V⌒V丁 ̄ ̄丁       \
     /い _>-‐‐+、l,///,〈 衍心// ′ ,L_ l V:三三',|    |
.     ,八 /        Y / l 弋少 ′   伐クl/{:三三=:廴___ノ
    / /   ヽ     // 从      , └'.ハ ∧三三/ \
.   / /    /l     ∧' ,从   f⌒ア  /l///ヘ三:/   ヘ
  / ∧ //  :l   .' 〉xヽヘ\   ` '  イ ///  `¨´    ∧
. / / ,∨ ; ; l   ,' //\_\``t‐<-‐.メ、 \    >  ∧
../ / / |c : :   !/⌒ヽ.  ̄¨¨Yム\   \ \___.Z   ∧
,' / ,'   |c : :    |      ∨◇ ,〈  〉、ト、     \入       ∧
./ /   |c : :    |\     i\/ Y ∧ \   /  \     ∧
' /   , |c : :    |  ヽ   @    V ∧  \. |    ヽ     l
    / |c : :   /  /   @    V ∧ </Y_     丶.     |
   /  |      / /{\  /       V ∧   l ¨V-=._    j
   /  l.     /  \ ̄       V ∧  ハ  V    ¨ ‐- ヘ、
  /   l\   /      \        V ∧  ハ  V    '.     \
  /   |  `¨´        \      V ∧  ハ  V    '.      \
 '     l                 ヽ      l  ハ   ',   V   '.        ヽ
,      l               V     l   ハ   ヽ  V   '.  丶    `、
.       l                〈 丶   l   ∨ / .〉 V   ',   丶    `、
     l              〈 丶   l    ∨  ヽ V   ',   ヽ    `、
      l                 /  ヽ.   !二コ  V´  /\V   ',   ',    ',
 l    l               /         |二コ   ∨    \    ',   ',
 l    l            /          |     ∨     \   ',   ',
 l  ハ l           /              !       ∨,       |〉、_ '.   ',
 l  l l l          /             \      〉ヽ     |〉、_] ,     '.
 l  l l l         〉‐- 、            へ、   /   \  l〉、/' l     ,
 l  l l l       /\ /`ヽ、         /  >イ ∧   \ !〉,冫 l    ,
 l  ! l l     く_   ヽ_   `ヽ、    /     l     ', _ /ヽ>、ヽ l    ,
 l  l .l l        \_/ \_  \/ /    __L.-‐<\_∠三ン :l    ,
 l  l !.l           \_  / ̄ ̄¨l¨ ̄ ̄ ̄     ,.イ     ヽ  !     ,
 l  l l l.            l   ̄  ‐-=⊥__  _, .-‐ ¨  ,′    !  !    ,
 l  l v'、           l             丁         ′     l  l      ,
 l  l  vヘ         l          ′       .′      l  l     ,
 l  l  vヘ         l             ′        ′      l  l!      ,

57 Name: sparky(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田!AZWpeumso. : 2008-10-17 18:51 ID:/HTXVVyt


 / || ̄ ̄|| ∧_∧
 | ̄ ̄\三⊂/ ̄ ̄ ̄/
 |    | ( ./     /

58 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-10-17 20:25 ID:jtl2V3uS


You seem to have us confused with 4-chan.

