∧_∧ ( ´_⊃`) I am an American. I'm a fat, ugly, loud, ( ) greedy, selfish, insecure, xenophobic, | | | fascist who thinks the world should bow (__)_) down to my greatness.
Here. Have some copypasta with your apology juice.
Nida is a Korean, and as such his prominent features are funny shoes, high cheek bones and a disingenuous personality. Most of the time he can be seen spreading filthy lies about alleged Japanese war crimes or simply grouping together with other Nidas in order to start up some mischief. His favorite drink is apology juice (a joke based on an actual photo of some Korean politicians protesting, one of them holding a sign which was supposed to read "I demand an apology" but was misspelled and thus read "Apology Juice")
∧_∧ <丶`∀´> I DEMAND APOLOGY AND COMPENSATION NIDA! ( ) | | | 〈_フ__フ.