.hack// (29)

1 Name: Kite_DH!3GqYIJ3Obs : 2008-06-02 09:09 ID:8BvRCT6W


I saw that there's only one .hack// thread here and it's about .hack//frägment only so I thought 'let's create a general .hack// one!'
I also love the manga & anime series related to it.
The .hack// universe is just awesome, the idea itself is just really nice.
Wouldn't it be dope if cyberconnect2 would do a .hack// MMORPG together with GRAVITY?
Why are they too stupid to realize that this is what fans want...? I guess they could make alot of money with a MMORPG that's better than their .hack//frägment.

Did you beat the games?
.hack// on PSP, is it coming?
What are the future plans of cyberconnect2 and Project .hack//?

Thoughts or news on the game go in here please.

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