Let's find Japanese culture and traditons from AA - Part 2 (63)

1 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-01-31 11:42 ID:qQTJ4jP0

The first thread has got a problem.
Now let's start a new thread and find Japanese culture and traditions from AA.
                ,,,,,,,,,,,、    ,,-'"゙^   `ヽ,    _,,,‐''" ̄~`''丶,,,,_
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 丶;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_,,,,,,,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l!l''''''''''''"|~~~ ∧∧『茶』 い 『茶』〃〃〃 ,,,-‐
   ,,,,,、ーー'''' """"  |  | |::  ┌┬┐|l■|. . . (=゚ω゚)丿´  ょ `l;;l´  ,,,,-‐'"    ;
      | ∧∧   |  | |::  │││|l◆|.. . (∪茶)|l;;l   ぅ   l;;l ''"  : :: :          i~ ":;、,゙",;.:
      | (*^ー)ノ  ┘ー| |::  └┴┘|l_,,-----、`∪」 l;;l    ,,-‐',,゙;: .;' ,゙;: .;' ,゙;: .;'    /~": ; 、,゙",;.:
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茶店(Cha mise) - a tea shop
Traditionally, these shops provide sweets and green tea for visitors.

2 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-01-31 11:45 ID:qQTJ4jP0

  | |  i*Tll..≡| |  \
  | |! domona !| |    ( ,'3)
  | |  ∧ ∧ | |     人
  | |.  (,,゜Д゜)| |     (  \
  | |  /つつ  | |      \  \
  | |μs ~~~   | |       \  \
  | ~ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄~ |         \  \
  (⌒!二二二!⌒)           \ _)
  |⌒ ⊂⊃  ⌒|            ~
  | О (_O_) О |
  | @  A  B..|
  | C  D  E..|
  | F  G  H..|
  | 〇  〇  〇..|

  | |  i*Tll..≡| | ノ\
  | |! docomo !| | [] []
  | | ∧_∧ | | []  []
  | | ( ・∀・)..| |∧!∧ []
  | | (つ  つ. | |(,,゚д゚)∧!∧
  | |μs ~~~   | | (⊃⊃゚ー゚*)
  | ~ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄~ |/  ノ⊂∞⊃
  (⌒!二二二!⌒),,⊃⊃ |   |〜
  |⌒ ⊂⊃  ⌒|(   U"U
  | О (_O_) О |
  | @  A  B..|
  | C  D  E..|
  | F  G  H..|
  | 〇  〇  〇..|

ストラップ−straps for mobile phones.
Japanese people decorate mobile phones with various straps.

3 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-02-01 09:35 ID:qQTJ4jP0

                                  ,    .:'
                   ,                        .

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書道(syodo) -the art of calligraphy
Syodo is one of Japanese traditional arts which came from China.
There are various ways to write.

4 Name: = _ = : 2007-02-02 02:17 ID:Heaven

.            /    \       
    |       |鬚|      .|鬚|       | 
    |       |鬚|      .|鬚|       |
    |       |鬚|      .|鬚|       |  【掛軸(Kakejiku)/掛物(Kakemono)】 Japanese Hanging scroll.
    |       |鬚|      .|鬚|       |
    |       |鬚|      .|鬚|       |
    |____|鬚|___,|鬚|____|   A kakejiku is a Japanese scroll painting, an ink-and-brush painting
    |一 一一一一一一一一一一 一:|   that hangs n a traditional Japanese house.
    |二二二二二二二二二二二二ニ:|   In a teahouse, or the room called a chashits, which is located in a
    |一|鬚鬚鬚鬚鬚鬚鬚鬚鬚鬚_|一|   secluded garden setting away from the main dwelling, the choice
    |二| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ |二|   of the kakejiku and its complementary flower arrangement help
    |一|                     |一|   set the spiritual mood of the ceremony itself, it perfect harmony
    |二|     r 、  _,.-'''‐.、   .|二|   with the time of year.
    |一|     ) ノ{`' _ ri ノ    .|一|
    |二|    ( (/ ,、`' ど、     |二|
    |一|     ) ,, ゙'   く     |一|
    |二|     し' 〉 }j ト、_,)     |二|
    |一|       `' `-'       . |一|
    |二|       _,.、        |二|
    |一|      / '‐‐、      |一|
    |二|      /  ,ィ |       |二|   http://jyuluck-do.com/AboutKakejiku.html
    |一|     i _  ) | l      .|一|   http://www.ukiyoe-gallery.com/scrolls.htm
    |二|     _! ゙'  )ノ j,.、    |二|    http://www.aisf.or.jp/~jaanus/deta/k/kakemono.htm
    |一|    ( _  ,-、 、‐y'    .|一|
    |二|     `'ノ_ノ `、_)    .|二|
    |一|                     |一|
    |二|       __r 、 ,..、 .     |二|
    |一|    r 、( () ){ (,、     |一|
    |二|    { ノ/ 〃 (,) ({ `i   |二|
    |一| ノl|  )`' '、__,、__,、 |.  .|一|
    |二| 端  ヽ‐'"    '‐''   .|二|
    |一| 康      r 、      |一|
    |二| 刈.   , ‐‐┘└''' ヽ    |二|
    |一|     し'フ ノ、⌒"    .|一|
    |二| 圖   r'  ' ノ ,..、     .|二|
    |一| 圓  ,.`= こ,,.ノ .l   .|一|
    |二|     !、_,ー一'^i,__j   .|二|
    |一|                     |一|
    |一 一一一一一一一一一一 一:|
    |  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ .|
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.     |l||                      |l||
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    川                     川

