[Posthumous course] Teacher/Student Thread! [C&P] (771)

56 Name: Kari : 2011-08-23 16:31 ID:3wTJyaBg

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@@@@ƒ~@ƒ~ƒ~ ί„Dί œc ƒi have a mighty urge to scratch this itch.
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ΘQΘ ‡›@^PPPPPPPPPPPP
@@@i@LAMj/ ƒ@Sensei, how did i end up in a class full of perverts?
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@ @ .||PPPPP||

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@@@i@LΝMj/ ƒ@Oh, and i'm back from sabbatical, sorry i'm late!
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@ @ .||PPPPP||
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