[Controversial] ITT we create controversial games (51)

4 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2006-11-21 12:37 ID:Heaven

An FPS game (where the cam never leaves the first person perspective 'like hl')

The player (with no explanation to why) wakes up in the morning in his bead and just stares at the roof.
Then it's up to you to dress yourself, brush your teeth and go to work (but you dont know what you work with or where you are) because you lost your memory. All these strange people come up to you and say strange things and suggest stuff and it is up to you to descide who to trust and in the end you become an evil guy or a good guy.

The games structure is based around Point and click games but with the first person perspective. offcuorse you can use weapons ans stuff like that. you can also go to the airport or train and ride them for ours without any lag or loading.

You have infinite money because you found alot of it under your bed. like millions of dollahs.

What were you before you lost your memory, wehere did you come from. What will happen to you. It is up to you to find out the truth.

The game has physics and Awesome graphics for it's age etc alll that stuff.

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