[Controversial] ITT we create controversial games (51)

21 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-01-24 06:19 ID:BuCvFVm/

A Grand Theft Auto/MMORPG:
Riot Control Squad: Gaza Strip
Make your way across the mayhem and madness of the Gaza Strip while dodging thrown rocks and firebombs, Arabs who want to drive you into the sea and gunfire as a Israeli soldier, Includes such weapons as:
Riot shield.
Police baton.
Collapsing baton.
Glock 17 semi-automatic handgun.
M-4 Carbine with lethal and non-lethal ammo.
12ga Pump shotgun with door breaching rounds, buckshot and non-lethal shells.
Uzi 9mm submachine gun.
Ruger 10/22 .22lr "Non-Lethal" suppressed sniper rifle.
Unarmored civilian vehicles.
Armored personnel carriers.

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