Fake of Nanjing Massacre (9)

1 Name: Citizen : 2010-05-05 22:00 ID:cjgVhm/j This thread was merged from the former /politics/ board. You can view the archive here.

2 Name: FunkyCHINK : 2010-05-08 19:33 ID:VjfDsS5x

Very funny! Me enjoy!

3 Name: Citizen : 2010-05-11 05:56 ID:Heaven

4 Post deleted.

5 Name: Citizen : 2014-03-08 14:04 ID:lG0qsofz


The So-Called Nanking Massacre
was a Fabrication
The Japanese Military in Nanking was Humane


6 Name: Citizen : 2014-03-18 11:49 ID:kK1nLgKv

"No regrets for our youth"

7 Name: Citizen : 2014-04-04 09:56 ID:YKzqkINN


8 Name: Citizen : 2014-08-28 17:23 ID:GHWOVA/M

Dont believe whatever anti japanese chinese internet army tells you about this.
Nanking massacre NEVER HAPPENED.

9 Name: Citizen : 2014-09-08 02:31 ID:Heaven

Japan committed acts of crimes against humanity and became nuked, another crime against humanity, in accordance. Live with it.

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