[Rant] Michigan Tech's new policy on hate (13)

11 Name: Citizen : 2021-03-05 20:42 ID:stBBwcA0

It is dumb that having beliefs in favor of preserving your own culture and race is perceived as hatred by some. I think the world would be more interesting if there were a community of people who still spoke Old English, maybe they would live like the Amish (but with computers with no Internet access LOL?). The point is the world is more interesting with more cultures, and "anti-racism" (a code word for anti-white) and multiculturalism makes everyone the same race and culture. At that point we are all consumer fags sucking corporate cock because corporations can easily sell to people who all have the same culture and race. Not sure if I'd go so far as to say interracial marriage should be banned, but I think it is a horrible way to live.

Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C24s3SA0IHE (a trashy white woman who has red hair married to an also trashy black man) for example seems like "nigger" behaviour. It looks like she got pregnant from him too; this is frowned upon. Maybe redheads will die out due to low birth rates, which is fine because they have no soul. Just kidding.

Nietzsche argued that culture could be a replacement for God. I get that idea, so people should stop throwing their race and culture down the drain.

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