Why is Korea and Korean loved all over the world today? (345, permasaged)

1 Name: Citizen 2005-12-24 16:29 ID:mydMM+kt This thread was merged from the former /politics/ board. You can view the archive here.

I think korea is the greatest country in the world.

Korea beated Japan in WW2,and got independence by their own hands.

Korea is contributing world in all.

I am American,but Iwant to be Korean!

96 Name: Citizen : 2006-04-04 22:51 ID:hZVLSzxa

That there aren't any pro-nazi games released today in "the west" is just a sign that the Germans and whatnot need to get the fuck over something that happened two and a half generations ago. Yet every year a new game such as Call of Duty or Brothers in Arms, just to name a few, comes out and what do we find? Eeeeeevil Nazi Scum being gunned down by the dozen by invulnerable American heroes. (And sometimes British, sometimes Russian, but the main game is with the Americans, always.)

Do we see any guilting over the nukes, or the firebombings of axis cities? Hell no. Hitler's little project with the jews, gypsies and other people-he-didn't-like-of-the-day though? I dare you to make a comment that does not toe the line that the allies laid out after the German defeat in the mass media and weather the shitstorm that angry protests and jewish public relations organizations are sure to kick up. That is, if you don't get sent to a smelly Austrian slammer for expressing modern-day heresy.

Well, maybe I'm just sensitive to this sort of shit. The average yank would have absolutely no clue what I'm talking about, after all. What they heard from their WW2 veteran grampas was all the cool shit they got to do, dropping bombs and killing krauts and all that which is seen glorified in modern film. Even the British got a taste of why war is such total, horrible bullshit during the Germans' air raids. Compare America to the axis countries (by a broad interpretation), though...

My father was in Helsinki with his father and his brother when the Soviets were bombing it during either the winter war or the continuation war. He and a few of his young buddies went to see a crater the size of quarter a city block on the side of a hillock in the central park after a particularly intense night, and what do they find? A shred of the bomb's metallic outer shell embedded in a tree trunk on which the latin letters "U.S" were still legible. That's right, the U.S. of America donated supplies for the Soviet war effort, among them huge fucking bombs, and the Soviets gleefully dropped them on populated areas with next to minimal military presence. Way to go. Way to fucking go.

Now imagine what the Germans and the Japanese, both victims of extensive firebombings, even nuking, of civilian areas, went through. But I'm just beating my head into a wall, aren't I? The "WE CAN DO NO WRONG, WE SOAR LIKE AN EAGLE" mentality keeps your little patriotic American heads safe from vile propaganda such as this. Maybe one day you'll get it into your brains that your country visits all the horrors of war, every last one of them including the ones you don't know about and the ones you hope and wish existed only in your worst nightmares, upon every last goddamn state that you have ever decided to, or have yet to invade. "Shock and awe", "enduring freedom", "infinite justice". Yeah, right.

97 Name: Citizen : 2006-04-04 23:05 ID:/aauGfp6


Or maybe you were lucky? Who is to say what you're saying isn't made up either? Hmm?

98 Name: Citizen : 2006-04-05 03:40 ID:RbSDM8jG

This thread is about Korea.

99 Name: Citizen : 2006-04-05 04:35 ID:Heaven

To summerize >>96's post: Jews control the media, death to amerikkka.

100 Name: Citizen : 2006-04-06 00:39 ID:KUElY/G4

>>96 three words: "rape of nanking"

101 Name: Citizen : 2006-04-08 07:38 ID:2Og8Ox+H

Korea - Ireland of Asia

102 Name: Citizen : 2006-04-08 11:42 ID:Heaven


But with more mid-range nuclear weapons.

103 Name: Citizen : 2006-05-03 05:00 ID:uqIj5sWg

Korea - Ireland of Asia QUOTED FOR TRUTH.

104 Name: deadguy12 : 2006-05-03 11:54 ID:cL/6HFGY

one man show for citizen lol....

105 Name: Citizen : 2006-05-06 10:42 ID:lGpLt8gW

WOw, this american "cyon" is so funny!!
Most of asian people hate Korean so much.

106 Name: Citizen : 2006-05-06 10:48 ID:lGpLt8gW

I would kill myself if I were born to a Korean.(lol)

107 Name: Michael : 2006-05-06 12:58 ID:wZEX2nqQ

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The South Korean is a mass of the inferiority complex.
that inferiority complex is thrown at Japan.
The maximum unhappiness in Japan is China and South Korea.

108 Name: Citizen : 2006-05-12 19:44 ID:Heaven

109 Name: Citizen : 2006-07-21 10:32 ID:Heaven


>I am American,

They pretend to be a Japanese when in Japan.
And they maybe do the same thing in America.

110 Name: Citizen : 2006-08-05 21:14 ID:DfO7l5oK

You still don't pay the aid money of smatra earthquake.
Don't make a toy of the people who are suffering from disaster.
although you know you don't have enough money to pay for it,
you announced that you would transfer 50 million dollars to the disaster site .actually you payed about 3 millon dollars.
I've heard how come you did such a ridiculous thing.because of the feelings of competition aganist Japan.
Japan announced that they would transfer 500 millon dollars and already payed all the money they have to pay.
you sucks !!
so that international community don't believe you.
shame on you !!

111 Name: Citizen : 2006-08-05 21:30 ID:DfO7l5oK

you should learn historic facts !!

112 Name: Citizen : 2006-08-13 20:19 ID:lvCIYitH


>Tricksy Hobbitses. Tricksy, stupid, FAT hobbitses.


