Is it right, if I am a parent, to offer my child one joint and only one joint of marijuana so they can experiment in a controlled environment?
This is somewhat inspired by last night's House; the parents gave their kid a joint in the past (not a factor in the show or diagnosis) and my parents, when I was in high school (1998-99ish), said they were OK with me smoking weed at home or with friends, just so long as I got home safe and nobody did really bad drugs like cocaine, heroin, etc.
I am a total victim of DARE. I won't touch the stuff myself for fear of health concerns, but I disagree with the War on Drugs as it pertains to casual use of marijuana. There's worse things out there and we could use the boost in tax revenue. I want my kids to understand that as far as I'm concerned, when they're teenagers, they're basically young adults, and if they want to make the choice to break the law, they should know both sides, good and bad. They need to realize that if they risk their future, they should have a safe shot at it from me, their father, and not from some stranger or dealer with ill will in mind.
Opinions? This is just a thought that popped into my brain. (I don't have kids, don't worry)
Spoiler: Alcohol only has addictive properties if you drink 10 times more than average.
The amount of alcohol needed to get an alcohol high doesn't get you addicted, conversely the amount of marijuana needed to get you addicted doesn't give you a high. So you can drink alcohol and get a temporary high with no side affects that last more than a night of sleep, but this is impossible with marijuana.
Complete nonsense. If you want to stand by those claims, cite sources.
There is no magic one-time use limit that gets you addicted to a substance, that's pure fantasy. It is furthermore likely that cannabis is significantly less addictive than alcohol. Furthermore, cannabis addiction is far less dangerous than alcohol addiction. All of what you said sounds like the usual completely made-up claims that pass for "facts" in anti-drug propaganda.
Here's a fairly unbiased report by the WHO on the comparative dangers of cannabis and other common drugs:
Fun fact: alcohol and barbiturates can have lethal withdrawals.
Alcohol keeps good company.
Even funnier fact: alcohol and barbiturates can cause disinhibition to the point where you assault people out of an impulse you cannot or do not wish to control and don't remember anything afterward.
It's the perfect combination for people who drink so that they've got an excuse to make total and complete asses of themselves. ("Asses" may be a bit weak expression here, but my limited english cannot adequately express the true degree of my contempt towards that sort of a person.)
Interned at Kass, Shuler Law Firm for a year. Direct experience with scheduling litigations/court dates, file work (on and off the computer), and assitant work.
Typing, blogging; Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Word, Excel, Powerpoint.