Impeachment (3)

1 Name: Citizen : 2019-12-19 16:20 ID:tu2yeP4N This thread was merged from the former /politics/ board. You can view the archive here.

Why are people freaking out about trump's impeachment? Yeah sure only two other presidents have had that but the only modern one of those two, Bill Clinton, is known as a pretty good president more than anything. And a Nixon scenario isnt happening since I dont think anyone wants there to be a President Pence.
Seems to me that nothing at all will come of this except for a new edit on Wikipedia's List of Impeached Presidents article.

2 Name: Citizen : 2020-01-06 18:21 ID:nFP8wm7S

Trumptards see this as the deep state lizard jews taking down the last vestige of real America ye haw, and liberal children see it as legal confirmation that he is the worst president ever.

Personally, I think that he needs to be barred from running again, not because of any moral reasons but because he sucks balls at foriegn relationships. He seems to be under the impression that America is this unstoppable superpower that nobody on earth dare resist, which is only really true in the western hemisphere. China and Russia are superpowers. They are not to be fucked with.

3 Name: Citizen : 2020-01-08 04:56 ID:gLqxGboS

> America is this unstoppable superpower that nobody on earth dare resist, which is only really true in the western hemisphere

It was proven false in every hemisphere on March 29, 1973

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