113 Name: Citizen : 2006-08-19 04:35 ID:uw23bN7l

I'd like to tell you DAJYARE - a japanese joke.
"it's terrible!"-In Japane,"korya hidoi!(こりゃ,
ひどい)" is same meaning.
And "Korea" is pronounced "koria".
So "Korea" and "korya" pronounciations are alike.
When japanese find "A Funny Korean Joke",
we say "Korea hidoi!".

i'd like to say to this thread "Korea hidoi!"

114 Name: Citizen : 2006-08-23 12:05 ID:Heaven



115 Name: Citizen : 2006-08-23 23:22 ID:p9OQX4HV

116 Name: Citizen : 2006-10-23 03:41 ID:Fr7XU640

As an American, the funniest thing to see is Japanese and Koreans hating eachother. Are both Koreans and Japanese dense or retarded? You guys are close neighbors, like France and Germany, and your nations share many cultural similarities. Read some Western theories that the Japanese were originally migrants from the Korean peninsula, and I found that interesting. You share much more in common than perhaps any other two countries in the world, so stop acting like children and join the rest of the grown-up world.

117 Name: Citizen : 2006-10-24 05:57 ID:mxzjKqwQ

if you check Korean news everyday, you may see how Korea is strange
countries both North and South Korea.

there is a strong jinx.
if you work or become friend with typical Korean, you will loose on
any competition or war.

why American troops are going to withdraw from S-Korea until 2012?
I feel pity for American forces because they are protecting S-Korean people from N-Korea but they are attacked by S-Korean people saying the existion of the troops make N-Korean have nukes .
later or sooner N-Korea was going to have nukes.
it was N-Korean's dream.
but S-Korean don't see the fact and insulting their great protecter.

Japan has standing the same situation sinse WW2.
we paid so much money and applogied so many times but they are just insist it is too cheap.
it is over standable point.

118 Name: Citizen : 2006-10-24 06:53 ID:mxzjKqwQ

119 Name: Citizen : 2006-10-24 09:29 ID:mxzjKqwQ

120 Name: Citizen : 2006-10-24 15:46 ID:M4VbniWt


This citizen speaks the truth! Keep in mind that 40,000 U.S. Troops aren't an awful lot against 1,000,000 crazed NoKors. Our soldiers will probably suffer the highest attritional rate if hostilities commence. Which means the US Force in SoKorea will probably be ground to dust within 48 hours, which would probably buy SoKorean civilians enough time to escape NoKor troops.

Those SoKoreans though, seem to hate us more than they hate anyone else (except for Japan, perhaps). I think we remove our troops from the entire Korean peninsula, and give Japan nuclear weapons (I know they can make them, and easily too, but for now I think they need some insurance!), and develop an East Asian Ballistic Missile Shield (EABMS) to knock down missiles in the event of the NoKors going apeshit.

121 Name: Citizen : 2006-10-26 09:14 ID:Fr7XU640


Well you still haven't addressed the main point I brought: Why do Japanese and Koreans bitch at eachother when you are so alike?

It is my understanding that certain Korean corporations, like Samsung, are very competitive on the global stage. They also supported us in Vietnam with troops, and have supported us in nearly every war. This "jinx" attitude you speak of is an example of what I called childish behavior.

Now, I understand the Korean outlash against Japanese refusal to apologize for war crimes is quite intense. It is drastic, I agree with you there. But your country and Korea should be able to talk this out reasonably and compromise. Give an official apology, agree to a free trade agreement, sign an independent military alliance linking korea-japan, etc. etc. there's infinite ways you two nations can solve this. Instead, it's Korea and Japan saying "I'm better than YOU!" to eachother back and forth like morons. Germany gave billions of dollars to Israel in reparations; I don't see why it's so hard for Japan and Korea to become friends.

I agree we should remove our troops from Korea. We should also remove our troops from Japan. Both countries are capable of defending themselves. There is no reason for America to get involved in any Asian war. If North Korea wants to fight South Korea or if Japan wants to fight China, let them do what they will. No skin off American ass.

122 Name: Citizen : 2006-10-26 13:32 ID:POPUnK9x

Do you like >>1?
I reply so.

123 Name: Citizen : 2006-10-26 16:29 ID:mxzjKqwQ



why don't you check the trade money between S-Korea and Japan the inside of Samsung products?
you may find loads of Japanese parts in the machine.
S-Korea is importing so many parts and assembling them using Japanese robots.

>>Give an official apology.....

every Japanese PM is showing their apology.

>>agree to a free trade agreement....

why don't you check the contains of the negotiation for the FTA between USA and S-Korea. the process and S-Korean insistion are unbelievable. Please don't expect Japan can talk with Korea much better than USA.

>>independent military alliance linking Korea-japan...

Japanese constitution is forbidding to have the normal force.
that's why Japan has just self-deffence force and there are loads of constraints to have weapons and US troops are staying in Japan.
if you are OK to change the constitution and have Nukes and missiles in Japan, we will just do so and that will make East Asia more dangerous. I think it is against the national benefits for all of countries. China knows how to talk with others and make benefits well. i don't think the war between Japan and China will happen. it is too meaningless for each other.

at the same point, I don't see the reasons why S-Korea seems to have chosen N-Korea. if they did't do so like China, we could talk much more.
in fact, the relationship between Japan and China is getting better.
S-Korea seems to be making enemis around their country.
even there are Anti-China movements in S-Korea. S-Korean people are insisting loads of the origins of cultures made in China and make Chinese people get upset.

