Ok, this will not work.
This board is for discussing politics. This sort of implies a fairly high standard of discourse, with well thought-out arguments and the ability to back your statements up. Anything less means the board would descend into a useless flame-fest.
As it happens, that is exactly what has happened. This must stop, or this board will be useless and we will have no real choice but to delete it entirely.
In an attempt to get things back on course, I have now deleted some of the absolutely worst recent threads, and permasaged some. I really hate to have to step up moderation here, but if you people can't behave yourself, there is no real choice. So from now, try to stick to the following guidelines:
In summary: This is an adult board. We argue like adults in here. Or at the very least, the way adults think they should argue.
What, no mention of keeping the VIPpery in its proper board? I'm disappointed.
oh god jesus christ, im gonna get drunk and post whatever comes into my mind ! un skeepy... diplomats are , innocent ceitizens aree viable targets, leacve or stay, globalization-no borders, WOMEN, yawn, God trumps human sadministration, art paraleels human untertakings,"4-chan is down PRepare to be Boarded!!"
I wish to belatedly comment by proxy of a great lexicographer - critic - essayist - man of wits, who died a while ago:
"Sir, a woman's preaching is like a dog's walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all."