59 Name: = 。= : 2008-10-19 02:20 ID:pGA2Pinf

Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea

┃ 宮崎 駿 監督作品                                             ┃
┃    _  ∩                         __   __                     ┃
┃    l l_| |_ハ           ∩               l }  (O)                      ┃
┃    |____|        |└ー┐         rー-┘└ー〒                       ┃
┃   /ニニ_ニニ)   _    | 「 ̄     _    ̄ ̄l l ̄ ̄  (二ニコ  r―- 、         ┃
┃  / / r三_三ぅ /_. ヽ   | |__   /_  ヽ  / 〉 l  l 〈ヽ、        ニコ ,/       ┃
┃ / /  lニi iニl { (ノ ハ } l ̄__  ̄l { (ノ ハ } 〈_/ l   l ヽ_〉 /^ー--、 ニユ /         . ┃
┃<ノ  lニニニニニl `ー´ し′ ̄   ̄  `ー´ し′   └-┘   `ー―‐´└ー-           .┃
┃                               Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea          ┃
┃                             _____                         ┃
┃                        , -‐.二.z   -=ミニz-. _                 ┃
┃                      〆_. ‐' ´   ` ' '" ̄ ̄  `゙‐ミぅ、               ┃
┃                   ,/` ´      . - -ー‐-.、 ___      \              ┃
┃                 ,/       , '´       ´ Ξそ_     ヽ           ┃
┃               ,/       ,≦ン  ,   __. z-ラスヽヽ     `i、            ┃
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┃         ` - r‐'´     !               )     ヽ         ヘ  . _  ┃

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  。                   / |: ヽrヘ、__     /{            ヽ
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/ ̄レ'′           \!                     |   _/    ○  。
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    o    ゚    O        。
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    o  ♪     ゚    。   ゚ ♪♪
      。  ポーニョ ポーニョ ポニョ
     o     さかなのコ
      。  ♪  ゚       o  ♪


60 Name: = 。= : 2008-10-19 03:06 ID:Heaven

涼宮 ハルヒ(Haruhi Suzumiya)

              .. -_―:,.―--...
    __ r、___ .イ´: : : _Y∠二 : : :`ヽ、____
  r┴‐ 、|/    /:/:/´ ___ \:.、ヽ:\   |
  T ー-、{    /__/://斗 7: : : : : :\ヽ.ヽヽ.L:ム   |
   `.i7 リく ̄,ィ //:/ / ./ : !{: . . :\ ヽ:ヽ}ハヽ.__ `ア!
    [_Y´ ,ノz/ !':./:/:/ハ: :l.:ヽ\:.. :ヽ::i: :|: :! VY.|
    ト.、〃/勹Z!.:|丁{.:ト、ヽ:ト ::ト、ヽ;: イ!:丁:.:ヒK_ヽ|
    |ヽ.`7,.イ.リ ,| :ト:{z≧ミ\ヾ\ ベ>|=く|: :.:l! {:.:ト.ヾ、
    |  {{メ|/ィ´|:..l《トォ::..:lヾ    禾i:::.トリ|: :.:lヽヽト| } ヽ
    |ヽ ヽX:.ト、l .:ヽVjzリ        ヒzリ´j: :l:.レ:ト、\! }
    |   /トヽ!小:..ド\  _:! _,    /:}.:|/ リ::ト、 ∨
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    | `|| |{ト:ヽ:ヽト:ト .. ヽ __ ノ ..イノイ:./:_:/:.//〉! }′
    | └-ヽ!.|:l\トトト}-`ミ ニ ´__/ イ:./{´ノァ':// |
    |    j!.l::! . . . ヒ_ー-、`ー/.― 介:ト /://  |
    |    |l. l:.l. . . .|{ `Tト.ニ/. . . . . . ./:/イノ  |
    |    _..ヘヽヾ、. . l! .:i  /. . . . . .//-‐ r‐|
    |   ノ. {. . ト.\ヽ: :l rr、 / . . . ./'//`\_/ヽ_}
    |./--‐ー...ー、 丶ミ|lj∠_..-=‐..イ ノ   j≧、j}、
    | . . . _ニヽヽミ:.>‐ァ不ォ‐<_=ァT´     ト ―=く
    |. ./ . __ . . .ト:「__:.ィ:|Tヽー/. . リ       ` ー┬ ′
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    トj´ . . . . . . .:l! ヽ :.|:.ト..:.ー‐`<__\       |
    |{.: . . . . . . .__}! .:.:.:ヽト、:.:丶: :/ . ̄ヽー-.、    |
    ノ:.: . . ._. -――- 、:. ヽ.\:.ヽ{、: : . :..ヽ:.:.〉    |
  `ー、:.:∨       }: : :ト、 ヽ:}:.\ : : : }V     |
    |. 丁ヽ         ハ: :|:.:.\:ヽ . .ヽ:.:ノ     |
     ̄ ̄ \     ノ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
           ̄     涼宮ハルヒ(すずみやはるひ)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = = = =
Haruhi Dance(Hare Hare Yukai)
                                         _  /)
                    n                  〈 `マイ
                    nj {、                 fー=f′                   n
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                      >、ィ                   f i′ ハ               }Y'Nj
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            `{i沁、 _ ィ|::::::::|      !ヽ:!::ト;:|:::}_:≧ -イリj| ! .{ソ        ヽト;入 ァ .ィ|  :|\
            ,ィ';/ /=ヂ´{:::::ィ:j       `V^}{´ /三V´¨j i:..:/       /:/: ノ玉仟リ|  |: : .ヽ
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      L..ノ゙:|..|::{  マヽ.`ニソ   _,.ノ    /|:::::::::::ノ. |
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       |:::\  \::ハ  ∨:\  \  ̄ 二´   /|  }} .}
   ┌ー∨:::::\  \}   V::.∧   \_,. -  /゙.|   }}ノ
.     \  \/.::.\      \    .>.-、/ ./ヽ   ハ
.      \  \ノ´        \../ /、/ ./\  ハ
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     ___)      /     /     \    |  V
   ヽ_  _  .         / | \ .   \_,.イ .〃
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             ̄ ̄二><         / /(ニ).  / :/_,.ゝ
                   〈           /  / /~ヽノ ̄
                 >─\   /\ ./ /   ||
               /  ヽ、.  ̄ ̄  /〉,イ   |.|┐
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              /       /     //     //.      \ \
            /      /     //     //        \_>
        ┌─二       /      / |     //       / ̄∨
.         \         /     /....|.   //     /    \