I don't care which Korea or Japan is better. to think of it is meaningless. the worries for me is if some organizations help Korea, they are always attacked and insult by Korean people someday. for example, at the time Japan paid so much money for IMF and saved Korean economy, later Korean said economical shock was Japanese fault. you know well about American forces saved S-Korea and attacked by S-Korean later. China lose so much international trust because N-Korea did't accept their advise and tested missiles and nuclear bom, then China joined the UN sanction and stopped flow of money and they were called betrayer by N-Korea. everytime the same things happens. at the worst cases, many countries had damage and the fade away from the history. i just called the processes are jinx.

124 Name: Citizen : 2006-10-26 16:53 ID:mxzjKqwQ

I think America knows the jinx.
because the next leader for UN is a S-Korean.
for the first time, Korean people are going to take responsibility to lead their way. I am interesting the process.

Also personally, i don't hate Korean at all. i like Korean food. just I hope to take confortable distance from them.

125 Name: Citizen : 2006-10-27 01:34 ID:POPUnK9x

I dislike not only >>1 but >>124.
It seems like korean.

126 Name: Citizen : 2006-11-05 00:22 ID:3z3j94ws

I agree. >>1 is pretty obviously not an "American" like he claims.

127 Name:   : 2006-11-05 09:09 ID:gh4EtVJ7

Now,really,Japan is occupied by Koreans.
They repeat "we're VICTIMs!"
We payed a lot of money and apologizing.
But, they repeat more.
They never stop until Korea becomes bigger than Japan.....
We Japanese got tired......

128 Name: Japanese nanashi : 2006-11-05 09:29 ID:8OREBPFC

>>I am American,
>They pretend to be a Japanese when in Japan.
>And they maybe do the same thing in America

Most of Japanese watching internet must not say such a thing

129 Name: Citizen : 2006-11-07 13:09 ID:BUByGtCc

A North Korean invasion of South Korea would probably result in the use of tactical nuclear weapons by the US. South Korea has no useful nukes as of yet, but in 5 years time they will have the equivalent of america's tactical nuclear weapons. The war would't be pretty.

130 Name: Citizen : 2006-11-07 13:10 ID:BUByGtCc

A North Korean invasion of South Korea would probably result in the use of tactical nuclear weapons by the US. North Korea has no useful nukes as of yet, but in 5 years time they will have the equivalent of america's tactical nuclear weapons. The war would't be pretty.***


131 Name: Citizen : 2006-11-07 14:29 ID:F9mnbZsc

Even China joins the economical sanction.
this time is much deffer from 1997-1998.
i wonder North Korea can survive even in this winter.

133 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-15 18:16 ID:znGRT5w1

Takeshima is a territory in Japan.
There is no land that colony South Korea in Japan can own.

134 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-15 18:17 ID:znGRT5w1

Korean is disliked all over the world.

135 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-25 11:55 ID:jf09XhvK

stop being so rude
What's with all the racism and bigotry?

Everybody! Kiss and make out; (I mean) up!

136 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-26 05:34 ID:F9mnbZsc

            /☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ./〓〓〓〓〓/
           / ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠/〓〓〓〓〓/
           /☠ ☠ ☠ ☠./〓〓〓〓〓/
          / .〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓/
          / 〓〓〓〓Fuck!.〓〓〓/
         / 〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓/
         / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ∧_∧  /
 <丶`∀´> / the people who insult Korean are all racists nida!!
 (    |フ they cannot be against us nida.
 | | | Weeeee ha ha ha

137 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-26 07:55 ID:FtJRPRmH

...and Silmido man rises from the ashes...

like a phoenix.

138 Name: fart man : 2006-12-31 19:02 ID:/X6zwLA+

Korea beated japan?? i didnt know that.

139 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-11 05:52 ID:R01hqKgq


Some fought admirably and gave their lives for their country (Japan) and are enshrined in Yasukuni. Some were sadistic POW keepers (many Korean soldiers lacked training/motivation for combat duties) and were executed at the end of the war (BTW, none of the POWs from allies were executed as far as I know, but that's another topic). Many suddenly became long-time anti-Japanese partisans immediately after Japan's surreder, raped and "reclaimed" wealth and land from "Japanese oppressors." This pretty much summarizes.

Same pattern is developping as we speak except this time, it's US instead of Japan. They don't hesitate biting the hand that feeds them or crossing those who first won their independence from China, kept them from Russian coloization and after the peninsula proved again and again that they simply cannot govern themselves (NB. this still holds true today), took them in, poured tons of money to pull them out of stone age.

Loyalty, integrity and being greatful for what others have done for them don't seem to carry a lot of weight.

140 Name: 139 : 2007-01-11 05:53 ID:R01hqKgq

I meant "war criminals" in my second use of POW above.

141 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-13 20:08 ID:nuJdZm66


Do not fishing around,just this.

