Ztake thread (8)

1 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2010-09-13 05:15 ID:7Fu+ZzDN

    .              ,;f::::::::::::::::::::::T
                  i:::/'" ̄ ̄ヾ:::i
          ィ'''フ''''=、r'"~ |/ ,,,,_  ,,,,,,_ヾ|`ヽr''"`ヽ、ヽ、 dont see me seriously
       ,r'"´ ノ"    )=|=(三)=(三)=|i       ヽ、    what is wrong in my body. you know? 
       (       .ノ   {  :::(__..::  |         i   dont judge myself by wheter there are hand and leg or not.
         )     __,,;..    ',  ー=ー  ',   _,,,,、      j、、  such f--king begtarian
      , '    ヽィ'''i"     ヽ___ / ィ'"~  `'ヲ'''ー-、ノ、ヽ
     .{ _.ト、   Y人        ,,l、        ノt'  イノ.ノ    
      '、 >.ト  '/ `ゝ、       人       ,,イ  jt、 __...-'
       ' .,,_ _ ノ、   `ー--;::-ニ"_,ゝ=---‐''"    ノ
           ヽ、 r  、 f"   `i´ ̄` Y  `ヽ /
.              ヽj  ミi      !    j'   | /
               `i  、〉、.__,人,___,..イ、,i" j''
                i  ヽf     Y    ,j,.  ,/
               l ヽ、    .|   ノ ,. /
                 l  、j`ー‐‐'`ー="レ' j'
                l  ヽ  -ニ-  ノ  l
                l   `i     /  ,l

2 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2010-09-13 05:20 ID:7Fu+ZzDN

Z-take is a palody of a person who realy exists.
a persons name is Oto-take(乙武).
this charactor was born because a japanese charactor "乙" pretend to Z.

ototake is chalenged man. he have no hand and leg since he born. but he became a writter of sports.
he is realy nice person.

3 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2010-09-13 05:24 ID:7Fu+ZzDN

but Z-take is very f person. he do defecation wherever.
and he usually threat able-body person. and heusually fu-k rabit.

            i:::/'" ̄ ̄ヾ:::i
            |/ ,,,,_  ,,,,,,_ヾ|
            |=(●)=(●)=|  <一つの命が助かった事が
            {  :::(__..::  |   そんなにめでたいの?
.            ',  ー=ー  ',   
    / / }      ヽ___ /、
   _/ノ../、   _/ 入/ /    ヽ
  / r;ァ  }''i" ̄.   ̄r'_ノ"'ヽ.i   ) 
 {k_ _/,,.'  ;.  :.      l、  ノ ドクドク
    \ `  、  ,i.    .:, :, ' / / 
     ,;ゝr;,;_二∠r;,_ェ=-ー'" r,_,/

4 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2010-09-13 05:26 ID:7Fu+ZzDN

recently, in twitter.
ototake tell us that he already know exist of Z-take.
but ototake didnt lose his temper.

5 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2010-09-14 12:11 ID:TClJtByk


6 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2010-09-16 14:24 ID:mAMxRN7I

God takes ototakes limb

7 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2010-09-24 03:05 ID:49Mct6/s

How does Z-take fuck rabbit if he has no hands? Doesn't it run away because it's too fast?

8 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2010-09-24 06:44 ID:hWcyR/92

                            / / }
        ,;f::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ         / r;ァ  }
        i/'" ̄ ̄ヾ:::::::::::i         {k_ _/
 ひ〜ん   |,,,,_ ,,,,,,_  |::::::::| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒    \
        ゝ::。:);(<)==r─、| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\       )
        { (__..:: # / ノ′        |.      |
        ', ==(( ( ;;-=- ̄=─ ̄ '⌒ヽ〉     | |
 ‘,'.∴・,‘・  !_((  ヽ-=_二__ ̄    \     | |
  ,・∵rー―__―.'    .-''   々i    ̄\     / /
     ! メ   ̄`. ´  ̄`    .ノ      .\__/_丿
     .'- .ィ  #      .「 , '         .|  | .
        | :。::   メ :。:: ! i          |  |
       ノ #    メ   ヽ、       |  |
     , '    ヽζζζ , '   ヽ        \ ヽ
     .{ _.ト、   Yl| |iY  # ,イ .}         \ |
     '、 >.ト.   ' U. '   イノ .ノ       / ノ
      ' .,,_ ___ ノ-^-`、 ___.... - '        `-
         ●●● ブチュッ

but sometimes he is bullied by rabit
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