This board has changed dramatically in character over time.
See vs
Get out you filthy immigrants.
So you want this board to go back to being 90% net-uyo who can barely put together coherent English sentences posting screeds about the evils of Chinese and Korean people?
If so, I appreciate the irony of you saying "Get out you filthy immigrants", at least.
There are people who's entire life consists of just posting about semites and blacks all day long.
People stopped caring, people stopped trying.
Looks like there was a lot more reasoned debate and a lot less "I hate nigher/Jew lol" is my favorite reasoned debate
Somebody posted this site's link on 4chan so brace yourselves for an influx of crayon eating retards. They'll probably leave once they realize 4-ch isn't a picture book and they actually have to read.
You mean boards change over time as new events, people age, leave/enter, etc? Shocking revelation. Ask me how I know you're new.
I honestly would really like an english text board on the same scale as the Japanese 2channel.
So basically anonymous Reddit with no likes and coins?
No, he said an english textboard on the same scale as 2channel.
I'm sure 4-ch can readch 2channel size if we just believe in ourselves!
Yeah something like hackernews but with anonymity and ascii art and decent enough site traffic.
muh zoomers
Arafat should have blown up more of those zionist cockroaches
Yasser Arafar would've been so much cooler if he actually lived up to the Israeli delusion of him, instead he was just some useful idiot.