142 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-14 05:15 ID:1izRgGgW

 <丶`Д´> < ここまでは我慢できた

ウ リ 用 し お り
 <; `∀´> < ここまでは我慢できた


hwabyu━ l|l l|l ━ng!
 (⌒;;..  ∧_,,∧    またカナダ人ニカ!!
 (⌒)人ヽ   ヽ、从
   从ノ.:(,,フ .ノゝ⊃
 人从;;;;... レ' ノ;;;从人

143 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-14 05:15 ID:1izRgGgW

 <丶`Д´> < ここまでは我慢できた

ウ リ 用 し お り
 <; `∀´> < ここまでは我慢できた


hwabyu━ l|l l|l ━ng!
 (⌒;;..  ∧_,,∧    またカナダ人ニカ!!
 (⌒)人ヽ   ヽ、从
   从ノ.:(,,フ .ノゝ⊃
 人从;;;;... レ' ノ;;;从人

144 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-14 05:16 ID:1izRgGgW


hwabyu━ l|l l|l ━ng!
 (⌒;;..  ∧_,,∧    またカナダ人ニカ!!
 (⌒)人ヽ   ヽ、从
   从ノ.:(,,フ .ノゝ⊃
 人从;;;;... レ' ノ;;;从人

148 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-14 05:32 ID:1izRgGgW

 <丶`Д´> < ここまでは我慢できた

ウ リ 用 し お り
 <; `∀´> < ここまでは我慢できた


hwabyu━ l|l l|l ━ng!
 (⌒;;..  ∧_,,∧    またカナダ人ニカ!!
 (⌒)人ヽ   ヽ、从
   从ノ.:(,,フ .ノゝ⊃
 人从;;;;... レ' ノ;;;从人

149 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-17 20:02 ID:29VVLyT+

Yangban, hwabyung and manse. Korean technology and innovation help spread these wonders around the world!

150 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-21 20:19 ID:Heaven


151 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-27 23:44 ID:Z7a/CFTK

South Korean soldier accused of assaulting American


  • quote -

CAMP RED CLOUD, South Korea — A South Korean soldier faces trial in a military court, accused of sexually assaulting a female U.S. soldier at Camp Casey on Dec. 19, 2nd Infantry Division and Ministry of National Defense officials confirmed this week.

  • quote end -

152 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-28 07:33 ID:VkM3XhMi

yeah they are nasty rapers

153 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-28 09:56 ID:3gfaJU1C

You're pitiful, it's true.
And it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.

154 Name: city : 2007-02-05 19:05 ID:c2WVkgG5

155 Name: Citizen : 2007-02-06 06:24 ID:Cv+MaFYY

because you touch yourself at night =3

156 Name: Citizen : 2007-02-21 03:33 ID:pUPztCBq

Korean prostitutes who pretend as "Japanese girl" were arrested in Australia.


AT $240 an hour, these Korean sex workers could have worked off their fines before dinner yesterday, after appearing in a Southport court for illegal prostitution.

Xu Jin, 25, Hwo Kim-Rye, 32, and Park Ann-Soon, 31, were paid more than $2000 a day as illegal sex workers by a Surfers Paradise syndicate before being busted by undercover police posing as potential clients last Friday.

The detectives, part of the Prostitution Enforcement Taskforce, arranged to meet the women for sex at apartments in the Artique and Q1 high-rise towers after responding to a classified advertisement in The Gold Coast Bulletin on February 9.

The ad identified the sex workers as a 'uni party girl, just 18, Japanese, natural 36D, perfect backside'.

157 Name: Citizen : 2007-02-24 13:47 ID:Heaven

Is Foolishness a Duty of Congress?

Everyone who has read a modicum of history doubtless recognizes that over the recorded two-plus millennia human beings organized as governments, military or other commanding forces have committed vast numbers of massive, often unspeakable, moral offenses. To enumerate a few is to risk minimizing numerous others. There immediately come to mind some of those more recent and quite massive - e.g., certainly without limitation, the Holocaust, the Stalinist massacres of even greater millions of other innocents, the erratic and ongoing massacres and forced starvation in several African countries, and, of course, through all recorded history, various forms of slavery.

For a reason exemplified two paragraphs hence, it is not surprising that the President of Russia recently has been quoted as having criticized the United States for what one might term our foreign-policy, military and economic unilateralism. To which particulars, if any, that critique may be valid is another matter. The point for immediate applicability is that growing numbers of people around the world, some of them responsible people, perceive such to be true. Perception at times becomes a form of reality or at least a source of nuisance or discord.

One of the many crimes committed in the 20th Century was the Japanese program, referred to in English as the providing of (mostly Korean, some Chinese, Indonesian, Filipina) “Comfort Women” to provide sexual relations with Japanese soldiers. Presumably nobody is alive who sponsored this program. The United States, of course, had no role in it and until on or about VJ Day had no way to stop what little remained of it.


158 Name: Citizen : 2007-02-25 03:40 ID:dTokSlYG

Korea 'beated' Japan in WW2?

Fucking read a history book.

Why do you think the peninsula is in two fucking pieces today?


159 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-04 19:36 ID:OP/sbLq5

160 Name: ACARI : 2007-03-08 09:43 ID:Yj9gAVjF

"I am American,but Iwant to be Korean!"

No, you probably aren't.

161 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-09 17:08 ID:Heaven



English Translation.

When you do a bad thing, say"I am a Japanese.".


Be sure to say.

If you step on someone's legs. say "SUMIMASEN".

note. SUMiMASEN is "I'm sorry" in Japanese.


It's small patriotism

162 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-10 12:37 ID:nHiSkoBO


163 Name: Korean problem in Japan : 2007-03-10 22:46 ID:/dl0ZBig

Now in Japan almost prostitution business owner are Korean(zainishi),then many prostitute are coming to Japan illegally from Korea.They do not care law, moral, and another person.