5 Name: = _ = : 2007-02-02 12:04 ID:Heaven

【二宮金次郎/二宮尊徳(Ninomiya Kinjirou/Ninoniya Sontpku)像】
A statue of Ninomiya Kinjirou(Sontoku)
                              i ヾミミ/ミミヽヾヾヾヾ ヽ》》 )
                     / ̄|ヽ      iミf⌒ヽ乍ミミj´⌒  ヽリ /
                      |  i |   / ̄ミ|( ソミ丿⌒ ,-=.__  /
         r-、f⌒ヽf^ヽ=----._/  / |__  i  i/i、_,      -、__,' /-i
         i ノt__ノi  )ー=-_/  /   |  ̄ヽヽ/、  ヽ       -'"i-'
        /ヽ○f^ヽr-ソ-=___,/   i  |彡i, -'"ヽ ヽ ヽ    / -、ノ
        { ノ´ヽソ_ノ ̄`-=i   {二二ミヽミミヽ  \ ヽ   丶-'
       / ヽ_ノi  )-=_-==Lヽ/    ヽヽミミヽ   ヽ ヽ___,,ノ´     < I'm not a Agent Smith !
       {、_ノ○⌒ヽノ__、、、、、//       i  ミトミi   、 /i|~ ヽ
      / f⌒ヽ_ノ(_)=-_-=/ /      i ノミトミi   ヽ// ≡i
      ヽソーノ( ヽ=─/  /   /   /  |三乍i   ソ/  lミli
     f´ヽ_ノ´⌒ヽソ/   ./   /   ./   |三i≡i   //  lミl i
     ヽf⌒}、__ノ /    /   ./   /  r´ ̄二二ヽ //   lミi j
     ( i、_ノヽ-、i -='⌒ヽ-^──── 、ノ´   _,---' //    リソ、_____
     ヽノ{、_ノ  i              i      ,--'─────────ヽf=/ ̄ヽ
     (´ ノ ヽィ<i              i __,.-''''''゙            //⌒ヽ/ヽヾヽ
     ヽ-=-ソ__ノi ヽ-=-'         i´  ノミミ乍三二≡=────-''///-、 f^ヽヾヽj
      (__ノ´ ヽ=-ヽ            ノ /ミミノ__三二三三三三三j彡´_j_,i
       {、ソ__,ヽ           / jヽ/    ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ_ヽ_ヽヽノ
        ̄´´  / ヽ         /  ヽ        ノ   ゙̄``゙|
           /  /ヽ        i  ノ  fii    -''  i ノ   l
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           ヽ/_,、      ヽ  ノ--'二三二)^j^)⌒i   ヽ ヽ    ノj
              ヽ             ノ//^ヽヾi    ヽ二二',,ノ
There is not the statue which has been chatching unfair handlings.
Before the World War II, this ststue was seen every elementary schools in Japan
as a symbol of study and hard work.
A considerable number was demolished after the war by instructions of GHQ.
And it is demolished now by teachers of the communist who is going to lower a
Japanese level.

