So I see /pol/ has yet to find this place.
Oh yes.
The main reason I came here was to get away from that normalfaggotry that is /pol/ now.
Dirtnol d'Turdno-MPUH
why peoples post here is so slow not enough users- SAD
Dash Billions is now Smash Trillions, due to wise lottery investments.
It is a shame that /pol/ is such garbage now. 4/pol/ is just shitposting about country flags, and 8/pol/, while claiming to be way better, has probably the worst moderation I have ever seen on an imageboard/textboard and is so paranoid that all they ever do is shout at each other for being shills who have slightly different opinions. It is pathetic, really.
/pol/ might be on borrowed time with the recent alt right race riots. Fuck 'em.
More users for more discussion when
doubt it will work, maybe it will stop some people from profiting off of "alt-right pepes" but that's about it
Not that I think Pepe is anything but undiluted cancer, but like most people I find watching this drama unfold amusing. This has reached heights we never would have even dreamed of in the days of longcat and for this reason alone I hope they fight on.