At The World War 2, Korean engaged same business.
So no one related in Japanese about prostitute business.
Korean prostitute got more than 30 yen (much higher than Japanese soldier at The War Land.)
All Korean prostitutes are hired by Korean, and Korean Government also issued ad to hire Korean prostitutes.

At The World War 2, Japan invaded to China, but Japan did not invade to Korea.Korea hoped to be Japan instead of to prevent invaded by China or Russia. Even if Ito Hirobumi (first prime minister) opposed it.(He was killed Korean terrorist, that's why from this idea).So he was assassinated.

This problem was made Japanese ASAHI MEDIA at first, this company is controlled by Korean (ZAINICHI).(Most media have been controlled by Korean.)These medias forcibly broadcast what seems all Japanese must like and respect to Korean TV star, Korean singer, Korean Idea ...anything about Korean every day in Japan.

If you are company owner strongly recommend about [Do not hire Korean in your company]Your company may occupied and controlled by Korean like in Japan.

And please understand about Japan is not going to radical nationalist.We dislike only Korean, North Korean, Chinese(not all)behavior. There is many problem with them in Japan, but Japanese Maida and police always hide away their problems.

For example,

When English girl was killed in Japan, At first Japanese police dose not movie.(Lucie Blackman)

At that time, everybody think about it must be done by Korean, but nobody say anything.

Pachinko and Casino (Yokohama area) they are not arrested by their illegal.

Also yakuza, many cult religions ( SOUKA is biggest religion in Japan and control koumei political party.)Political party, (koumei , Shyamin ) Shyamin political party also is controlled by Korean. ( NIHONSEKIGUN radical Korean terrorist)

RENTAL MONEY BUSINESS (Officially regale business, actually they do not care kill person or makePeople going to suicide for money. )

They are so dangerous.

164 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-11 00:06 ID:CEfWLkBN


Please read a history book, a real one.

165 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-11 10:46 ID:i4lg61vt


Hey, Korean lier!
What is the real history book?

166 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-11 23:33 ID:CEfWLkBN


What exactly do you have against Korea? I mean, there's no reason to dislike an entire nation and its long and complicated history, people, and customs just for the sake of it.

167 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-11 23:38 ID:CEfWLkBN


One that does not Whitewash the ex Japanese Empire's (imperial) ambitions, or the specific exploitations and atrocities commited in the name of such ambitions.

Japan might take some comfort in knowing that it was one of many nations to commit such atrocities in the bloody 20th Century, but denying the holocausts does nobody any good, how else can you improve yourself?

168 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-12 04:43 ID:gJWR/o0P

So I like another country people, but I hate only Korean.
That’s Korean say 「Racist」.

There is not real history book in Korea, that’s way 「Korean DNA」
like change anything.(history, original culture ,copy problem, etc )to
their favorite.

Japan's 1907 annexation 'treaty'

All of you should realize about Korea could not keep your country
from Russia or China invasion. Can you imagine about if Russia or
China invades to your country? Can you imagine? What’s atrocity you would have!
And Japanese top (ITO HIROBUMI) oppose Annexation
to Korea. So, you ,Korean choose Japan and offer annexation!

Annexation with Japan
http://3.csx.jp/peachy/data/korea/korea2.html picture before and after Annexation
http://blog.joins.com/usr/f/a/fabiano/9/195104.jpg before Annexation
・ Japan paid much Korean default. (Debt from many another countries.)
・ Japan built many infrastructures in Korea.
(Court, School, Water, Electricity, Park, Traffic system, Train, Farm,
Hospital, Police…etc) anything necessity for life.
・ Japan built 5000 schools in Korea and recommended to learn Hangeul
・ Korea could growled more than 9 times Secondary Industry, then
First and Third Industry also much higher than before by Japanese
Money and Technology during annexation.
・ Japan make Korean population rate is 2 times up, and make Food Supply
System. ( Average age to die→ before 26 years old after 42 years old)
Is there an atrocity?
・ Huge money support with low rate.(no one rent money to Korea with low rate
in the world)
・ Japan make not only Material Support , Japan also make Technology Support,
Human Support.
・ All Korean could use Japanese Name.( If there is a slave system, atrocity, discrimination, nobody use Japanese name.)
Only 245 Korean was brought by Japanese Military to Japan during WORLD
WAR 2 . Most Korean came to Japan illegally.

Issued by ASAHI MEDIA in 1959.
( ASAHI is famous about controlled by Korean )

Japanese military sex slave problem at THE WORLD WAR 2

Korean AD to hire prostitute with Korean name
ASAHI problem
No one Japanese work at prostitute business.
And only Korean engaged prostitute business.

It can say about Korea is prostitution, rape, violence, copy. Racist,
Fabricate country.

We know difference Korean DNA and another Country people’s DNA,
like >>1

There are many Korean behavior, that can not see any another contries.
I said Korean DNA, American say 「OLINK」

  Anyway in my generation, noboby help and support to Korea.


169 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-12 07:22 ID:CEfWLkBN

...So, you're saying that Korea voluntarily annexed itself to Japan to avoid being invaded by either China or Russia?

That doesn't make much sense. If it wanted to remain free of invasion, why would it surrender its power to Japan's empire, an empire that then began systematically erasing Korean culture and identity, as well as economically exploiting its workers? To their credit, the Japanese did overhaul Korean industrial infrastructure, but what's the use for Koreans if it only benefits the Japanese?

It should be remembered that Emperor Yung Hui of Korea refused to sign the treaty, thus making it illegal. It's safe to say that Korea was bullied by a more powerful neighbor into surrendering its autonomy, especially after the Japanese assassination of Empress Myeongseong.