6 Name: = _ = : 2007-02-04 18:29 ID:Heaven

                                           | この紋所が
                                           | 目にはいらぬかーっ!
                                              ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       , ─´`─ 、             __,、__            ,. ─´`─ 、
      / **** ヽ             /        \          / ****ヽ
     | *___ *|           <   ___    >         | *___*|
     | /‐-、 ,--\|           ヽ |/      \|/           |/、_ _,\|
     (|  エ   エ  | ヒカエオロー!     | / 二  二 ヽ | カッカッカッ !   (|  (・)  (・)  |)
       |    -    |.             、l  ⌒   ⌒  l,        _   |   ∪   |
      ヽ  -=-  / 「「「「|        ヾ| /.....::.....ヽ. |ソ      |,、-..| ヽ.  -─-  /
    __ヽ__ /_「l」   |     _   ヽ `  ̄ ´ /      (]`=''|ヘ_ヽ__ /_
   /* * *\\// ヽ   ノ     | |  _  llllllllllllll _       └‐.┘" \ \/ /:: ::\
  / * * * * / / *  | |        | |/ /.| |\/| | ヾ \     || | |:: :: :: ::/ / :: :: :: :: ヽ
  | * | * / / * * * ||  ||      .| |ヽ | | |ヽ /| |  |  |      |:::::: |:: :: ::/ /:: :: :: :| :: :: :|
  | * |* / / * * * *|:::::::::|     ||三ソ'|   | |ヽ /'| |  | /|     |::::::::|:: ::/ /:: :: :: :: ::| :: :: :|
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  | * * |/ /* * * * * *|:::::/     ノ.||||| |   | |/  | |  l  |     ヽ::::::| / /:: :: :: :: :: :: :| :: :: ::|
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 |__ |─────‐.┤      ゝ. | | ||   | |二 | |  |_ .|       |──────┤__|
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    ( Y  )  (   Y )       Ll  ( Y  )  Y )        ( Y   )  (  Y )
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【水戸 黄門(Mito Komon)】
With over 1000 episodes aired, Mito Komon is currently the longest running Japanese TV drama in history
which has been presented by Panasonic.
The content of the story is a encouraging the good and punishing the evil story without have consideration.

7 Name: = _ = : 2007-02-04 18:49 ID:Heaven

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_/\__        /⌒ヽ /´⌒ソ´.:.:.:.:.`W´.:.:.:.:.`ヽ、                  ___r==ァ、
\   /          | .:::::i| ○//⌒ヽ `Y⌒ヽ.:.:.:.:.::Y⌒` ヽ、           /   | .:::| \
 |/\|  ̄ ̄Z_   ヽ.:::_ノ ノノ::/ . :. :.:.:.:.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::ヽ ○○.::.:.:.:.ヽ        ,/    | .:::|   \
                | i| .:/::::/|.:.:.:.:l:.:.|l |:::.i:.l:.:.::.:.:..:::.ヽi.:::.:.:.:.:.::.::.: \   r‐-、_,    | .:::|__,-ー―ァ
                | i|‐、 ::.lノト:: /リルレ'| |l ハノヽレへヽヽヽ:.:.:.:.. ヽ、 i      ̄ ̄ ´ ̄         |
             /`ヽi| | l:::|ノ _ノ´" リレ' ´`ヽ、 ル川ヽヽヽヽヽヽ、::l |   <⌒v´{       <⌒v´{  |
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          /      |  lノリリ  `_ア    下ソレ"   lノリソノレレリ |'⌒o。`ー' フ: : : : : : :.\  シ ツ|
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          |       _ノ     ソ ヽ---'ーr-r(ヲ-ヒ)f´      | ,;;::i |   i!::::::ミ:::::::::::::ヾ: : ::,ノ:::::ヽ_o。:::|
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                   ノ | i  .:::i.::::|(二二 `     | : :i |            | .:::|
                  ハ ヽ、__ノ (二二   i    |,;,;:::i |            | .:::|
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 | il | |         /         /  (_{:::.}_,)     ヽ_,ヽ :::i |     | il | |    | .:::|     | il |
 | il | |      /            |     ̄          )i ト,|:::::i |     | il | |   {三三}   | il |
 | il | |     /           |          Y    !i  {ヽ_ _,ノ     | il | |  / /| \ \ | il |
 | il | |    /          ノ  |          |     |i'いー}       | il | | / / | .:::| \ | il |
 | il | |   /          /   |          |     | ソ-(_      | il | | ,/   | .:::lヽ   | il |
 | il | |  /        _ノト、__|           /____,人_,ノ|      | il | l,/   | .:::l;; ヽ  | il |\
 | il | | /         / 二二二 |       /二二二}二二二 |      | il | |     | .:::|ヽ;;;ヽ | il |\
 | il | /          /|  | |  |       /    |  |  |  |       ,| il | |     | .:::| ヽ;;;::| il |
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 | il /        / |  |  | |  |      /     |  |  |  |    /_ | il | |     | .:::|    | il |;;ヽ
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 | /   _/     |  |  | |  |     /      |  |  |  |  / ,/  | il | |     | .:::|    | il | `-
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/        lー、   |  l  |`´i| /        )-、      |  |  |  l `-'   | il | |     `ー´     | il |
i ̄ ̄`Y´⌒ヽ'/    |  |  ` /Y´ ̄ ̄ヽr´//       |  l  |`´i|      | il | l             | il |
し(_(_,(_,l(_ノ/    |  |   (_(_,(_,(_,(_,ノ_//        |  |  `ー'       | il | l             l、__|
`f=======シ       |  |    `========'シ         |  |            | il | |
 `==='        |i` ´i|                      |  |            | il | |
              `ー'                  |i` ´i|         | il | |
                                   `ー'             | il | |
【かき氷(Kaki gouri)】
Kakigouri is a Japanese dessert that consists of shaved ice and syrup on top.
Poetic event of summer of Japan and season word of summer in Haiku.

