Let's Be Honest, Anon. Do you care for Democracy? (34)

17 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2009-09-21 12:55 ID:bzJjya0v


America is SUPPOSED to be a REPUBLIC, it unfortunately has become a democracy. The reason it was set up to be a republic was to protect the minorities and give them a voice in government. Today, minorities in the US have little to no say in government.

And by minorities, I am not just talking about blacks or hispanics. I am also including atheists, muslims, and other non-christians. People whom do not subscribe to being either a democrat or republican. People who want to see drugs decriminalized, drinking laws changed, or actually not be discriminated against for being poor or having poor credit.

I have no representation in government so I choose not to vote or be involved. I am an atheist and the state I live in, there are laws literally on the books that ban non-christians from holding public office.

I am not sure how much longer the US can stay together in its' current corrupt form.

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