170 Name: citizen : 2007-03-13 10:26 ID:reU081qf

It is true that Ito Hirobumi was opposing the possession of the Korea.He always said "Japan doesn't have the strength of a nation.It just costs large expenditure. " Not only that, in 1874,Ito conflicted with Takamori Saigo(model of the Last samurai)and Taisuke Itagaki who insisted on the invasion to Korea strongly(征韓論seikanron). Saigo resigned from governmentst,and Saigo's forces, discontented former samurai, defeated by the government army of conscripts.

171 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-13 12:25 ID:TZrzYq+K

So, you're saying that Korea voluntarily annexed itself to Japan.

NO. not voluntarily!  Korean strongly hoped to be Japan.

You can understand to see recent Russia and China also.
・ Only Japanese treatment and attitude was equality to Korean
and Japanese.
・ At that time ,only Japanese position was same to WHITE RACE
in the world, that’s means if you are Japanese, you could be equal
( At THE WORLD WAR 2, almost Korean said their self 「 I am Japanese 」.
But after THE WORLD WAR 2 , Korean said their self 「I am winner’s Nation) After WORD WAR 2, there are many Korean Atrocities against Japanese
in both Korea and Japan. (You can know from most Japanese central cities LAND (real state) owner are Korean (ZAINISHI) ) They rubbed Japanese family, they lost man in THE WAR.
朝鮮人(Korean killed Chinese with Japanese Flag)Chinese wrote this manga.

Before Annexation with Japan, Korea did not have Special and Original

Culture, you can see from picture before annexation.
That’s why Korean in fiercely exclusive (your Emperor), destroyed and massacred
anything different.( Buddha ).Just had some influence from China.
I want to say Korean about 「Do not steal Japanese Treasure from Japanese
Temple and Shrine」Korean Police always does not movie and Korean Government

  always insist about that was Korean’s.  That’s really OLINK!!!!

Japan supported Korean learn Hangeul. Japan did nothing to erase your culture.
The other hand, some Korean seemed like to pretend Japanese.(against Chinese)
It seems as if Korean likes to pretend Japanese at over sea today.

But …Japan stopped only one Korean Traditional Dance.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfMJVm-FDJY (laugh at disable person)

You should realize picture to compare before and after annexation.
Korean change to rich country, then Korean could work as politician!
Now your Korean does not allow their human right, even if their child.
If a country makes to exploit to another country, another country can not
make their longevity.

>>Emperor Yung Hui of Korea
When people ask to Korean about who is Korean historical hero ?
Usually they do not say emperor name. Why?
You must know Korean people always poor with heavy tax and military service.
Then Korean Politics always conflict and have bribes( I think another country also)
And Emperor could not keep their regime their self, and Korean circumstance was
almost destroyed their own country. and Problem came to them that’s Russian
and China Minimally start coming to Korean Peninsula.
So Korean Emperor wanted Japanese help and Korean people
hoped better their life.

Korea fabricates population date and said Japanese atrocity.
http://coreatrue.exblog.jp/ but there is nothing about atrocity.
Real date
1636year   1、521、165 person account
1666     4、107、156
1690     6、952、907
1753     7、298、735
1837     6、708、529
1904     5、928、802

Under Annexation
1910    13、128、780
1920    16、916、078
1930    19、685、587
1940    22、954、563
1944    25、120、174

Latest Korean Korea fabrication
Korean media removed「Japan」word.

172 Name: anon : 2007-03-15 07:23 ID:W7RmIOjg

korean men are wifebeaters, possesive, jealous, domineering

nonetheless koreans do have advantages- good at dancing, singing, instruments, making movies and dramas, cell phones, and playing WoW

they're a very intelligent species
almost too smart for their own good

also seem very suicidal

173 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-15 15:14 ID:XapAQbmj


Korean stealing another country cultures.
Korean government , Korean Media , Korean communities, ALL OF Korean like to steal your county’s original culture , custom , honors(person of honor),histories, discover .. anything to pride. No one Korean never doubt to their lies .then support Korean lobby, Korean say that culture was Korean original to THE WORLD.
Korean government support Korean sever terrorist for lobby to THE WORLD.That name is [VANK]. And fabricate to Korean favorite stories.

You should always check about your country and culture!!!

Football is Korean original. → Korean got world condemn.
JYUDO      → Korean got world condemn.
SUSHI →Korean got American communities condemn.
Chinese Word →Korean got Chinese condemn.
Japanese Emperor ( their families are Korean)   → ?
They are lobbing to samurai , IT Technology, copy game…….ect. http://www.occidentalism.org/?p=420


174 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-15 20:43 ID:CEfWLkBN

175 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-15 21:16 ID:CEfWLkBN

Just so you know...

Saying South Korea is heavily responsible for Japan's culture, language, religion, architecture, what have you, is like saying Italy is responsible for England's because of the Roman invasions. Baekche is not and has never been South Korea, its language and culture are dead. Korea, like Japan, didn't exist in 200 AD, just a bunch of scattered kingdoms, cultures, and language-families, on both sides of the sea of Japan. Bronze tools, weapons, and wet rice farming almost certainly came to the Islands of "Jomon" peoples via the peninsula, specifically kingdoms along the Western coast, and possibly Goguryeo. These new bronze-wielding, agricultural civilizations in the Japanese islands would displace the Jomon peoples north, absorbing some of their language and cultures when they conquered them. During this time it's as likely that the many fractured kingdoms claimed lands in both the Japanese Islands and the Korean peninsula, but at some point or another, Korea consolidated its kingdoms into Three, and Japan's into the Yamato Empire (supposedly, and probably not erroneously, with some familial relations to the Baekche imperial family; we don't know under what circumstances, long-held, or more diplomatic relations, like those held between English and French monarchs.)

