Civil War in the EU? (45)

38 Name: Unverified Source : 2024-06-17 15:45 ID:Heaven

I love how psychotic Euros are. I hope the EU descends into a civil war. The rest of the world is better off without you. Euros destroyed their own contient twice over literally for nothing and almost did it a third time. As soon as Putin invaded Ukraine a dozen EU psychos begun foaming at the mouth jumping at the chance to start a continent wide war again for some reason nobody really understands. Even the US would be better off without those slobs dragging Washington in their pointless wars over and over again. All they've ever done is bring the entire planet closer to nuclear war. Russia and the US should both disengage from Western Europe anyway. Life is so much better in Asia. We don't need Euros anymore. They can't even make decent semiconductors.

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