8 Name: = _ = : 2007-02-04 18:56 ID:Heaven

                        ,f′  _,,..-‐''''''''''¨¨'''‐‐-.,_      _     _,,r、_,r‐-.,_____
                       ! _,r''´        ::...`ヽ、`;、,r'l`ヾ`ヽ,r'´/::::;':::::::::::::`ヽ、`ヽ/レヽ
                       >ー-.,__,    ヽ    ::ヽ::`:ヽ>、!:.:.:.:.:.;y'´:::::::::lヽ'l:ヽ::::::::::::`:/:.:.!::::`、
                      // .:: / !i  i   ヽ    ::::!::ヽ:ヽ;!、:.:.:./::::/:::/::::!  !:::ヽ::::::::::i:.:.:.:.:!::::::;!
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Yukata is Japanese summer cotton kimono.

9 Name: = _ = : 2007-02-04 19:24 ID:Heaven

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【炬燵で蜜柑(Kotatsu de Mikan)】 eat Mikan in a Kotatsu
It is the best in winter to watch TV while eating a mandarin orange in a kotatsu.

10 Name: = _ = : 2007-02-04 19:58 ID:Heaven

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【ゴスロリ(GothLoli=Gothic Lolita)】
Gothic Lolita or "GothLoli" (ゴスロリ, gosurori; sometimes alternatively "Loli-Goth") is
a youth fashion among Japanese teenagers and young women

11 Name: = _ = : 2007-02-04 20:27 ID:Heaven

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【猫耳(Neko Mimi)】cat ears
It is one of the attributes of the Moe charactor.
Otaku (Heavy fans of Japanese cartoons) slang for a cat girl.
Literally meaning "Cat-ear" in Japanese. Usually a girl in cosplay (costume) wearing homemade
cat ears and tail of their favorate character from an anime series (Japanese cartoon).
*Nekomimi Shinkansen(FASTECH360S) is now under developing in Japan. lol

12 Name: = _ = : 2007-02-04 20:46 ID:Heaven

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【振袖(Furisode)】long flowing sleeves kimono
It is the most formal style of kimono worn by unmarried women in Japan

13 Name: = _ = : 2007-02-04 21:44 ID:Heaven

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【肩たたき(Katatataki)】the practice of tapping on the shoulder
Original meanings of Katatataki was tapping on others shoulder for massaging a stiff schoulder..
However, "Katatataki" is used in another meaning in Japan, after the lifetime employment was collapsed.
In Japan, for example, older workers are expected to accept retirement beginning at 50 years of age.
This system, known as katatataki, literally meaning the "tap on the shoulder", is an established practice
where management applies subtle pressure for voluntary early retirement. 
Indirectly, the system of katatataki reduces unemployment among younger citizens, allowing them
to advance through the ranks by stepping into positions previously held by older workers.
The old employee who is not so important for a company becomes an object of a katatataki .
A person who understand a hint from the boss, and to resign as early is given. some benefit from the
company .  
Those who fail to take a hint are sometimes referred to as "window gazers" (madogiwazoku)
and "marginal employees(genkai shain)"
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