It's frustrating to study the history of early Japan because the written record is so poor. It's like trying to figure out the history of the USA when the written record starts in 1910.

176 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-16 01:18 ID:1DK7etQC

There is not a real history book in Korea.
Then Korean D.N.A. like fabricate story to lie.
That's lies make from Korean Government, Korean Media, Korean communities, all Korean make fabrication and lie to their favorite stories. No one Korean doubt to their lie and brainwashed by their own lie. Your Korean always want to say 「Korea is NO 1」

Korean peninsula has been part of China till SIMONOSEKI TREATY.
( after China and Japan WAR) Korea could have first indecent by Japan. You should lean SIMONOSEKI Treaty.

Before The World War 2
Japan dose not invaded to Korean. Korea wanted to be part of Japan, Even if ITO HIROBUMI(first prime minister in Japan, ) opposed it. He was killed Korean Terrorist. That’s why from his idea. At that time, All Korean wanted to prevent from
Chinese or Russian invasion and to be rich. Korean choose Japan and offer annexation.
During WORLD WAR 2, most Korean said their self, I am Japanese.
朝鮮人(Korean killed Chinese with Japanese Flag)Chinese wrote this manga.
After Korean got rich from Japanese money, All Korean change their attitude and fabricated their lie story. Then they said their self, I am winner’s Nation. And done many atrocities against Japanese. Even if Japanese helped their LIFE.

America(All Korean hate them , right?) made South Korean . Russia made North Korean. All of you Korean must realize about you never won Independent by yourself.

How can Japanese learn from Korea? Korea was nothing to Japan.
Do you see this picture? Korea was homeless country before annexation!Japan make rich them. Korean place just through Chinese Culture to Japan. This picture is real central in soul, before and after annexation with Japan!

After World War 2 ,Korean (ZAINICHI) rubbed Japanese assets with saying 「I am winner’s Nation!」in Japan.(Most Japanese families were only woman and child by WAR) Many Japanese killed by Korean. You can know from most central cities land owner are Korean (ZAINICHI).So all Korean have to apologize to Japanese and should return it to Japanese.

177 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-16 06:03 ID:CEfWLkBN


178 Name: chinaman : 2007-03-19 00:23 ID:pR/w85ke

that's funny, cuz you japs copied chinese language. imo, the korean did not copy the chinese language. and i am chinese. the chinese words compared to the korean words are completely different. when comparing chinese words to japanese words, they are exactly the same. and do you japs want to know where you came from? yes, its China. Qinshihuang, first emperor of china, sent you to find the "immortal herb" for him on an island he saw in his dream (aka. japan)

179 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-19 00:46 ID:JYEFG5QV


The written language is somewhat copied, but often altered for simplification or sometimes from simple miscopying. The hiragana form is based off of the Chinese forms, but is used to represent the phonetic system, and identifies particles. However the oral language is unique. Japanese characters have two pronunciations, the on form, and the kun form, one representing the Chinese derived format, and the other deriving the Japanese original language format. Although some links tie Japanese as a verbal language to Korean and Chinese, there are many linguistic anomalies that cannot be explained away as deviations from a mother tongue.

Although Qinshihuang (famous for the enlightened decision to burn books, and eradicate all the written forms and "unify it") was the first Emperor of a unified China, by the time the Qin dynasty rolled around, the Jomon period of Japanese history had past, and the Yayoi and Kofun periods somewhat overlapped during that period even prior to the Qin dynasty, and the ascension of the first emperor under a unified China.

However, at least it's a somewhat more flattering lie than the one that claims that some Koreans make, claiming that a Korean princess was raped by a monkey and created the Japanese people.

180 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-19 05:05 ID:xlAG5zCI

I was bored by too long sentences.

181 Name: chinaman : 2007-03-19 15:59 ID:pR/w85ke

you have a bad sense of humour. Qinshihuang was famous for unifying china into one country. something the japs failed to do during WWII. my point was, the words japanese use is exactly the same as the chinese. as to how they speak, its like catonese compared to mandarin. i'm pretty sure japanese history can be rewritten by your government to cover up the truth, like always.

182 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-19 18:07 ID:JYEFG5QV

Is wasn't a sense of humor. It was mostly and attempt to get you angry. In any case, if you assert that the government is covering up the truth...which government is it? Take a guess bloke. And when you figure out what government it is, burden of proof lies on you to prove it, because of the logical nature of your assertion.

183 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-19 19:18 ID:JYEFG5QV


Of course Japan could not unify China. They were being bogged down by civilian resistance. The civilians did the majority of the resistance compared to Chiang Kai Shek, who was bogged down by corruption, and Mao's forces which largely did nothing to repel the Japanese, conserving their forces until after the war. Guerilla warfare, waged like it is today in Iraq and Afghanistan is a very effective way of suppressing an organized armed force, because unlike a marked army, an irregular guerilla force can seamless fit into the population, and strike when least expected.