61 Name: = 。= : 2008-10-22 11:19 ID:Heaven

【ひきこもり/ヒッキー】Hikikomori/Hikky= social withdrawal

Hikikomori (引き篭り)?, lit. "pulling away, being confined", i.e. "acute social withdrawal") is a Japanese term
to refer to the phenomenon of reclusive individuals who have chosen to withdraw from social life, often seeking
extreme degrees of isolation and confinement due to various personal and social factors in their lives.
The term hikikomori refers to both the sociological phenomenon in general as well as to individuals belonging
to this societal group.

Hikky AA
          |     |/(-_-)\|
          |     |   ∩∩   |
          |      ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        (-_-) …             

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

" Utsuda Shinou " Personified character of 2ch fomouse.Hikky (-_-)
          (         |
           )        |                      (
         / へ         |                    )
         \`./        |                   / へ
                    ,─、 ,-、_.. --──-- .._,‐、 ,─、   \`./
                   ,.-|  ‐H/// /l l lヽヽ\\H‐  |-、
                 l ミ!  ´〉-‐, , , , . .. . 、、、、‐-〈`  lミ !
                l , >-/./ ,.l l l l ! ! l l l l l l、ヽ.ヽ-<、 l
                | i`i~| l l l,H‐H l | ll l H‐H、!l l. |~i´i |
               ! ! l ! l l.,!v_lV_Vリレ_リ_リ, l. l l ! l l
                { l l , ヘ!.l. ´ _    _ ` レレ'、 l l j
                ,ソ,.ノ._} {9ilo゚´ ̄`  ´ ̄`゚o.li6} {_ヽヽ'、
                    ゝ ノ ). `‐l.⊂⊃  `  ⊂⊃ !‐' (ヽ`.ノ
               ( ´.< ,.-r‐ゝ、  ⌒    , イ‐.r‐、ゝ`.)  < ウツダ シノウ…
                    (.´ 〉 、!::::! `i. ‐--‐ i ´ l::::l / 〈 `)
                    (l/ ヽ l::::l__゚‐o.ェ.o‐゚ _l::::l/ ‐ ヘl)
                 /,,ヽ. 、{:::::::::::::::(-_-)::::::::::_:::} ´./ゥ、
                    l _ -ヘ_ゝ二`ヽ(∩∩)::::/´,'二`ツ-、_l   
                「  __Y --` `io:l:;::-'     -}_   | ──────────────
                |_ノi´    ̄  ̄  ̄´   _ _ ‐;' `iヽ、! 三三
                ヾ、.>、    __ - ニ´_  ̄  ノ、ノ 三三三
               /     7一  ̄ } |::/::| {    ̄ ーヘ 三三三三三
              /     ,.‐i       l  !'::::;l !       i‐.、 三三三
              /     /::/:l.     l  l:::/:! l       l::i::ヽ 三三
            /       /:::/::::l.     l  l:::/:! l       l:::i::::.ヽ 三三 
          /      /::::/::::::l.      l  l:::/::! l      l::::i:::::: .ヽ 三三三
      /         宇津田 志乃 (鬱だ 死のう Utsuda Shinou = melancholic, want to die.)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||. :||:               ______
 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||.   :||:             .│・       .・│
 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||  .   :||:                │ (−_−).│
 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||    .   :||:                │ (∩ ∩) .|
 |||||||||||||||||||||||     .  :||:                | ≡≡≡≡≡ |
 |||||||||||||||||||||    n.   :||:                | ≡≡≡≡≡ |
