[Advanced course] Teacher/Student Thread! [C&P] (1000)

266 Name: ultraman : 2008-04-01 13:48 ID:gNf9rdfG

@@@ @@@@@@*rocket sound*
@@@QQ@ /PPPP/@ @< this is live, and the rocket takes off...
@ _P_/QQQQ/P_
@@||@ ||PPPPPPi@LAM j>>90
@@ @ .||@ @ @ @ @ @ @Ι( ΝΝ

@@@ were too late Sensei
@@@QQ@ /PPPP/@ @< its in the space that we can see it and...
@ _P_/QQQQ/P_
@@||@ ||PPPPPPi@LAM j>>90
@@ @ .||@ @ @ @ @ @ @Ι( ΝΝ

@@@QQ@ /PPPP/@ @< Oh My God! Something hited the rocket while it was in space!
@ _P_/QQQQ/P_
@@||@ ||PPPPPPi@LAM j>>90
@@ @ .||@ @ @ @ @ @ @Ι( ΝΝ
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