The words Japanese use are not the same as Chinese. Originally, Chinese script was directly borrowed from the unified Chinese script. However, during the periods following Japanese had to alter the spoken language. This is because spoken Japanese is not derived from Chinese (at least the kun part, which forms the majority of the grammatical structure) derived from the culture that existed in Japan. The thing is, during the Ice Age (40,000 BCE), when the Bering strait was Beringia, Japan was also fairly closely connected to Mainland Asia (a landmass that was a merged Korea and China) and SE Asia and Russia. The people that came from Asia became the Japanese. It is worth knowing that the oldest pottery in Asia is Japanese, from 10,500 BC, and is unique in the Jomon style, which used a corded pattern non-glazed as opposed to the earliest Chinese potter which was glazed a deep ebony, or painted.

184 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-19 19:19 ID:JYEFG5QV

>>183 Continued

However, the Chinese language did not exist yet, and elsewhere in the world, language probably did not exist yet. Many of the people in Malaysia and Southeast Asia migrated south as well during this period and those people also lack an indigenous written language. Fast forward, several thousands of years to the beginnings of the written script in Asia, in China, during the Shang Dynasty, also collectively known as bone oracle script, circa 1766 BCE. Japan at the same time, was pretty much still in the Jomon period, although the late Jomon, between 4000 to 400 BCE, saw the invention of the Shinto religion, an organized government and agriculture system, architecture and other technological advancements, as well as probably the further development of the spoken word, since spoken word is generally necessary for the advancement of culture. Although sea travel is generally considered to have happened during this period, it is believed that the only cultures to have moved to Japan were Russians (which became the Ainu, forming a unique linguistic isolate) and the Okinawans, from somewhere in the Pacific. Interestingly it seems that the Siberians, South Pacific Islanders and Malay peoples mastered long distance oceanic travel, but the Chinese and Japanese did not. When the Zhou period came around, Western Barbarians, most likely nomadic tribes from Mongolia (not modern day Mongolia, but the region west of China, East of Tibet) attacked and eventually drove the Chinese further south. This period while seeing an increase in artistic works was also plagued by constant warring. The first evidence of Chinese contact comes from Kyushu during the Yayoi period between 900 to 300 BCE to 250 CE, where rice genetics suggest that the strains of rice originating in this period were from China (not Korea, as earlier suggested). Also introduced was a style of pottery and bronze working. During the end of the Yayoi period and the subsequent Kofun, during the beginning of the Nara in Japan, and the beginning of the Tang dynasty in China was went cultural influences started to really become fluid. After the collapse of Rome culture from India poured into China, and rather rapidly, into Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia, as the Indians underwent a cultural conquest (which was largely militarily peaceful). Buddhism dominated as a religion, and all the art forms in East Asia reflect this. Also during the Nara period, the first pieces of Japanese writing, borrowed entirely from Chinese occur, although with Japanese grammatical influences, such as word order. During the Heian period, simplifications of Chinese characters then formed the kana systems, which fit the spoken language better, and resulted in writing being more widespread leading to the first novel written, Genji monogatari, as language became more accessible. The this evolved into middle Japanese which eventually led to modern Japanese.

185 Name: Asian Art Minor : 2007-03-19 19:24 ID:JYEFG5QV

>>184 Continued some more

The fact is the origins of the Japanese spoke language are largely unclear. Ties to Korean and Chinese are largely and conclusively ruled out, as elements from both languages are all borrowed, and were absent from certain period in the language's development. The most reliable theories state that Japanese is descended from a language tree on mainland Asia that became extinct on mainland Asia. Something like the marsupials in Australia, and the lack of them in Africa. Some believe the extinct language tree is from the Korean Peninsula language tree, others from a dead branch of Mongolian or Turkish, while others assert an origin from indigenous Russian or Siberian languages. All of these theories have both good points and pitfalls. At the end of the day, the simple fact is we don't know exactly from what language spoken Japanese originates, if you look at it from a purely scientific linguistical point of view, rather than a pride-blinded nationalist point of view.

186 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-20 21:06 ID:CEfWLkBN


Agreed, Japan has mysterious origins. It's like trying to figure out where the US came from when all you get is a written record starting in 1910.

187 Name: Katz : 2007-03-20 23:22 ID:0j4Q7+gT

Lol, it's like trying to say whatever it wants, alone that is...

188 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-21 17:59 ID:JYEFG5QV


The Japanese language, mitochondrial DNA does help narrow down where the people came from.

189 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-22 01:28 ID:CEfWLkBN


Yeah, but under what circumstances, and what did they do once they got there?

191 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-22 13:47 ID:Heaven


192 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-24 02:17 ID:NLyaIEH4

Hello. I am 1`s mother.
My son has put up such a thread and troubles all of you very much.
I apologize deeply to you.
He lost a father when very young and has become a shy child by the shock.
By the result, there was he in bullying in school.
There seemed to be neither a lover nor a friend till it was this year, and
there was worry very much/
However, He seem to have got well since he knew this website "4ch".
Now he talk to me very happily at the time of supper.
"Mom. Today, in the ○○board, DOQN did......"
All of you. Please contact with my son warmly.
In fact, He is a good man.
I am all right and ask.

193 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-26 00:34 ID:1IMne/n9

Two words... Soap operas.

Apparently, most of asia loves korean soaps. Don't believe me? Check out the truthiness of wikipedias article on "korean drama"

194 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-29 04:37 ID:NzPFzrQB


195 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-29 15:50 ID:FyRYryoM

wikipedias?How's the VANK(Korean Terorist backed Korean Gavorment) job ? Can you keep fabrication story to the world today?

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