 |||||||||||||||||||  .  []        ウツダシノウ・・・    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 |||||||||||||||||      ||   _冂丶
 |||||||||||||||       || √|Π 丶\   _,,--ー、 <There is no turn of me.
 |||||||||||||    | ̄ー-f/[二--二]//-r-/   ,,  v
 |||||||||||     |   //  |凵 // / 「   /⌒`、v    
 ||||||||||      `ト| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/   /   ) 〉
 |||||||||       | `、  r--, (⌒) | _/ ̄\ノ/
 ||||||||       | ,,ーー'' ‘ーーー` / //--
 |||||||       「 ̄ / ̄ ̄ト−ー- ' ̄丶_/〉
 |||||        `、  し⌒`(        /\」
 ||||         L// /   、`ーL_ / \|
 |||       /  / //    |)   \\,  | ================
 |||  .    /  /  //     V\   `、`、 〉 
 ||        |===\     |  \ ノ 〉. 〉'
 ||       ///,/  \   |ー--- ' .,'  
 |    // / //     ) >ノ`ー---'' 
 |   [ /// '─- ''' _,/ー ''
 |    / / / ──' ''''
 |   ーー /
    . 。/
  . 。/

62 Name: = 。= : 2008-10-28 02:17 ID:Heaven

【Gunpla(Gundam model)】
         /l        rェ|______ [] |E}         l
        / l       {ニll___○__,ノ  /-/       l
       /  l      ヾ>、,. ── rv‐イヽノ        .l
      /   l       `ーーiニニリ┴‐‐'´     MS-06 l
     /    l          └‐┘       ZAKU II l
    /     l_________________l
   /     /      _,,. ----- 、           /
   l     /    _,,. -''"     ★ `丶、      /
   l   /   _,. ''"   __;;:ー―――- .._ ヽ.   /
   l /   /  _,,.;:-'"   `ヽ、...................,>'ヽ/
   l/   /   l./        ヽ................;'   `ヽ
     ̄ ̄/    l -━━━━━‐!...............l‐━━-l
      ./     .l         !................i     l
     /      l.、       ノ...................'.,    l.i、
     /      l `ー- -‐'''"...........................ヽ._ノ.l i
    /       l.....................................................................i. l
    /       !.......ι....................................................../ l
   i        l;;......................................U....................../   !
   l       .l 、;;,.............................__............../  /
    ヽ _   / `ヽ、 ....,-‐''''" ̄`ー-'`丶/ _/
                _,,.. --- 、
             ,. -''"       `丶、
           /            \
          /、       u    し  ヽ
         /、「                ,}
         l::::,=、ー‐┐ぅ        r''":::l!
           l::/:::::::::ヽ::::l          lι::::ll
         l:ト-:、::::::l:::|    u     l:::::::l|
           lヽ:::::ヽ、!::l           l::::/ l  /
          ヽ:`ー' ιl      ぅ    V  ノ /
           ヽ:::::::::::::l           }‐'  | ̄ ̄ ̄
      , -ー‐''''''"ヽ7ヽ、!         /    |___
   r-- {-y _,,.. --ー==ヽ、___,,,...-''"ー-- 、
  /に  Qし'"       /::::/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::l
  ム二_     __   /:::::/ヽ:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::l
     ロラ  ム\並}  /::::::/[] \::::::::::::::::::::::::::/
  tj 「l  rl]  Lll」 /:::::::/    ヽ、::::::::::::::/
    /llヽ / Ll!  "  /::::::::/ =   /:::::::::;r'"く、  _
   { 「 l} V、_ゝ , -'::::::::::/     /:::::::∠ニ=--、 ̄::::l、
    チイ     {__ノ     {、__,,,.. - 、_つー'
     ̄   ェ}

