Please use this for greater troll quality. (5)

1 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2010-05-01 20:07 ID:rKonzcqc

I made that face-turned-blockascii that everyone trolls with. Please use this revised version for higher quality and less annoyance.

  .████  ████░░░░░░░░██    .██████░░░░:██
████    .████░░░░░░░░██       ████░░░░░░██
████       ██░░░░░░░░██         .██░░░░░░██

2 Name: OP : 2010-05-01 20:10 ID:Heaven

Just kidding. This version is better.

  .████  ████░░░░░░░░██    .██████░░░░:██
████    .████░░░░░░░░██       ████░░░░░░:██
████       ██░░░░░░░░██         .██░░░░░░:██

3 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2010-05-02 06:57 ID:cPpdCAaD

I don't see how that could fit in with the Japanese ASCII of this board.

4 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2010-05-07 00:52 ID:hMEOtdA1

I don't either. Here, have a Yokohama tire face:

                  -‐ '' " ",. ̄'' ̄` ''‐、
                ,.-'      ,r''  _,,.. - 、  ` 、
               ,.r'/// /   ,.-'      `' 、. \
             /       ,r'  ,r'       ,rfn、 \ '、
               / /////  ,'   ,'  ,rffn.   '"     ヽ ',
            i     ,.ァ   .i  '"     ,riiニヽ.   ',. ',
                |  ,.r '"  |.   {  ,riiニヽ      _.    ', ',
            | .,.r'    |   !   ,..  _,,.. -‐' _,..r'  i .i
            |,'      ',   ',   '、., __ ,.. -‐''"゙  }  | .|
            |       ',    `、  ヽ        !   } .}
                ',         ',    '、  ヽ      ./   ! .|
            '、       `、   \  `ヽ==='゙    ,' !
             `、        '、     ' 、        / .,'
                '、'-..,,_____ ___`、    `''‐- ..,, ,,.. r'  /
               \ ヾヾヾヾヾ \          /
                ` 、  、、、、、、、、 ` - ..,,, _ _,.r'゙
                  `' - .,,_       _,. - ''"
                      `"'' '' '' ""

5 Name: OP : 2010-05-09 21:08 ID:rKonzcqc

>>3 I originally made this for the block ascii thread, and figured it would be less annoying for people if the unintended trolling usage also looked nice. I don't support the misuse, and do enjoy the Yokohama tire face more, but I figured making the thing better would make it less annoying for everyone.
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