You in AA (19)

1 Name: sparky(4 ^ヮ^) ミ田!AZWpeumso.!!OeBMQCCW : 2008-09-28 02:37 ID:RwKaCKMc

 / || ̄ ̄|| ∧_∧
 |  ||__|)(ヮ^   4) wwwwww
 | ̄ ̄\三⊂/ ̄ ̄ ̄/
 |    | ( ./     /
This is me in AA

what do you look like in AA?

2 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-09-28 03:28 ID:5QGhkV6V

       ,. -ー- 、
       (´・ω・`) I live in a toilet.
        \  /
       i´  `i
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
.      ___  *pkunk*
        \  /
       i´  `i
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

3 Name: !wOTDXDxvTc : 2008-09-30 00:02 ID:kFxKO/pN

 / || ̄ ̄|| ∧_∧
 |  ||__|)<∀´   > this is me in AA nida kekeke
 | ̄ ̄\三⊂/ ̄ ̄ ̄/
 |    | ( ./     /

4 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-09-30 01:28 ID:TBW4uLxp

ヾ(@⌒▽⌒@)ノ <It is me, happy Gaijin, trying to be Japanese as always

ヾ(@⌒▽⌒@)ノ <それは、必死に日本人になるようにしています。

ヾ(@⌒▽⌒@)ノ <さて、前の「日本人」の読み方は「ニッポンジン」です。

ヾ(@⌒▽⌒@)ノ <それを絶対に忘れないでね。

ヾ(@⌒▽⌒@)ノ < ・・・

ヾ("@⌒▽⌒@)ノ <気の毒ね・・・。

5 Name: 【火花(4 ^ヮ^)】 ミ田!AZWpeumso. : 2008-11-13 20:31 ID:nQ4QITqN

I LOVE 4CH (4 ^ヮ^)
is 4ch connected with iichan?

6 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-11-14 02:33 ID:EwRlyNEr


Don't tell the elitist superstructure, but it's more of an affiliation...

7 Name: Bagel!6yMhUiJuvY : 2008-11-15 04:51 ID:fMXe2ptq


  ( ,,゚Д゚) ....nah.
    つ つ

  〜  |



8 Name: Anonymous - asdf : 2008-11-20 22:40 ID:Heaven

  _____∧∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
〜' ____( ゚Д゚)<  GO KILL YOURSELF!!
  UU    U U    \_______

that's me on AA

9 Name: Anonymous - asdf : 2008-11-20 22:42 ID:7omw84fW

forgot to not to sage, so, age

10 Name: Bagel!6yMhUiJuvY : 2008-11-22 01:15 ID:fMXe2ptq


  ( ,,゚Д゚) ....I am clearly superior as I can walk upright, Anonymous-asdf.
    つ つ

  〜  |


11 Name: Anonymous - asdf : 2008-11-22 16:50 ID:ef/sKC6U

  _____∧∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
〜' ____( ゚Д゚)<You're not superior, I'm just lazy.
  UU    U U    \We're the same, we're Gikocats

12 Name: 【火花(4 ^ヮ^)】 ミ田!AZWpeumso.!!EV4sIB72 : 2008-11-24 20:56 ID:RwKaCKMc


are you that same Argentina friend named asdf????

13 Name: zerdzer : 2008-11-25 00:54 ID:Lx+DFKcR

( ゚ ヮ゚) Hey, sparky. How is it goin'?

( ゚ -゚) D'you remember me?

14 Name: Anonymous - asdf : 2008-11-26 00:35 ID:+/5At+6z


  _____∧∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
〜' ____( ゚Д゚)<Yeah, the same. Are you still spamming
  UU    U U    \images all over Giko's bar?

15 Name: 【火花(4 ^ヮ^)】 ミ田!AZWpeumso.!!EV4sIB72 : 2008-11-26 01:13 ID:RwKaCKMc

(4 ^ヮ^)ノ hey mittens
My own AA board

im just taking a little break form gikopoi ^^

16 Name: Anonymous - asdf : 2008-11-26 01:48 ID:+/5At+6z


you did it all by yourself? O:

17 Name: 【火花(4 ^ヮ^)】 ミ田!AZWpeumso.!!EV4sIB72 : 2008-11-26 02:31 ID:RwKaCKMc

well not the scripts

but got it running
with very VERY little help on the php part

18 Name: Piyoko the Tripfag : 2009-01-02 18:33 ID:Heaven

  '´   ヽ
●lカノノル ピノ●
  从 ゚ ヮ゚ ノソ  Pyo! This is me in AA, pyo!
   / B ヽ
  <     >
   (/ ∪

19 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2009-05-17 20:15 ID:Heaven

     | \
     |Д`)   No one is here.
     |⊂     I can dance now !

     ♪  ☆
   ♪   / \    RANTA TAN
      ヽ(´Д`;)ノ   RANTA TAN
         (  へ)    RANTA RANTA
          く       TAN

   ♪    ☆
     ♪ / \   RANTA RANTA
      ヽ(;´Д`)ノ  RANTA TAN
         (へ  )    RANTA TANTA
             >    TAN
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