system (9)

4 Name: Unverified Source : 2024-10-16 03:24 ID:c4Bup6Xa

Gestapo and civil servants also force others to commit sexual acts. They also rape. They embezzle money/property from people/state and threaten and kill.
State traitors. Terrorists of civilians. Prazits.
US action is a senile relic of the post-WWII world. In my view, the West needs to stick to its values. They will, implement and have achieved a partially totalitarian dystopia. The entire society has been ruined from its foundations, and its most important pillars are not respected. There is no need for bread, circus entertainment, propaganda and a force-fed imperialist agenda, little like some social show that is a lie and if these sink in you are just in a blissful dream. If it doesn't sink, maybe you will be persecuted.
The future cannot be American-led. They do not respect western values. Human rights. Laws. Democracy. Divisions of power. Nothing.
The Finnish government will not help the people.
That's why I sprinkle these seeds.
These issues enter the public debate and raise awareness. My strategy once or twice for this post in the comments section of this news pages (praise for that). I can't think of anything else that would get hundreds of thousands of pairs of eyes.
Links to the topic:
A brief presentation of the empire's conquest maneuver by the economic assassin of the USA's hidden empire.
A former mass persecutor who has used nemf technology on the persecutors.
Patent for neurotechnologies
A link in Finnish where the names and personal experiences of the persecuted are collected.…/1FAIpQLSdEbBjfcuNSQ6hfNv…/viewform
An interview of a KGB agent about the journey towards dystopia that has been going on for generations in Western countries.
Recommended documents:
Self series of the century
I'll map this link section as much as I can.

this is the same everywhere.

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