NO, YOU (11)

1 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2010-11-17 09:38 ID:KM47GxK3


2 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2010-12-03 00:55 ID:Heaven

No we don't.

3 Name: Homer : 2011-05-26 12:41 ID:X6hCSHqa

Yes, we do.

4 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2011-05-28 14:36 ID:4UstZ5ot


5 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2011-06-10 23:16 ID:MbN4Z6b5

>>4, is this the five-minute argument or the full half-hour?

6 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2011-06-13 07:09 ID:4UstZ5ot

It looks like my opponent in the corner over there is getting flustered

7 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2011-07-31 15:58 ID:RnXemD3e

>>6 No he isn't!

8 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2011-08-02 22:10 ID:UwTDHAM2

Seems this topic is nonsense.It makes sense (no the other way) doesn't it ?

9 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2011-10-29 18:54 ID:wjObGiVl

Your refusal to admit the facts only confirms your state of denial!

10 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2011-11-08 09:12 ID:3l8wu+P5

You're the one that doesn't know the facts here!

11 Post deleted.

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