Japanese Dreamcast (11)

1 Name: Exelica : 2006-06-22 11:17 ID:XoEkHV3f

I want buy a japanese Dreamcast, but I don't now if it will work with my american television or my electrical output, is there a problem of compatibility? What can I do to solve the problem if exist?


2 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2006-06-22 15:20 ID:xq+m7mOU

should be fine. both are NTSC, and the US and Japan use similar enough voltage for it to not be a problem. Europe on the other hand is a huge pain in the arse.

3 Post deleted by moderator.

4 Name: Prototype Angel : 2006-07-09 03:07 ID:iZ6ZDnSJ

I have the japanese dreamcast so it should be a problem for you like Anonymous said. And the good thing about the japanese dc is that you can play both American and Japanese games.

5 Name: fallen_one_first : 2006-07-18 18:32 ID:m3ThVspE

Um, wait, a Japanese DC will play American games, I want to get one but am afraid of not being able to load or at least use a boot disc to play them, are you sure that the Japanese DC will play american games?

6 Name: Animegirl aka Prototype Angel : 2006-07-19 23:16 ID:UFNIwRM3

Dude. I OWN a Japanese DC and I guarantee that it will play American games. So just that you know I bought the Japanese DC back in 2000. HA!

7 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2006-07-20 05:38 ID:2HwzBtIG

Dude. Where is Lan Di?

8 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2006-07-20 16:59 ID:S9vHIOnI

No idea. Ask some sailors.

9 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2006-08-20 22:05 ID:iO+6K804

If you get a Dreamcast that can run the old Utopia boot disc (most can except the very last ones,) then it doesn't matter if it's USA or JPN, you can load them with the disc.

10 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2006-08-21 13:12 ID:Wtrl0ORM

Utopia Boot Disc does not run every game. I'd say like 2/3 from my experience (only tested with ~15 originals). I suggest you should buy that DC-X, with could boot every game i have.

11 Name: Bitch : 2014-07-31 20:10 ID:Heaven

Interned at Kass, Shuler Law Firm for a year. Direct experience with scheduling litigations/court dates, file work (on and off the computer), and assitant work.Interned at Kass, Shuler Law Firm for a year. Direct experience with scheduling litigations/court dates, file work (on and off the computer), and assitant work.

Interned at Kass, Shuler Law Firm for a year. Direct experience with scheduling litigations/court dates, file work (on and off the computer), and assitant work.

Interned at Kass, Shuler Law Firm for a year. Direct experience with scheduling litigations/court dates, file work (on and off the computer), and assitant work.

Interned at Kass, Shuler Law Firm for a year. Direct experience with scheduling litigations/court dates, file work (on and off the computer), and assitant work.

Interned at Kass, Shuler Law Firm for a year. Direct experience with scheduling litigations/court dates, file work (on and off the computer), and assitant work.

Interned at Kass, Shuler Law Firm for a year. Direct experience with scheduling litigations/court dates, file work (on and off the computer), and assitant work.

Interned at Kass, Shuler Law Firm for a year. Direct experience with scheduling litigations/court dates, file work (on and off the computer), and assitant work.

Interned at Kass, Shuler Law Firm for a year. Direct experience with scheduling litigations/court dates, file work (on and off the computer), and assitant work.

Interned at Kass, Shuler Law Firm for a year. Direct experience with scheduling litigations/court dates, file work (on and off the computer), and assitant work.

Interned at Kass, Shuler Law Firm for a year. Direct experience with scheduling litigations/court dates, file work (on and off the computer), and assitant work.

Interned at Kass, Shuler Law Firm for a year. Direct experience with scheduling litigations/court dates, file work (on and off the computer), and assitant work.

Interned at Kass, Shuler Law Firm for a year. Direct experience with scheduling litigations/court dates, file work (on and off the computer), and assitant work.

Interned at Kass, Shuler Law Firm for a year. Direct experience with scheduling litigations/court dates, file work (on and off the computer), and assitant work.

Interned at Kass, Shuler Law Firm for a year. Direct experience with scheduling litigations/court dates, file work (on and off the computer), and assitant work.

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