Wanna start learning to program (52)

10 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-07-23 22:29 ID:Bdn+rn72

I recommend you take a look at http://pine.fm/LearnToProgram/ (ruby) or http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkpython/ (python).

Starting with Javascript in the context of a browser (the only context where it's really used often) requires you to learn a lot of stuff that isn't directly relevant to learning to program (HTML, CSS, browser quirks)—stuff that is much easier to pick up once you've got a programming background.

C++ (or Java)? Don't start with that, you've got tons of unnecessary chores to attend to that won't teach you much.

Scheme is good if you can handle it, but it take a special person to read SICP outside of a course. You just need to be aware that lisp is almost completely irrelevant in the real world.

Whatever you choose, pick something you are really comfortable with and MASTER IT. Once you really understand one decent language, learning another is not a big undertaking.

Python and Ruby are both great languages for beginners, that tech you a lot, have a good user community, and are used in the real world. You can't go wrong if you start with either.

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