           ∧_∧    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
            <ヽ`∀´>    |Now, it's happy model construction time.
          /    \ < The figure below is a completed chart.
          ||  ||  |
          ||  ||  \_______________  
     __ //_ //___
    /  //  //      /
   /     ̄     ̄      //
   || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||  ||
   || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||  ||
   ||  Teacher's desk      ||  ||
   ||                ||

┃  ☆★☆★☆ NIDAPURA ☆★☆★☆                         ┃
┃    ┏┳━━┳━┳━┳━┳━┳━┳━┓  ∧_∧    The origin of   ┃
┃    ┣∧━∧━∧┷∧╋/ ̄\┻///┫ <ヽ`∀´> <  Plastic model is┃
┃    ┣━╋━━━━━┳━┻━━╋━┳┫ (     ).  our country-nida !┃
┃    ┣<丶`∀´>━<丶`∀´>━<丶`∀´>━┫ | | |   The lack of part is┃
┃    ┣┳┳┻┳┳┳━━┳┳┳━━┳┳┫ 〈_フ__フ  "Kenchanayo"nida┃
┃    ┣\_/━\\━/ /\_」━//\」┫                      ┃
┃    ┣━━┳┳━┳┳┳━━┳┳┳━┳┫                      ┃
┃    ┣人ト Ol Eト ロト !人ト Ol Eト ロト〜!>.┫                      ┃
┃    ┣┳┳┳━━┻┳┳━━━┳┳┳┳┫                      ┃
┃    ┣人ト Ol━Eト━ロト 人ト━Ol━Eト━ロト !.┫   High quality            ┃
┃    ┗━┻━━┻━━┻━┻━━┻━━┛        made in nidahland ┃
┃.─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┃ 
┃◎A figure of completion                                     ┃
┃                \ │ /                              ┃
┃                 / ̄\   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄           .┃
┃               ─<丶`∀´> < 人ト Ol Eト ロト !                ┃
┃                 \_/   \_________           .┃
┃                / │ \                              ┃
┃                    ∩ ∧ ∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  .┃
┃ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\∩ ∧ ∧ \丶`∀´> < 人ト Ol Eト ロト 人ト Ol Eト ロト ! ┃
┃人ト Ol Eト ロト〜! ><丶`∀´>/|   /  \___________ . .┃
┃________/ |    〈 |   |                       ┃
┃              / /\_」 / /\」                              ┃
┃                ̄     ./ /                                  ┃

63 Name: = 。= : 2008-10-30 03:55 ID:Heaven

【Eroge = Ero game】
An eroge (エロゲー, erogee, a portmanteau of erotic game: erochikku geemu) is a Japanese video
or computer game that features erotic content, usually in the form of anime-style artwork.

*Refrain Blue
ゞン           r-、_    ))    ノ .ノ=ニ二ヱニニ二 ヽ、ミミz、
        o    八ミ⌒ヽ、 《_  //,イ ヲ_:_::_/三二ニニニミミゞ、 ゙ヽ、_
   ゞつ      イ三竺: .. :ミ\))ノノ /彡/:_::_:/二二ニニミ三三ミニ==!\,,_
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             しiンィ ,ァ,ノ    謎の少女
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*Comic party

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                    /      /   桜井 あさひ
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*December When There Is No Angel
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         }.;    ,, '/: . :     . : : : : i: :       ' :::::::::::\ 葉月真帆
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