Good Things About the US (22)

12 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2011-03-18 13:20 ID:864YsoCo

  • PUBLIC RESTROOMS. Need I say more? I think there are only two in all of Europe. There was one in Berlin, but the Soviets dragged it back to Moscow after the war and put it in the Kremlin for use only by Party officials.
  • Trash receptacles conveniently located. This goes hand-in-hand with our lack of terrorism. There's no one to hide bombs in trash cans, so we can keep them around.
  • The streets are clean: They are swept and there are no drifts of garbage everywhere. Nowhere will you find open sewers, packs of feral dogs, filthy begging children/gypsies, etc.
  • Traffic is orderly and we have traffic lights. Again, simple stuff, but it makes a difference. There are countries where there's no such thing as drunk driving, mufflers, seat belts, windshields, or tires with any tread left on them.
  • No closed circuit cameras on our streets (again, waiting for this to be invalidated).
  • We have building codes and civic planning. Other countries can say the same, but still, codes are a good thing. No hillsides covered in sheet metal shacks here. Our slums are called "trailer parks" and the sheet metal shacks are kept in orderly rows.

Sure I'm comparing us with the third world, but winning is easiest (and frankly, best) when you pick a weak opponent. USA! USA! USA!

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