[Posthumous course] Teacher/Student Thread! [C&P] (771)

1 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2011-07-23 14:54 ID:rLnptDi0

@@@@@@@@@@@iL„DM j @@^PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
@@@@@@@@@@^@@@_@ƒSo it would appear we all died in the blast of the last thread.
@@@@@@@ @@bb@@bb @_Too bad death doesn't absolve you of your schoolwork.
@@@@@@@ @@bb@@bb@@@_QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ
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@@ ||PPPPPPPPPPP|| @||
@@ ||@@@ Teacher's desk@@@ || @||
@@ ||@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@||

227 Name: Kari : 2012-01-27 17:18 ID:3wTJyaBg

@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ |
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@@@@ @ iGL„DMj^/@ ƒi'd be willing to do that provided i get a wheelchair.
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228 Name: Kari : 2012-01-27 17:21 ID:3wTJyaBg

sensei, my paper's on you. does that mean i win?

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